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Fantasy Spellreaper Academy

Ladia looked down at the ground then back at Thomas. "I do not know if this will help but I will join if that is what you wish. Mr. Maywin, my adoptive father had requested that I try to socialize. And I do believe a club is a step toward that mission." She brought her legs up and crossed them. "I don't know if I am highly qualified, but I will try if it makes your day better." She looked at the birds on the ground.
Looking back at her, he grinned and handed her a poster for the club. "I have been posting these up around the school, feel free to look over or ask for details, it's after school hours and during lunch break. Combat training club." He sat up straight again and jumped down, calling up as he did, "If you need me, I will be in the room marked on the poster's map!" As he ran off to where the club was held to get it ready for use at earliest convinience.
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Ladia looked at Thomas as he left then at the poster. She got up and walked back to the generator's shadow. She slipped into the shadow and waited for a minute. When she rose from the desk shadow she looked at the students. After throwing away her Popsicle stick, she stood in the front of the class. "Excuse me. I am sorry to disturb your discussion. But I have an announcement and I would like every ones attention please."

@Sammi Kunz


And @any one else who is in class
Preparing the room, Thomas had seats placed around the sides of the room for spectating the duels, mats laid out in the middle for dueling on and he had the training weapons laid on racks next to the real weapons and armour stands, the armour stands consisted of both heavy, light and mock armour for all sizes. finally adding a finishing touch with a panic button incase there was a serious injury the nursing staff needed to attend to.
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Fate looked up shyly from her book just a bit to see Ladia, she said she had an important announcement so she sat and quietly waited to listen , still hiding behind her book.
Ashton looked up with his feet on his desk. "Whats up?" He asked wondering why someone was talking to the class.
(I may not be able to answer for a couple of hours)

Ladia looked at her fellow classmates and said in a calm tone, "An acquaitance has informed about a combat club. I will join this club, but is sounds like he will need a few more members. If you enjoy combat or if you are very good in this subject, it would be wonderful if you could join." Ladia did a small bow to the teacher and said, "Sorry for the disturbance ma'am." She walked to the empty seat by the window in the middle. She sat down and placed her hand on her desk.
A... combat club? What was that? Did students....fight each other? Why would they do that? People weren't mad at each other, so what reason would they have to fight each other? She was peering at the student who had just spoke. She looked normal... huh.
Fate thought about it for a minute , she wasn't very social so she wasn't to sure about joining. After a few minutes of debating she chose to join the club after all, she would go talk to the club teacher after this day was over .
A shadow filled the doorway of the classroom, and then the man to whom it belonged stepped inside. Dante Iscariot towered over most people, at six foot three. The man possessed an amber-umber complexion, making it difficult to decide whether or not he was Indian or Persian or some combination thereof. A sleeveless greatcoat adorned his shoulders, falling down to his ankles, apparently made of golden leather. His left arm appeared to be constructed of living obsidian, runes and glyphs carved upon its surface, and his hair hung well past his shoulders, a mane of nightingale locks.

"Io, everyone. I'm back from paternity leave." He announced, walking forth and setting a simple black briefcase on the desk. He gave a nod to Rin. "Thanks for subbing for me. You can finish up this class, if you'd like. I'll just wait and watch."

