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Fantasy Spellreaper Academy

Fate held her hand to her side as a blade handle of rock appeared in it. She then flicked her wrist quickly after that and a blade of fire emerged from it. She pointed the sword forward as line of water wrapped around the fire blade. " Ready." She says , face still expressionless.
Thomas stopped moving entirely, not even a single breath escaped his lungs. A few moments later he started breathing again and there were cuts all over Fate's body, mainly on the back of her legs causing her to be forced to drop to her knees. He held his blade to her neck and awated to see how she would react.
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As the blade was put to her neck her body disolved in fire, blade dropping to the floor. The fire quickly wrapped around his leg and pulled his leg out from under him, tripping him up. The flames then moved a bit away and reformed as Fate , all of the cuts healed "c:"
Exhaling sharply, Zoey turned her heel and walked away from the Combat club. The guy was crazy if he thought she was going to join a club that would make her interact with the freakshow, let alone fight with them. Her saunter decreased some time after she had exited the school building. Zoey decided to take the long way back to her dorm today. There was an enormous, pretty greenhouse that she had always passed by. Her gait had slowed to a crawl as she passed by its door. The door was open? Pausing outside its open doors, Zoey peered into the leafy zone of foliage, attempting to see if anyone was in there.
Caught off guard by this unique method, Thomas stood back up with ease, sheathing his sword. "Nice trick, that would come in very handy... I guess i need to focus a little then." He drew a glaive from the weapon rack and brandished it toward Fate. He understood that with unenchanted weapons no harm would befall her, but he also understood he could not loose himself.
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Fate held her hand out as it turned to flame and extended, grabbing the sword and pulling it back to her, the hand then turned to normal again as she got into a fighting stance.
Inside the cocoon of glass and foliage, the Saint sat in front of one of the planters, watering a cluster of bat orchids. Tay glanced up from his work when he realized Zoey's presence, giving her another one of the smiles that didn't part his lips.

"Io!" He greeted, standing up, "Are you here for Botany Club? I don't recognize you from last year. Just got curious, then?"
Swinging the glaive toward her swiftly, he caught her by the throat, slicing it open. He made sure his other hand was in easy reach of the panic button incase this student actually fell to harm, despite her talents.
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Noticing that someone was, indeed, inside the greenhouse, Zoey jumped a little. Amidst all of the greenery was someone who looked like a teacher. Zoey would have guessed him to be of Middle Eastern or Indian descent, and she had rarely seen him around campus. "Oh, I was just looking. I've never actually joined a club on campus before, even though I have been here for three years." It was true. Zoey and her friends used to loiter around or go on spontaneous weekend trips to wherever their finger pointed to on the map. Back then, there wasn't a need to fit in with everyone else here. Now, they were only connected to each other by mere Snapchats and the occasional Facebook status.
Fate didn't react to the cut, water slid off the sword and up to her throat, healing it instantly. She then swung her sword quickly, slicing his chest.
Thomas' chest was sliced open with ease, however not a single drop of blood came from the wound and he did not even flinch from it. Inside the wound was flesh and nothing but, as if he was a plasticine sculpture he had no veins, organs or bones. Just flesh. Grinning at somone finally striking a wound to him, he got into another combat stance, he started rapidly dashing across the mat, slicing at fate every half-second with his glaive in one hand, sword in the other. He was getting immersed in the fight.
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Fate moved around the mat with almost the same speed, dodging every attack he tried, slicing quickly every once and awhile to see if she could wound him more. she succsessfully sliced his arm open after awhile.
"Just not your thing, eh? I get'cha. It's not for everyone. Though I'm sure you could find one you liked, if you looked hard enough." The Saint took this girl in with little more than a glance. He could tell she was rich, not just on account of her expensive clothes and extravagant accessories, but by the way she stood, and held herself, and the distinct lack of worry lines upon her face. Tay would be able to know even more if he shook her hand, and read her palm, but his days of analyzing and cataloging people were well behind him.

Zoey was spoiled, but that didn't mean she was a bad person. Nobody was a bad person, at least if you were to ask the Saint.

"I'm Professor Iscariot, but, you can just call me 'Tay', if you'd like." He said, standing in front of the student and offering a hand. Were Zoey to glance at the appendage for more than a second, she'd be able to notice it certainly didn't belong to him; whereas the rest of him was bronze and healthy, its flesh and pale and dead, with yellowed nails. It was grafted onto his arm halfway up the wrist, in a band of circuitry, and upon its palm all sorts of alchemical concentrics and polygons had been tattooed.
The wound in his arm is the same as his chest, pure flesh with no blood, organs or bone. He suddenly stops on the spot and just stands there, he then pulls out a book, sits down and starts reading casually.
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Ashton opened the door to the Combat Club. Sure he was a little late but.. oh well. He came in and stood watching.
Thana watched with wide eyes in awe of the battle taking place. She couldn't wait for her turn, fighting was fun. When he started reading however, she wondered if the fight was over. This place is awesome! Thana noticed someone else enter and watched them curiously wondering if he was here to fight too. Is it possible they'd meet in battle.
(Lol, sorry I'm so late for the roleplay c: )

Miuna's eyes were struggling to stay open, but she knew she couldn't last for long. She started to drift asleep when her closest friend, Akiko, tapped her shoulder from behind, causing the life to jump out of her.

