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Fantasy Spellreaper Academy

"Now class" Scar began, "Thid class is based on The knowledge of Magic, because in order to use it properly , you need to know what it is and why we have it , not just how to fight with it. I would like a volunteer to come up and write on our board what magic really is. " he then looks around the class waiting for a hand to Pop up.
Turais shoved her hand in the air, yelling "I KNOW, I KNOW!!"
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Scar nodded and motioned for her to come up and write in the board , as she picks up a marker whatever she though magic was writes down on the board by itself.
"Magic is a force considered not physical, nor mental. It can be controlled using either force by those skilled enough, it is able to alter the physical world to create things or destroy things, you could use it to alter the mind of people to either control them or make them see things that aren't there. It can have limitless applications in our world as it can be used however you want. You could have learnt how to create fire at will, you can use it to fight, cook, protect, to entertain or even just to relax. The limit of magic is when you put strain on yourself, you simply need to stretch your limits out overtime and then you will only have one other limit, and that limit is how creative you are with your use of magic." She explained. Clearly an expert on this topic, despite appearing to be seven, and despite actually being twelve. "Did i do good, mister?" She asked, innocently as if there was any doubt about her knowledge.

(OOC: that is a legit answer btw, no google or anything, totally not bragging about how nerdy i am xD )
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Dakota sat at her desk and looked at the marker moving by itself, she was trying to pay attention but was really just more interested in the book she was reading.
He pat her head gently "You did a great job Turais! "

He then sets the marker back down on his desk as Turais returns to her desk.
((Sorry for messy layout I can't change color or tidy things up well when im using my phone to reply))
" I'm going to say something now, this class may seem strange but everything we learn here helps on the field ,alright? " he says in a serious tone as he goes to write something on the board. He wrote - Fears and Weaknesses. "No class, I would please like you to tell me your fears and weaknesses, once we know them we can start to work around them until you have none, got it?" He looks at ippy "We will start with you."
Turais was incredibly proud of herself as her head was patted, a small, sweet smile showed she was clearly flattered. Returning to her desk, Ippy looked jealous. "I wanted my head pet by him, he looks cute!" She muttered to Turais. She noticed the teacher talking to her just as she said that, worried she was heard, she looked up, blushing. "Y-yes sir?"
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"R-right... uhh..." She cleared her mind a bit and started thinking of her fears. "One of my worst fears is having a promise broken... and my mum told me i am really gulliable, does that count as a weakness?" Her voice was clearly showing awkwardness, cat ears twitching a bit, the blushing was not going away.
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He then writes her name down on the board under the category and writes her fears/weaknesses "What about you Dakota?"

Scar is about to say something but the bell rings "Class dismissed, see you all tommorow!" scar grabs his things and leaves the class but stays by the door waiting for something...or someone.
Dakota froze in her seat "huh? Well..." she stopped to think "loosing control over powers...." her face stayed completely neutral, trying her best not to look ashamed.
Ippy decided to just go to sleep off the embarrassment where she was, laying her head down on the desk, while Turais had no clue where to go or what to do. She just followed everyone else out looking for entertainment.
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Luckily the bell rang so she hoped no one heard her.
Scar noticed her stay and walked back into the class "Sup?" He asks, with a more teen-ish tone than before "you like to sleep don't you?" Scar had woken her up with that pin before he started talking ;3.
Ippy bolts upright in her seat, she was clearly suprised by him. "Y-yeah i just don't have any friends to hang out with... and i dunno where Turais ran off to..."
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Scar sat next to her "Mind if I be your friend? I don't have any either, having such a cute girl as a friend will put me off to a great start!"
Dakota began to pack away her all her things, except one book. Which she kept in her hands to read later.

She felt as though she was in the way of these two so she made her way to the door.
Ippy froze at that comment, here cheeks were crimson enough to be mistaken for pure paint. "C-cute?!" Trying to avoid eye contact, she replied. "S-sure, you can be my friend... I think it would be n-nice..." A slight smile formed on her lips.
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"I-I-I Uhhh..." Her cheeks were heating up more than humanly possible. "I t-think it's only f-fair you be honest >.<" She stated, complete disbelief that she was cute.
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Dakota walked into the corridor deep in thought. That person looked very young to be a teacher she thought to herself as she walked along, she shrugged, it was none of her business she supposed.
She shuffled back in her seat, trying to get some space, hoping he won't notice her blushing.

Meanwhile, Thomas was slowly coming to, in the nursing room of his combat club. Barely sitting up, he looked around the room, dazed. "W-where..." Then it dawned on him that this was the room he had set up for emergencies, and the ones that don't heal themselves.

(OOC: i think dj fell asleep at his computer... Lazy butt xD )
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