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Fantasy Spellreaper Academy

Lumina looked nervously around the classroom, seeing new poeple she didn't recognize. Her face fell and she slumped forward in her seat, then noticed that Zoey girl talk to her.

"Uh...yeah. i've, um. always been light so i've always been a fast runner." She sighed, trying to make her nerves not as noticable.
Rei gritted his sharp teeth as he slowly closed the book. He sighed heavily and looked out the window seeing the clear sky. He smiled, he desperately wanted to go outside and chill. But he knew the reason he was there, and that was to learn. He scooted his chair back and placed both of his feet on the table. He scratched his head before placing his hand back behind his head. He slowly closed his head and in a matter of moments he was asleep. He snored rather loudly as he leaned in his chair comfortably.

Zoey was about to respond to Lumina when she heard a very audible snoring coming from another desk. One of the kids had already fallen asleep, and quite loudly at that. "See what I mean?" Her eyebrows furrowed in contempt. "Freakshow."
Yeah, pleasant day, huh? First day of school with more of ''his people'', even tough much of them were just cowards in his eyes, but it was not his fault he had a messed up head. He finally reached the gates, after walking all the way to the school, slowly pondering wether to skip the first day or enter for the heck of it, and that he did, He had no idea of what to do or where to go, so he decided to just sit in a bench near the entrance, looking down, a shadow being cast by a tree that was at his side. Jonathan slowly fixed his weight, laying down and closing his eyes, beggining to be lost in thought.
Rei awoke as the word "Freakshow" was announced. He balled his fists and turned to where the word came from, he was annoyed. He growled, baring his fangs. He tightened his fist as he turned the other way not wanting to cause a scene, He closed his eyes once more and fell asleep again. This time, his snoring was even louder than before. He snoring was more profound and annoying than a dog barking at a car.
Lumina nearly fell out of her seat again at the sight of the student suddenly awakening all angry like that.
Thana glanced at the sleeping boy with amusement. Gee, way to show your true feelings about this class. After snickering a bit, she focused her attention on the book on her desk, thumbing through the Literature book with curiosity. To be honest she didn't even know what her first period was.

Rin eyed the sleeping student with frustration. Honestly, could he not even wait for class to start? Sighing, she walked over to the boy, lifting the Literature book up and dropping it hard onto the desk, a loud smack echoing around the room. @WaterPandas
Seeing the snoring kid spark up with anger amused Zoey. She didn't flinch at his fangs nor his animalistic growl. As soon as the kid resumed his obnoxious snoring, she swiftly flicked a hailstone the size of a pea at his forehead. "Quiet, dog," she singsonged. At least she had something to get annoyed at now.
Rei's eyes opened widely as his snoring was stopped immediately, he was about to attack until a hailstone was launched at his forehead. He let out a slight whimper before getting up, baring his fangs to their full extent. Each fang was longer than a pencil, and sharper than a refined sword. His claws also were extended as he placed both of his palms together, in the middle of it was a small amount of darkness, enough to cause some form of damage, he wasn't trying to kill them. Simply trying to attack them. He flicked darkness the size of a small ball at them. This would eb enough to injure them slightly.
(Last post probably. Zzz...)

Rin glared at the students, agitated at their childlike behavior. "Stop this, right now." she said icily to her students, a threat in her voice. "Or do you want to spend the rest of your day cleaning the school?" This was one of the punishments dealt to students who misbehaved and proved to be affective to students like these who failed to understand the importance of academics. Her ears twitched, annoyed at the petty outbreak.
Anticipating a retaliating move from the snoring kid, the dark ball nearly collided with her shoulder. "Nice shooting, Rex. And what a beautiful smile you have there. I wonder if your dentist does Invisalign?" Zoey quipped, her voice coated with patronization. She was about to make another jab at him until he did something else, when the teacher interrupted them with the threat of cleaning. Tch, as if.

"Apologies, ma'am," Zoey said airily. "I was just trying to keep him from disrupting my morning with that loud snoring."

OOC| It is getting quite late here as well. Until tomorrow!
With a sudden start, Thomas woke up and stood up in a cold sweat, he had been sleeping in that chair since yesterday's lesson ended. "Oh dear, it's happened again..." He uttered to himself with a long sigh. Looking around the room, he realized another class had already started, face red with embarrassment he sat back down, clearly ashamed and also dissapointed he never got to invite those students to the club. After a moment of pondering what was going on, Thomas stood up once more, opened his bag which had posters for his combat training club during lunch break or atfer school hours, and posted one next to the door on the way out as he left for the roof to recover from his 'episode' in the class.
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Ladia stared at the commotion going on in the classroom as she ate a cherry Popsicle and sat on the teachers desk. Somehow the teacher didn't notice her, but Ladia didn't care. She pulled the Popsicle out of her mouth and said with bright red lips, "Usually when a person, mainly a teenager, gets annoyed or agitated. They will cause a disturbance to cause others to have the same feeling. So if my fellow classmates want him to stop, treat him with better manners." She put the Popsicle in her mouth and looked at the boy. She had no emotion showing, but she did have an interest in him. It wasn't a love affect or anything, he just seemed familiar or calm to her. She looked at the seat he was in and noticed it was hers. She shrugged and continued to watch. It was just a seat, so it didn't matter much to her.
Thomas began casually throwing pebbles at passing birds, each one falling onto campus grounds as he hit it. The birds started falling outside the classroom windows one by one.
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Ladia looked at Thomas and said, "Birds are known to be the most peaceful animal out of all animals. Most others, for example: squirrels, lions, raccoons, and etc. These animals would most likely attack us for no reason. But birds mind their own business and keep peace with the humans. So why not be like the birds and not harm another species when they have done nothing to you?" Ladia blinked and continued to eat her Popsicle.

Looking down into the classroom, from the roof, Thomas could have sworn that girl was talking to him, but his hearing has been a little off lately, all he heard was the words "Birds" "Harm" and "Species", other than those three words, the rest was just inaudiable to him. He continued to throw the pebbles.
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Ladia looked down at the shadow of her feet. She didn't think he heard her. She even used shadow communication. Ladia guessed it was because she needed more practice. Ladia got up and said, "I am terribly sorry, but I have to be excused. Well not really have but want." She went to the shadow of the desk and shrank into it. After a minute of darkness, she came up from a shadow of a generator on the school roof. She struggled up to her feet and noticed the boy she tried to communicate earlier with. She walked over and sat beside him. She pulled her Popsicle out and said, "I am terribly sorry for earlier. My shadow communication is a bit off when I am around so much magic." She looked at the birds on the ground that he hit and asked, "Why did you do that to them?"
Looking at the girl, he replied "I just needed to vent some stress, getting my club some students to partake is hardly easy, especially when you sit in a chair for a whole night in a classroom..." He clearly was embarrassed of the fact and he looked as if he was even considering to jump off the ledge.
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