"Heyyy, Miuna! Stay awake!" Akiko whispered. "Have you even noticed class is over..."

Miuna looked straight ahead to see students walking out of the class room and the teacher gone. She turned around and looked at Akiko. Akiko started chuckling as Miuna stood up and grabbed her bag.

"Let's go." she said, with a yawn fallowing closely. They both walked out of the room together and then stopped outside of the classroom.

"See ya, Una!" Akiko said cheerfully, waving her hand. The two parted ways as Minua walked down the halls. While walking, she heard a noise coming from a room and decided to look in. She stopped and stood peeking through the door that was barely open, seeing two people fighting.
Ladia rose out of a weapon rack's shadow and coughed. She looked at the shadow and saw a blue substance. She reached to it but as soon as she did, it disappeared. She stood up and ignored the strange blue light. She walked from behind the weapon rack and noticed Thomas and Fate fighting. "Both are very talented in this subject." She said as Thomas sat down and read. "This battle reminds me of the nature of bees. At first they will start fighting, usually over the pollen of a flower. But after a minute of fighting, one bee may fly off and start examining an animal or human. Then after they are done they will continue to fight." She continued. Ladia looked at the other two and turned to the weapon rack. She saw blades, swords, whips, and spears. Ladia examined each weapon for a minute, then she picked up a regular staff about her height. She nodded and turned back to Thomas and Fate.
Thana noticed a girl she saw earlier going through some weapons. Thana went over to her and smile, giving a small wave. "Would you perhaps consider a spar with me?" The girl looked rather disinterested but she did earlier too. Was she just hard to read? Nonetheless, she appeared to be a worthy opponent and Thana wanted to confirm such appearances.

@Andrea Logan
Ashton looked around at some of the other students watching the duel. There wasn't as many people as he expected but he didn't care either way. He saw a couple people nearby some weapons and slowly wondered over. Normally he didn't use weapons in battle but maybe he would try something new?
Miuna squinted, trying to get a better view of the fight. She decided to squat down and look through her bag for a pair of glasses. Her hand wondered around grabbing a few items she could feel at the bottom of her bag, but none turned out to be her glasses. Miuna always loved to watch people fight each other, but wasn't particularly good at fighting herself. She wasn't too strong or experienced with her powers, which is the soul reason she enrolled. She sighed and opened the door a little bit more, allowing her feminine figure to easily slide into the room. Quietly, she took a seat in the back and watched closely at the two fight. 'Fascinating,' Miuna thought.
Zoey halfheartedly gave the man a handshake, then withdrew her hand when she saw his fingernails. He really needed to get a manicure or something. She debated on giving him a recommendation, but held her tongue. She didn't feel like being particularly bitchy today. However, this greenhouse was filled with too many beautiful flowers and vegetation. Plus, no one was in here so it's not like anyone would be seen with her anyways. A lady like herself appreciated a good flower arrangement every once in a while. Maybe if she stuck around, she's have enough knowledge to grow her own weed. A ghost of a smile lingered on her face. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Professor. I'm Zoey Bae. This place is actually really pretty. Would you mind if I took a look around? It's better than hanging out with those savages in there." She jerked her head back towards the classrooms, complete with an obligatory eyeroll.

Thana turned to the boy who strode up and gave him a friendly wave. "Are you looking to fight too?" She asked curiously, inspecting him.

"Et tu, Miss Bae." He replied, his brow flickering to a frown for just a moment whens he mentioned 'savages'. He didn't condone people being looked down upon. But, if the Saint simply yelled at Zoey about such things, she'd become defensive, like a turtle going into its shell, and never see the error in her ways. He decided that he'd address it later, once he'd earned her respect, and thus was more likely to listen to what he was saying. "Oh, yes, go right ahead. Just be careful with touching, and smelling. Some of this flora can be quite dangerous."

He gestured to the coil of onyx vines and flytrap jaws that sat secluded in the far corner of the greenhouse.

"That one in particular."

Ladia slid her hand across the staff and answered, "I would be delighted to. But I have never done physical combat before." Ladia swung her staff behind her and held it tightly. "Miss Thana I would be honored to spar with you. Also I promise not to use my abilities (powers). You may use them if you'd like."

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