The Saint went ahead and stood idly by in the corner, smiling with closed-lips at the students.
Lumina swallowed, seeing the new man enter the classroom. he seemed kind, not particularly evil... but he still was imposing. He had a big prescence, and Lumina felt very small at this moment.
{A combat club? So we would fighting each other.} Ashton smiled at the thought. "I guess I would join." He snapped his fingers which created a small spark. He looked to the person who came in. {Hmm..}
Finishing the preperations on his club, he awaited the participants, passing the time with some personal archery practice. He shot an arrow from one side of the room, to the other, shooting it out with a second arrow, then having a third arrow shoot both back toward the target. Bullseye, he expected nothing less, but he hates succeeding, he has never failed once is his existance. He wanted to fail something.
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Thana had heard about this combat club earlier and decided to check it out. Maybe it'd make Thelma shut up. So, she made her way to where it was to be held for questions she had when class had ended. When she arrived, she saw someone shooting arrows and watched curiously from where she stood.
Zoey noticed a vaguely familiar girl in the front announcing something about a combat club. Everyone seemed interested in it. Combat equals fighting, which equals getting dirty. To Zoey, that equals a big, fat nope. After the class ended, the petite Korean glanced at the poster hung in front of the classroom. Her schedule was clear this afternoon. Maybe she would watch the other young'uns shoot each other with thunderbolts and fireballs and whatnot. Finding the designated place for the club, Zoey leaned against a doorway that had a pretty good view of the classroom. The guy that was sitting down from earlier was there, shooting arrows. She had to admit, he was a pretty good shot. Casually sipping from her glass bottle of sparkling water directly from the Swiss alps, she waited for the other potential club goers to file in.
Noticing his two audience members, he sheaths his bow and greets them in "Welcome to Combat club, you can learn how to fight, how to avoid fights or just watch others fight. Make yourself at home while the others come... if there are any others." He walked over to the chairs, guesturing toward them.
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Crap, she's been spotted. Putting on a sickly sweet fake smile for him, she shook her head daintily. "Oh, I wasn't planning on joining...sir. I simply wanted to observe. I don't really fight. Physically, anyway." The thought of getting her uniform and boots made Zoey shudder. Her boots! They had probably cost more than half of these students' wardrobes put together. Taking another sip from her water, her eyes flicked to the other girl that had been watching as well.
"Don't worry, as i said you can be here to learn to fight, learn to escape fights, fight for fun or just watch others fight. Just do whatever. Don't be afraid of hurting others either, i have my own nursing staff." He said, replying to Zoey. Pointing over to the weapons racks, he said "You can just spend your time messing with the weapons if you want, only rule i have is NO KILLING."
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Fate walks up the the class that the club was held in and entered shyly, head in a book like always as she sat down against the wall.
He mentioned that she shouldn't be afraid of hurting others. Hah, he almost got Zoey to enter. Almost. She wasn't a sadistic person. The way she got through life was to live in luxury, not learn how to be a savage. Plus, she only showed her true power when someone really irked her, like that time that fat old hag grabbed the last limited edition Fendi purse right from her nose when she was on vacation in the Philippines. "I'll think about it," Zoey lied, refusing to move from her spot outside the classroom.
Ah. Well, it seemed as though school was inexplicably over with. Which was strange. As the Saint recalled, there was usually more than just a single class period per day. But, seeing as that was the case, that meant it was time for him to host a club of his own.

Tay exited the Lit classroom and sauntered his way down the hall of the school, whistling an ancient mariner's tune and swinging a lanyard of keys around his fingers. The tall mage reached an outdoors area of the school, a large greenhouse, and unlocked before sliding inside. The glass dome was quite humid, and lush with exotic greenery. One particular specimen was in a separate planter from all the others, a gnarly nest of black vines and briars, with flytrap jaws clustered around a single, bloodred lotus flower.

Mr. Iscariot took a seat and waited for people to arrive for Botany Club.
Looking around at his three visitors, he felt he now had a debt to repay to the girl he met on the roof. "So then, how about we get starting doing... something, anything. The silence will drive me insane!" He said with a chuckle, guesturing towards the fighting mats laid out in the middle of the room. "You can do anything you want in this room, so long as it stays inside the room, and nobody dies for good. I have a few... methods of dealing with simple deaths, but major stuff is beyond my limit. If you MUST kill, keep it basic and painless. So then, who goes first? Step up and challenge an opponent, anyone in the room and they can either accept or decline."
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Fate stood up and set her book aside and walked up to the mat, face expressionless as she did so. She looked at the people in the room and pointed at someone, "Mr. Greyguard, I challenge you !"
Shocked at this seemingly overconfident student, he stepped up to the mat with her "Are you sure? I am not the owner of this club without reason..." He drew his blade, prepared a stance and declared "If you are, Ready when you are."
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