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Fantasy Spellreaper Academy

(Oh dear xD I was at the store sorry @LuttyNetto )

Dakota took out her book and began to read as she walked. She would have went to get lunch but she wasn't really hungry. She paced down the hall slowly, her long hair swaying from side to side as she walked.
Turais was walking around, barefoot, not lost but had not the slightest clue where to go. Accidently bumping into Dakota, she fell backwards to the floor and looked up at the girl. "S-sowwy, miss!" She tried to stand up, but cringes a bit as she drops back down.


(OOC: btw, if you want a recap, Turais has pale pink hair, she is 3' 2" and she is barefoot ;3)
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(@Maxwelle sorry I didn't reply sooner. I fell asleep.)

Ladia turned before Thana kicked her and waited. For her time slowed down and she thought for a moment. Then she lowered her staff and aloud herself to be kicked. The force knocked the breath out of her. She was kicked across the mat and rolled to the edge. Before she fell off the mat, she flipped up and looked over at Thana. "Miss Thana excellent move. Never before have I seen such a great strategy.", she said not showing a hint of emotion. She positioned her staff in front of her and ran forward. At first she aimd for the face, but then she moved it to the side for her waist.
Thomas stood up, unsteady on his feet, he went to the doorway between the combat club and the nursing room. As he leant on the doorway, wondering what happened as he watched the students, he held his head in one hand due to a slight headache as he was tensing up a little from the strain of standing, his other hand clutched his book tightly, clearly wanting to keep it's contents secret...
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[QUOTE="Princess Ktyria]You guys should definitly look at my new character -evil laugh-))

((OOC: I would accept the character for dj seeing as he is sleeping... But i still need to ask him for "administative permissions" on this thing.))
"Y-yea i'm fine..." She accepted the hand, but when she stood back up, she flinched and one of her legs gave out, falling back down. "Stoopid injuwy! Been so long and still not healed..." She muttered under her breath.
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LuttyNetto said:
She shuffled back in her seat, trying to get some space, hoping he won't notice her blushing.
Meanwhile, Thomas was slowly coming to, in the nursing room of his combat club. Barely sitting up, he looked around the room, dazed. "W-where..." Then it dawned on him that this was the room he had set up for emergencies, and the ones that don't heal themselves.

(OOC: i think dj fell asleep at his computer... Lazy butt xD )
( im sorry ;-; )

Scar laughed when ippy tried to mov away, "I don't bite you know" he said with a playful tone "Ok maybe I do but no need to run away from me :P "
Ippy looked back at him a little more awkward now she had to explain herself. "S-sorry... It's just that uhh... C-could you just look away a bit please?" She said, covering her face with her sleeves.
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Chi Usagi

Chi Usagi was late, as usual. He's late everywhere and again, it was his fault completely. There was an elderly couple walking happily infront of him and he couldn't just barge past or through them because that'd be rude. So he had to wait until they went a different direction. Once that happened, before he could cross the street, he let a couple of cars past since they had to get somewhere as well. After that, it was smooth sailing... Other than the fact that he got robbed. Yup... Took his money and such. 'Oh well,' Chi thought, 'They probably needed it more than I did.'

This is probably why he's always late- not probably, this is why he's always late. He cares to much for strangers than himself.

He finally did arrive at school though. Chi entered the school slowly, a bit worried what he might expect. He saw that the halls were already going to confuse him. '
I'll try my best...' He thought, walking through the halls. He reached up out of habit and adjusted his mask, fixing it to where he was sure it wouln't show anything. His blue and gold eye scanned the halls, looking fo the principal's office.

"Yeah , sure" he says while he looks away, "Don't take to long please, I fear that I will die from not seeing your face, So please hurry up so I can see it again :3"
Suddenly she shrank into a small white kitten, slipping into her bag, hardly stealthy due to the noise. Meowing loudly accidentally as she slipped.
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Scar looked back and pulled Ippy out of her back and cradled her as he scratched her chin. "Awww, So cute <3 I just wanna snuggle you forever =3"
The bell for the next class rang, and the Saint could be seen striding through the halls with his Herculean gait, coattails bobbing with each step. He yawned, then took a sip of his coffee. As he passed Scar's classroom, the professor slowed and came to a stop before leaning inside:

"Mr. Scar, do I have to remind you again that it's against school rules to flirt with the students?" He called, "You don't want another unpaid suspension, do you?"

And then he was off again.

The tall man reached the room he was in for this period- he'd be teaching History- and slipped inside, setting his briefcase and coffee on his desk, then sitting down and getting his things out, waiting for his students to arrive. It would be his first day back from paternity leave, so he didn't exactly know what kind of roster he was in for.
Her eyes opened wide as she was picked up, but the feeling of being scratched under the chin was too good, she stretched out her neck with an adorable little smile and her eyes closed again, purring gently, she was still blushing however, you could see slight crimson through the thick fluffy cloud white fur.
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Despite the loud voice yelling back, Ippy was slowly falling asleep where she was, snuggling up in his arms. "Any excuse to be close to him..." She thought, dreamily as she drifted off...
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The Saint sighed. Some of his co-workers were real creeps. Even he had a tough time forgiving pedophilia. Tay would have to file yet another report about Mr. Scar's... activities. He hoped the guy didn't get fired, but he really did need to understand that that sort of thing was just not okay under any circumstances.

While contemplating this, the olive-skinned man made sure everything was ready for today's lesson, getting his papers in order, starting to copy out a large map of the region the the class would be learning about today onto the chalkboard. He wasn't the best artist in the world, but the original owner his Dead Man's Right Hand sort of had been, and there was enough muscle memory left in the old appendage that he could at least produce a passable copy of the map.
deadpool42 said:
The Saint sighed. Some of his co-workers were real creeps. Even he had a tough time forgiving pedophilia. Tay would have to file yet another report about Mr. Scar's... activities. He hoped the guy didn't get fired, but he really did need to understand that that sort of thing was just not okay under any circumstances.
While contemplating this, the olive-skinned man made sure everything was ready for today's lesson, getting his papers in order, starting to copy out a large map of the region the the class would be learning about today onto the chalkboard. He wasn't the best artist in the world, but the original owner his Dead Man's Right Hand sort of had been, and there was enough muscle memory left in the old appendage that he could at least produce a passable copy of the map.
( Scar: I'm 16 ;-; )
Barak walked in the halls looking confused. "Ok this is a big school. I don't even think I'll make it for a day.", he says as he looks through a door at a combat club. "They have this here?" He asked himself. He sighed and scratched his head. "Can't believe Maw left me here without instructions. I don't know what to do." He decided to go seat down and wait. When the two girls were done fighting he would go over and ask for help. Barak went over to a bench and smiled and nodded at people he past.

Ladia turned to see a boy with a cheesy smile on his face. "Sir I am terribly sorry for this rude comment, but please stay quiet as me and Miss Thana are in a duel here." Ladia turned back to Thana and continued with their brawl.

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