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Fantasy Spellreaper Academy

Relief washed through Zoey's face as she watched the professor dispose of the scorpions accordingly. His ability to revert the tin back into its spherical shape also impressed her. There was so much more about the people here that she needed to learn about. Back to the matters at hand, there was more about this greenhouse that she wanted to learn about. After all, this was only one of the many things that was housed in here for people to study. However, she was on her guard and tried not to show her undeniable awe. Her reputation still existed at this school. Trying not to take too long to regain her composure, she quickly tried to carry on the conversation.

"Are there...more plants like these in here? More plants with abilities such as this one?" Zoey asked, maintaining a stony face once more. Her eyes had already darted to another section in the greenhouse, curiosity clouding her mind yet again.

Wandering the school grounds as she usually did, Turais Pearlace came across a greenhouse with two people inside, talking. The small 3' 2" girl with pinkish purple hair decided to go meet them. Walking inside, she intended to find out names, not caring if she was interrupting anything "Hai! Who are you?" She said with a gleam of curiosity in her eye, examining all the different plants in the room.

@Dadamato @deadpool42
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Hearing a small voice coming from the entrance of the greenhouse, she saw a small girl standing there. Zoey wasn't particularly fond of children; she didn't know how to act around them. Their feelings got hurt too easily and they were generally unpredictable. Zoey was here to stay away from the others, and yet here she was, staring at a child.

"Are you lost, sweetie?" Zoey asked, tilting her head to the side. The girl may have been a student here, but she could also just be a wandering child who was related to one of the other students. Not like Zoey was planning on helping the girl very much, but this greenhouse contained dangerous plants that children shouldn't play with.
Ladia moved to her knees and looked at Thomas with an emotionless face. She stood up and stretched. Ladia noticed a book in the middle of the room. She went over and picked it up. She stared at the book and looked up at Thomas. Ladia closed the book and walked back to him. She touched his forehead and they both shrank into the shadow of Thomas. A minute later they rose in the little medic section, Thomas made. She laid him on the bed and placed the book on him. She would find out what that book is about, but it would be rude to steal while he was unconscious. After making sure Thomas was alright, Ladia came back in and went to Thana. "Miss Thana you are wounded. I wouldn't participate in another battle when in need of medical attention.", she said to Thana. Ladia looked over at a boy much older then her, she looked closely and noticed him smoking. She continued to stare not noticing it may have disturbed him.

"Not lost, i sneak onto school grounds very often..." Turais replied to Zoey, she was reaching out to a random plant, stroking it almost. She was clearly interested in anything living. "Oh, and please don't call me 'sweetie' I am not a tasty treat. I am of royal blood, ex-queen of one kingdom, my father owns one and my grandfather owns a completely seperate one." She said with a hint of authority in her voice that was enough to prove that was no bluff.
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"Well then, Your Majesty, I hate to inform you that touching that particular plant will make your hand rot off." The Saint warned. Another person who thought themself above others. Or, no, not "another", exactly. Zoey clearly looked down on certain people, but it was clear she didn't view herself as being exceptionally important, whereas the arrogance on this Cupid-faced person stank like week old laundry. Patience Tay, patience. You're a Saint.

"Also, I'm afraid that if you're not a student or faculty, I'm going to need to see a visitor's pass."

@LuttyNetto @Dadamato
The little girl thinks she's tough. How cute. This little girl was going to do things in life, or annoy the crap out of people. Whichever came first. However, she wasn't about to let a child get to her. Although she wasn't as patient as she looked, Zoey's newfound thoughts on the people that came to the school made her somewhat on her guard. "Ex-queen, eh? Why are you an ex-queen? You get overthrown or something?" Putting a hand on her hips, Zoey wanted to see how far this little kid would stretch her story.
"I went to sleep a few billion years ago, they thought i died to they had a new ruler appointed." She declared, not caring how many knew of her past. She continued to stroke the plant, disregarding the teacher's warnings, and ignoring his request for a visitor's pass.

(OOC: pretty damned late here, gonna get some shuteye, hope no kingoms think I'm dead when I wake up! ;3)
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"Wow," Zoey feigned shock. "I'm sure that you were very upset when they did that. Do what I do, kid. Ask Daddy for a credit or debit card and go crazy. You don't need to deal with all that responsibility bull. Take a vacation or something." Well, it was true. Whenever Zoey was upset, she'd just settle for some retail therapy and take a vacation. If this little girl was some sort of royalty, things like that would come naturally to her, anyway. Just as long as she didn't end up at the same resort in Fiji as Zoey, things would be peachy.

