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Fantasy Spellreaper Academy

Lumina blinked as suddenly a girl appeared out of nowhere. What? It seemed to be in the direction of the music...things were just getting weirder by the minute.
'Attack or be attack? That is the question...' Mamoreru thought, holding still. 'The chance of winning would be roughly 41.667% if I harged first... Including my speed and her force of attacks...' Mamoreru finally decided on a calculation and purple smoke emerged from her mouth, making anybody near her to start to become dizzy. It was unfair so she stopped, coughing on the excess smoke that lingered in her mouth slightly. Mamoreru charged at impeccable speed, rushing towards Miuna.

(Note: Mamoreru looks like a nine year old- just saying
xD .)
Miuna slightly raised her sword and charged it full of electricity. She held it in front of her as if it were a shield.
Dakota watched from the sidelines wondering what was going on. She sat on the ground her legs crossed her book resting on her knees.
Mamoreru stopped chargeing and bent over, starting to cough. The girl stood up straight, motioning to her neck that she was choking. 'Stupid candy...' She thought, trying to breathe but not being able to. (She got candy that she was eating stuck in her throat.)
Miuna took the chance to attack, and threw a small charged ball that was capable of electrocuting at Mamoreru.
Patience didn't really notice the girl as she was still zoning out, her eyes seemed to be in a daze of sorts
Mamoreru noticed that the girl didn't fall for it and glared at her, quickly dodging it and charging at Miuna. 'Must've noticed I wasn't hewing on anything.. Either that or wanted to win very badly...' She thought, frowning slightly at the trick not working. The girl was close enough to reach her and she went to punch her in the throat.

@Sugar (#NoticeMeSenpai)
Patience looked at the fighting that was taking place, "They fight pretty good..don't they?" she asks not looking at her

( brb breakfast)
Miuna stumbled back and fell from the blow to the throat, but quickly regained balanced and stood back up. She again charged two balls and launched them both at Mamoreru, causing each to zoom directly past her head. She did this to stun her, not to harm her. Quickly following the attack, she ran towards Mamoreru and kicked her foot powerfully, hopefully knocking her down.

(Lol I have to head out, so let's finish this bruh >=3. I will be back in another hour ;> )
Mamoreru moved to the side to avoid the ball of eletricity, even thought they weren't going to hit her in the first place. The girl then saw the girl trying ot kick her. 'Don't fall down, you're vulerable when you fall down.' Mamoreru thought quickly, 'Momentum...' The girl grabbed Miuna's foot and stumbled backwards from the impact of her foot and falling. Mamoreru couldn't see but she hoped that the other girl fell too from loss of balance. "For a collision occurring between object 1 and object 2 in an isolation system, the total momentum of the two objects before the collision is equal to the total momentum of the two objects after the collision. That is, the momentum lost by object 1 is equal to the momentum gained by object 2." Mamoreru mumbled, forgeting about the rule.
((Oh okay~ ;u; if he is free I have no-one to interact with))
Victor exited his classroom and followed the noises of battle he'd heard, sprinting down the school corridors.

(where is the battle happening btw?)
(Back) Patience glances over to her before looking at the dust that was on the ground, "Hmmm….." she thought before pulling out the container and pours the sparkly dust on her hand letting it go through her hand onto the ground. it disappeared with the rest only to have a small patch of flowers in its spot.
He arrived at the combat club and thought "of course" entered calmly and saw two girls fighting each other viciously. He took a seat, deciding to watch the furious fight even though he didn't quite understand it.

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