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Fantasy Spellreaper Academy

Miuna looked at the girl who interfered with a cold expression.

"Well, Hello there." Miuna said, masking her irritation with a calm voice.
Thana tumbled forward, ducking her head into a summersault. She stood quickly, holding up her scythes in surrender. Inside her, Thelma was prying at the edges, trying to be free, but if Thelma got out, the spar would turn into a bloody battle. "Hold on, just a small break," Thana said, helping Ladia to her feet and taking a seat at the sidelines

(It's okey, gotcha. @Andrea Logan )
Mamoreru looked over at Lumina. "Fight." The girl said, pointing to Miuna and then herself. Mamoreru hadn't gotten any sort of answer from the smoking guy and she really wanted to fight. Who knew why, she just did. Mamoreru understood that this probably was annoying Miuna, and she roughly knew the other girl didn't really want to fight in the first place.
Patience smiled watching people fight and interacting, she didn't think to much about fighting unless she wanted to turn this school into a jungle or do any damage to the school with her type of powers. She stayed away watching from far
Thomas looked at people taking their breaks from fighting and getting to know eachother, he was always awkward when introducing himself casually. So he attempted to sneak towards the nursing room to get away from the chit-chat, hoping nobody would see him and talk to him.
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Miuna simply just turned around and walked to the weapon rack. She looked at each option carefully, deciphering which one to take. She went with a sharp, iron bladed sword and positioned it in her hands. She walked back to the thin blonde girl and the stranger, and then spoke.

"Alright," She said. "I'm ready when you are."

Thana saw a man slip into what appeared to be a healing room or wherever people went when they were injured here. So, she followed him, hoping to strike up conversation. After all, they'd almost engaged in a death battle earlier. She was wondering if he was okay.

Lumina blinked. It looked like she wasn't going to fight after all. She exhaled a breath of relief.
Noticing the girl following him, he knew he failed. Letting out a sigh as he sat down he decided to get it over with by starting it himself. "Hello." That was the simplest and most fool-proof of greetings. He clearly had no memory of their fight, and he was still tightly clutching his book and his forehead, from the headache.
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"Are you okay? I was worried when ya just collapsed like that," Thana said, scratching her neck, and focusing her gaze on the floor. She wasn't sure if actually talking to him was a good idea. As was said, they were in a fight. She figured he'd be cross with her, not knowing he didn't even remember.
Ladia accepted Thana's help and stood up. She nodded and said, "Of course Miss Thana. A break is a wise decision. Usually in a monkeys habitat, when they fight over a food source or a female to mate with, they always run off after several minutes to take a break. It usually helps the subject be able to plan their attack or increase their stamina." Ladia looked at her broken staff and walked to the weapon rack. She placed the two pieces down and said to Thomas in shadow communication, "I am very relieved that you are alright Mr. Thomas. And that battle earlier was very exciting, I would love to do it again."

(Ok not now but soon I won't be able to post for a few hours.)
Miuna looked at Mamoreru and then at the blonde girl.

"If we find one more person," She started. "We could do a Two v Two. You know, teams. It would give us all a chance to fight."
Patience looked down at the dust and flew towards the ground, she examines the dust with a confused expression, "Hmm.." She gets out a small container and starts to place the dust inside the container
Mamoreru nodded, not even bothering with the weapons rack. The girl was better with her fists. She suddenly started to spit out random facts. "Most of what is being taught out there as self-defense (or 'combatives, reality based self-defense, fighting, etc.) is about that realistic too. It's grisgris training that feeds into a cycle of emotions and self-deception. Instead of teaching you how to effectively deal with the actual problems, complications and factors of violence, it's teaching you to how to confront the boogey-men of your imagination. and of your own creation." Mamoreru muttered to no one in particular. She looked back at the smoking man and purple smoke ame out of her mouth again, mimicing the boy. 'Right. Fight.' She thought, quickly closing her mouth. "1v1." Mamoreru declaired, her voice not holding any soundin the barely audiably noise.
"Exiting? What did I miss? And what do you mean I collapsed?" He said, a slight tone of panic in his voice. Then he stopped, thought for a moment and then a look of pure dread came across his face as he said, "Did I hurt anyone?"
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Patience remembers a song she would hear some people listen to, so out of boredom she starts to dance to the song and sing it not caring that anyone notices. She smiled as she sang and dance, enjoying herself at the least
Thana glanced up at Thomas, sensing the severity of his tone. "No... no." Thana shook her head, keeping the minor cut to herself. It wasn't something to worry him over. "You sure put up a fight though," Thana added with an awkward chuckle. She couldn't help admiring his battle skills. "I'm glad you're okay now."
Mamoreru walked a bit farther away from Miuna, positioning herself a bit farther away than what the usual peson would stand. Suddenly, her sarf began to rustle. The girl tilted her head and dug around the scarf until she pulled out a racoon. "Oh..." The girl said, stuffing the pet in a purse that hung by her side and put it down beside her. Mamoreru then stood straight, bowing to Miuna before standing in her fighting stance. She was ready.
((Sorry, I was having dinner ;- ;) )

Dakota sat alone reading her book. She could hear talks of fights and fighting. But she wasn't interested in such violence. She curled up her golden/orange eyes drifting back and forth over the pages.
"Yeah... I feel you need a warning, if you catch me asleep from reading my book, please wake me up as soon as you can, make me drop my sword or run." Thomas cheered up alot at the fact nobody was badly hurt. He places his book to the side and then asked, "Anything you would like to know in advance, before i have to explain it after some... drastic event?"
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Patience finishes, glowing as she is now 5'2. She sits down on the side lines continuing to watch, her leaf bag laying besides her not the small size anymore. Her wings fluttered softly as more dusts lands on the ground, but then disappeared into the ground. She didn't notice however, since she zoned out like usual

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