Turning back to the professor, Zoey gave him an inquisitive look. "So, are there any other plants with abilities such as the Blood Lotus? This place may or may not have piqued my interest." The little girl could rot her fingers off or get taken away by security for all she cared. She just wanted to find out more about these plants for the time being. These plants were starting to spark malicious intent in Zoey, but they also caused her to hunger for more knowledge about them. When someone as spontaneous as her was trapped in this jail of a school, she had to try hard to find something that didn't make her want to saw her own fingers off for amusement. Zoey wanted- no, she needed a hobby to help her pass the time during this semester. Weekend escapes would only last so long.

@deadpool42 @LuttyNetto (alright, g'night!)
"No visitor's pass? Hate to say it, that means you're an intruder. And our policy on intruders is very clear. Sorry in advance." With that, the Saint pulled something out of his pocket- a little rubber stamp, with the word "Interloper" written on it inside of a circle. He gently planted it on the child's wrist, leaving behind a mark that designated her as an "Interloper". The massive spell-network that covered the entirety of the campus grounds recognized this designation, and without further ado, the young child would find herself outside the front gate in a flash of light.

"Oh, well, not many are capable of anything so powerful or unique as the Blood Lotus." He said, answering Zoey now as he slid the stamp away, "Most of them are used for medicinal purposes, or as ingredients in potions."

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"Ah," Zoey expressed, slightly disappointed that there were no such wonders. "But what about that plant that rots off hands? Or better yet, are there any particular flowers in here that could make for great living room decorations?" Her eyes glanced at some beautiful pink lilies in one corner, then shot over to another area where some foreign, yellow flowers peered from their pots to say hello. There had to be something in here that had the potential to maim someone, or at least cause them to grow an enlarged appendage or something. Otherwise, she felt like she was wasting her time. Zoey wasn't particularly interested in gardening because soil would dirty her pristine outfits, but if it resulted in something beneficial to her, dirt would be the least of her worries.
"Well, let's see. The Ya-te-veo is a man-eating tree with branches like tentacles, although that's far too big and too dangerous to grow in a greenhouse like this, I could probably try to setup a field trip to Africa to see one. We do have some Aglaophotis, which is stupendously toxic to demons." The Saint gestured to a potter filled with dark red Peony flowers. "Ah, an this Umdhlebi, which is quite difficult to keep pinned down." Inside of a glass tank was a small shrub, covered in dead-looking bark, with red and black fruit and brittle, glossy, lanceolate leaves.

"Nah, it's just a scratch," Thana said with a wave of her hand and complete nonchalance. The cut didn't really bother her at all. She really didn't want to miss the opportunity to fight the girl. Thana thought it'd be fun to spar with her and quite the challenge. "Please?" Thana added, wanting very badly for the girl to agree. @Andrea Logan
The Ya-te-veo that he had mentioned seemed a little too extreme to send to someone, and she wasn't really prepared to go to Africa anytime soon. She's been to Morocco once and hated the heat, as well as the crazy taxi driver she had run into not one, but two times. The peonies, however, were lovely. Zoey made a little note to herself to find out where to come across those.

It was only then that she noticed the shrub inside the tank. At this point, she wasn't going to ask why something that had such a daunting appearance was encased in something, so instead, she cut straight to the point. "Does it move? Does it rip its prey to pieces? Or does its fruit do something to apprehend victims?"

"Oh, yes. It's very mobile. And toxic. Really quite a tricky combination." The Saint explained, peering in at the gnarly plant. It had gotten out once, last year. Created total havoc across the school until it was trapped in one of the stalls in the girl's bathroom.

"All in all, though, I'm really not the one you should be asking about all this stuff. I'm just filling in for the club's actual adviser- my wife, Gaia- until she's back from maternity leave. You can imagine that she gets a bit more time than I do, eheh."

