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Fantasy Spellreaper Academy

Patience flies over to the school carrying a small leaf bag, hence what she is. She flew around the halls memorizing each one and then came up to her locker. It was small enough for her to interact with it, she doubt any one like her would be in this school. That's why she had a plan to stay away from people bigger than her fragile size. Patience was excited at first but then got nervous and scared around the people bigger than her. She was always use to the animals being bigger, but not the students which would be a problem...a HUGE problem. Patience flew over to her first class and entered it, shaking as people looked over at the girl. She went to her seat and got out her things, ignoring the glances or stares of her classmates

(Awww I just made it scary for her xP )

He stared at the fight, watching some new people walking in the ring, unamused still, maybe he was expecting way too much, possibly, yet this wasn't at all fun nor entertaining. Then, he heard a few steps, tiny ones, judging from the echo they made in the big empty room, he stared at the fight for a while, taking puff of smoke. His face was completely black, when you looked at him you'd only look at some smoke coming out of a mouth and red glowing eyes staring at you, then, he looked at his right, then lower, seeing a very tiny girl. She looked like a child, so he only slightly furrowed his eyebrows, quickly moving his glance.

@Princess Ktyria
Patience excused herself as she packed up her things and flew out of the class room as quick as possible, she looked around for a place where she can stay until bell rings or when something else happens. Patience sighed once she found a place, and stayed there zoning out as time goes by. She snapped out of it quick though as she got her bag, placed it on her back and flew around more trying to get her mind of things to at least calm her down

Mamoreru Iha

Mamoreru noticed that he didn't see her at first. She took note that the only thing she could see was his glowing red eyes and smoke. She cocked her head to the left, watching him until he did take notice of her. She looked over at the fight as well. "Hmph.." She noised quietly. It was barely audiable, only someone that had a very good sense of hearing could hear. Mamoreru drew her attention back to the taller boy. She craned her neck to even look up to him.

In the immediate effect of him puffing smoke, she opened her mouth slightly and purple/magenta smoke seeped out of her mouth, mimicking what he was doing. She didn't know what she did it, she probably just felt like doing it and so she did. After doing so, she closed her mouth and looked back at the fight again, watching all of the moves ther were makeing and calculating whic move they most likely would've done next.

Patience passes by a combat room and looks through the window, she notices a guy, a lot of kids, and a girl in there. She looked around before opening the door after changing size to 5'6 and then quickly changes back flying in there quick looking for a place to hide, watching the others from her little hiding spot sighing in relief. Patience sits down and watches interested into what is going on (Btw she could change size from her true size to 5'6 but she rarely does that)
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He slowly shifted his weight around a bit, taking a puff of the cigarette once and a while, letting the heated smoke fill his throat with some warm feeling only a cigarette could give you, he loved doing so, he did it daily, for him to do it even in school was clearly showing that he loved doing so. Then, the girl at his side made a short noise, "Hmph..", he looked over to her, confused, and she blew a purple puff of smoke right in his face. He stood confused, staring at the girl. She looked way too innocent to know what she just did, maybe she was jusst mimicing him, but he then blew a puff of red smoke, due to his blood heating up enough to release smoke, then looking back at the fight, slightly smiling.

( xD I'm a ghost in the rp xP )

Patience rubbed her small temple in irritation as she gets an headache, "Why does this happen every time I change size.." she mumbles to herself hoping it would stop. She tries to ignore the pain watching the fight before getting a bit bored, taking out something from her small bag she took a bite out of a wild berry that fairies love to eat. Patience's wings fluttered happily making some sparkly dust out of nowhere and falling onto the ground of the room. She continues to eat, before its all gone and smiles "Ahh, at least my headache is gone" giggles slightly

Mamoreru Iha

Mamoreru looks at the footsteps that came in through the door. She saw a girl pass to an area to sit. She studies her. She had never seen her before. Then again, she's never seen any of these people before. She draws her attention back to the male who had puffed out red smoke. She nodded slightly, acknowledging his power. The corners of her lips tilted upwards slightly, not very noticable if smoebody just glanced at her.

Mamoreru turned back to where the girl was and saw dust coming off of the iridescent wings
(I'm guessing, I have no clue o-o) and figured she was one of those mischievous, pesky fairies. She didn't know why, but the girl hated them. They were so small, usually, and beautiful that it ticked her off.

Mamoreru turned back ot the boy and tugged on the hem of his hoodie lightly.
"Fight." She said clearly, then pointing to herself. She was trying to tell hi to fight her. She didn't know how he'd respond, but he seemed like the type of guy that would agree no matter who the competetor was. If he was, she'd respect that, if he wasn't, same situation. She'd just have to explain that she was a fifteen year old that was really short.

Patience looked over to the girl and quickly hides behind something, shyly poking her head out to look over at her and tilted her head slightly before going back into hiding. Forgetting about her leaf bag, she grabbed her bag and pulled it with her into hiding (Yes its a special dust that the fairies's wings likes hers produce that has special power but no fairy has figured it out what it is) She sighed and sat down laying back against what she was hiding behind, closing her eyes and counts to three before opening them again and pokes her head out slowly coming out of hiding and sits down laying her bag besides her watching curiously. Not saying one single word
By now Fate was crying over her novel talking on and on about how the main character didn't deserve to be dumped like that yadayada, etc.
Patience flies out and around school, caring her leaf bag around. She hears crying and follows the sound before hearing a girl l's voice and sees Fate. Despite of how small she is, patience gathers up her courage and flies over to the crying girl and looks at her. "U-m..Hi the-re?" she replies shyly
InsaneKiller19 said:
Patience flies out and around school, caring her leaf bag around. She hears crying and follows the sound before hearing a girl l's voice and sees Fate. Despite of how small she is, patience gathers up her courage and flies over to the crying girl and looks at her. "U-m..Hi the-re?" she replies shyly
Fate looks up from behind her book and waves half heartedly, then digs her face back into her book saying "whyyyyyyyyyyy? D: "
Patience sits on top of the book corners, and looks at the girl confusing as her head tilts slightly to the left "Why?"
Patience's wings created the same dust from before as it landed on the pages. The Main character soon comes to life and Patience stares wide eye, surprised and shock of what just happened "I..I....uhhh.." she hides behind the book with her bag

(gtg, night!)
Realizing that she had been kicked out of the school once again, Turais sighed and to make sure there was no arcane residue left keeping her out for good, she destroyed the clone she sent in. The real Turais sat in a tree branch, barefoot unlike her clones, looking a little annoyed. Another copy of her drew up from the ground as it casually strolled back into the school, one thing she did not quite understand is what is this 'Credit card' that girl told her about. She had only woken up last week and there was already so much she had no clue about. She needed to learn, but she hated going through formalities to join this school. The copy of her walked up into the principle's office, she was curious what it looked like inside, she was always too scared to go in, but after making two new best friends in that greenhouse, she was confident if any trouble goes down and she had to do PAPERWORK, they would come and save her. That is what she believed, at least. Poking her head over the desk, she was staring right ahead at who was sitting at the desk, she instantly regretted her decision and looked terrified.
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