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Fantasy Spellreaper Academy

Lumina looked over at the two girls who actually seemed interested in joining. We're they crazy or something?
Chi stared at the girl. 'A hug..?' He ask, eyes widening. "I-I'm alright." He said, declining the hug. "I'll go get the nurse." He said, going to the door that was linked to the medical room. He knocked. The door opened revealing a nice looking female. "Hello, are you sick?" The woman asks Chi, "N-no." He pointed over to Taurus, hinting that she was. He sat down in a chair near Taurus's and waited for the nurse to finish.It felt wrong just to leave her there so he stayed.
Miuna looked at Thomas and with a plain voice, she spoke.

"Let me know if you need anything. You don't exactly look like your doing well. What happened with your head?"
((I'm sorry I had stuff to do))

Dakota sat next to the male and the small girl. "So your pretty old then" she asked the girl.
Upon examining Turais' leg, it has a large scar going from her inner thigh to her ankle.


Thomas looked up at Miuna and said "My head should be fine, i just hope i didn't do that thing again... Especially not around children, I think everyone looks fine, so i'm not too worried about it. I should be fine after reading a few more pages of my book." He did just that, burying his head in the book and ignoring everything else.


Nonalaka said:
((I'm sorry I had stuff to do))
Dakota sat next to the male and the small girl. "So your pretty old then" she asked the girl.
Turais looked up at her and replied "Yea, but my daddy says i'm not that old, so i try not to pwetend to be old just to fit in >.<" She reached to one of her hands, plucked off a finger and started chewing on it, it was stretching as if it was a gummy sweet, with no blood from where it used to be.
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Lumina noticed the girl start to eat her own hand. Literally what the hell??? She tried not to seem too grossed out, but that was one of the weirdest things she'd ever seen.
I am so sorry that I go that wrong ;- ;) )

I just realized that all of my characters have some sort of defense mechanism. Chi has the mind control thing with shadows that could be used to defend himself. Mamoreru is basically a support for everybody. Healing, protecting, etc.))
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Patience flew around school yet again, dodging people the walked past her as she was carrying her leaf bag. She looked around the school with a small sigh and went in a random direction. She sat down somewhere and frowned slightly laying her bag next to her. Patience pulled out a small picture of her family and smiled looking at it, "The good times.." she chuckles before putting it away and watches the people walk past here without knowing she was even there..which made her pretty lonely
Miuna turned around and walked towards Akika.

"Let's sit down," She started. "I'm getting tired."

Akika let out a small giggle and smiled. "Why'd you join the club with me? I mean, you said yourself it wasn't a good idea..." Akika's face turned to having a mischievous look. "Is it because you were lying and you were actually interested?" Akika's shiny pink lips curved up into a smirk. "You don't always have to be such a downer!" she said, following a small chuckle.

"I'm not a downer. And I never said I wasn't interested. It just didn't look safe." Miuna replied. She started walking towards a desk and sat down beside a thin blonde girl. "Sit," Miuna said to Akika. "I'm about to fall asleep as it is."
"O-oh, I see" she did feel rather uncomfortable after witnessing such a thing but tried to stay calm and polite.
She gets up and heads towards a random direction carrying her bag as usual, zoning out during her flight she accidentally bumped into someone and lost altitude landing on the ground dropping her bag. Patience rubs her head and shakes it off, standing and grabbing her bag starting to walk on the ground..running as if some thought of her as an ant because of how small she was
Miuna layed her head down on her desk and looked forward. She closed her eyes and relaxed. Akika looked towards Miuna and asked;

"Why don't you practice with someone? You have to start somewhere... You can't sleep in every one of your classes, you know." Miuna opened one eye and looked at Akika, then sighed.

"I guess I will...Maybe...I don't know." Miuna said, her expression never changing. "I'm not strong."
Patience looked around as she continued to run before tripping over something and dropped her bag. She sighs sitting up and goes to collect her things back into her bag
Lumina sat in her seat very nervous. She didn't know why she was still here. Her back ached now too, but she didn't know why.
[QUOTE="Princess Ktyria]
I am so sorry that I go that wrong ;- ;) )
I just realized that all of my characters have some sort of defense mechanism. Chi has the mind control thing with shadows that could be used to defend himself. Mamoreru is basically a support for everybody. Healing, protecting, etc.))

(What do you mean?)

"My name is Dakota, what is yours?" She asked the boy trying to be polite.
Patience flew to class and sat down on her chair in the back, she got out her things and waited till class started zoning out again. Her eyes seemed to be in a daze since it looked like she was staring out into space. Her body didn't move, except her wings but only slightly
Miuna sighed and stood up. She didn't want to fight anyone. She thought it might help to fight someone who was new to the club as well. She looked around the room, but then to her left.

"Hey, you." she said, speaking to the blonde girl sitting beside her. She didn't mean to come off rude, but her emotionless voice caused it to do so. "Want to fight a round? You seem like your new, and as you can see I joined less than five minutes ago. It seems fair."
Patience snaps out of it when class started and focused on paying attention, writing things down, whatever she needs to do and try not to zone out again like the last few times
Lumina blinked. Was that girl talking to her? Did she just ask her to fight? She kinda glances at her. "Um...i..." her voice was unsure but she never actually said no. "I'm not really that strong and um...."
"I don't have all day. It's now or never. We both need a starting point in this club, don't we?" Miuna said, clearly getting the point across. "I'm not exactly excited about this either, but I need to learn how to fight, and I'm sure you do too."
When class ended, she picked up her things and flew towards the club fast. She looked like a blur when watching her, as she then opened up the door with using what strength she had and entered it. Patience went straight to her hiding place and watches eating a wild berry, her wings fluttered making sparkly dust appear and landing on the floor
Lumina swallowed, her throat dry. This girl had a point. She was kinda trapped now. Looks like she would have to. She knew she couldn't hide forever. "Um...okay, I guess..." Lumina managed, silently cursing herself for letting those words escape her mouth
Mamoreru heard a conversation between two girls and walked over to them, intervening. "Fight." She said, pointing at Miuna and herself. Mamoreru was new as well... Not really to the club- she didn't really join. The girl just waltzed right in and stood next to a really tall guy.


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