Ladia looked away from the boy and stared back at Thana. "As you wish Miss Thana. Please for me to get prepared.", she said as she went to where she dropped her staff. She walked onto a mat and told Thana, "As I said before, I will not use my powers. But you may use as much as your power as you wish." Ladia twirled the staff in her hands and got into position. "Miss Thana I will allow you to start."
Thana wondered if using her scythe was a little unfair... So with a simple wave of her hand, she traded her large scythe for two small handheld ones. She tested their weight for a second before taking her place on the mat. With an anticipatory smile at Ladia, she got into a battle ready stance, and said, "Go." On the word, she rushed forward, scythes up.
"I see," Zoey said, her gaze still lingering on the bush. She had heard stories about a toxic plant being released last year, but she had taken that week off school to attend her father's third wedding in South Korea again. Although she would be interested in spending some more time in this club, but only if the whole entire freaking school didn't attend it. Then again, they were all probably going into that Combat club anyways. This sounded like a good opportunity for Zoey. She would be around both things that were lethal and pretty, and she wouldn't have to be associated with those other ones. "And when does...Professor Gaia get back?" Due to her family's conservative personality, she often had trouble addressing people who were older than her on a first name basis. After all, she still needed to retain some qualities from her home to not make herself seem like a completely impolite little monster.
Ladia stood up and got rid of her defensive position. She held up her staff and blocked both scythes. She pushed them up and used the other end of the staff to knock Thana's legs.
"Not until the end of the semester, I'm afraid." Initially, the policy the school had attempted to enforce was that, out of the two parents, only Gaia would be able to have leave, and even then only for half of a quarter, without pay. That hadn't gone over too well with the Saint's wife, however. After a long and scathing "conversation" with the School Board, a significantly more acceptable compromise. Really, Tay thought it to be a major loss that the woman became a teacher; she had so much potential to be a lawyer. Nobody ever won an argument against her.

"In the meantime, I do run a club of my own. It's Supplemental Magic Studies, if you'd be interested in that sort of thing."
Zoey thought about it. What kind of stuff would she even learn in that Supplemental Magic Studies club, anyway? "Magic studies? Like Harry Potter?" She had intended it to be a joke, but for some reason, the tone she had said it in seemed a little more harsh than that. Honestly, she wasn't really learning anything from these classes anyway, and if she was going to get into some college, she'd best be off learning something rather than just sitting in class watching people fall asleep. There wasn't even a language class in here that she was aware of. There went four years of French down the drain.

Then, an idea struck Zoey. Magic studies. Additional power. Maybe it would be the key to unlocking more potential within herself, without getting her perfectly manicured hands dirty, of course. A glint twinkled in her eyes before she caught herself. What was she doing? Why was this term so strange for her? It had only been a couple days and her interactions with the kids and the staff here had equaled to more than she's ever done in the past three years. "I assume this club wouldn't involve me actually fighting people, correct? I only save my abilities for those who deserve it. And not in the good way, either."
As she felt her legs move from beneath her, Thana used the moment to roll to the side of Ladia, digging her scythe into the ground. While keeping hold of the handle, she launched an upward kick.
"I tend to think that, if a situation gets to the point of physical violence, you've failed as a mage already." Here's the fact of the matter; the Saint could easily have been the adviser of the Combat Intramural. He could forge any pupil into a living war machine; he was a good enough teacher, and a good enough warrior. But he hated the thought of having children to battle with one another. He hated it in and of itself, and he also hated what it implied; that the world was such a harsh place that such skills were necessary.

"It's more centered around Mystical Theory. Such as Alchemy." As an example, he flashed Zoey the palm of his Dead Man's Right Hand, showing off the many circle and stars and planetary symbols that decorated its palm.
"Good. Physical fighting just seems so obscene to me. I'd rather be doing something better with my life," Zoey agreed. Honestly, she wondered how people could stand to watch fights such as UFC and mixed martial arts. It just seemed so primitive. People could be doing something better with their lives. As soon as the professor gave her a glimpse of the intricate symbols that embellished his appendage, her interest waxed once more. Today was certainly quite an eventful one. Each little symbol meant something, and from what she had gathered from this man, he probably knew what all of it meant. Could this be another source of energy? Zoey knew little of alchemy, but she knew enough about it to determine her next decision. "You may have just gotten yourself another club member. Tell me more," she demanded, the mere thought of acquiring more useful knowledge fueling her tenacious desires of exploring her untapped potential.

Mamoreru Iha

Mamoreru walked down the halls of the school, lost to a heavy degree. She looked around and sighed frusterated. All the halls looked the same to her. She continued to walk slowly down the halls. After a bit, she finally found her way to some sort of Combat Club thing. She peaked into the room, eyes scanning the room to see what it appeared to be a male with a hood laying on his head who was smoking. She stared at him a bit, staring at his expression, red eyes, and what he could be thinking at the time. She walked in.

Mamoreru looked like she couldn't fight at all. Her clothes consisted of a yellow scarf wrapped around her neck tightly, a long sleeve shirt, a skirt with leggings underneath, and boots that go up to her knees. She also looked like a kid, standing at 4'11" and having a very small form.


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