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Fantasy Spellreaper Academy

Finally realizing how much he has been staring at Zoey, he took his eyes off her to look at some other students. He caught something in the corner of his eye as he saw the fireball Fate was playing with. Thomas was thinking how it would help his club if he had a pretty face to sponsor it...
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Fate twirled the fireball around her hand over and over until she grabbed it then opened her hand, revealing a small bird made of fire. The bird started flying around the classroom.
His eyes lit up, almost instantly seeing the potential Fate had for magic, especially imbuing weaponry or armour... Thomas' mind was flooding with ideas for her skill and talent, not even considering how powerful it could be if used alone, just if it was used to support another method of combat. He has now got his eyes on two seperate students, he planned to apprehend them after the class and offer a place in his club for them, if they refuse to accept he will simply try again another day. These students were too good to loose.
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Lumina looked at the bird. She was mesmerized. She instantly felt better watching the bird. Seeing thr fire mixed with the bird made her feel so nostalgic. Her amber and gold eyes seemed to almost come to life with sparks of fire themselves as she watched it.
Fate rubbed her hands together, then pulling them apart revealing a small ball of rock. she stood up and got into a position as the ball of rock built up. She then yelled "KAMEHAMEHA!" as she released the ball and it hit the desk, blowing a hole in it. Fate giggled and sat back down,
Noticing the student that had previously been looking under the weather is now fine, he no longer needed to keep ready to call the nurse, feeling more at ease he decides to focus more on observing the student's potential that he has already seen so far.

As Thomas saw Fate break the desk, he decided to remember that and confront her about it after class, after inviting her to the club, ofcourse
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Lumina held out her hand to the firebird, hoping it would come to her. It was the only thing that made her feel at home.
Lumina smiled for the first time since she got to the school. Just looking at the bird, she instinctively touched her own back. Her eyes seemed alive with fire.
Watching the students smile, Thomas finds himself smiling too, clearly glad they are enjoying themselves here , and that there will be friends made in this school. Then realizing, he has been watching them from the doorway the entire time, he decides to walk in and pull up a chair on the side, facing the class instead of looking like some form of stalker.
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As her anger subsided, Zoey noticed her powers causing the temperature in the room to drop very low. Honestly, if she wanted to, she could let the whole damn place freeze. Not that she was willing to, of course. Her father would be furious if he found out that her anger got the best of her again. Taking note of the guy sitting on the side, Zoey narrowed her eyes as she tried to figure out what he was there for. The last thing she needed was another newbie to cause discomfort in. "Oh, how I'd kill to be in the Bahamas right now..." she voiced aloud, tapping her fingers on the desk. Absentmindedly, the places her fingertips touched were dusted with frost.
Lumina felt dizzy again from the cold and fell back in her seat. She looked at the bird again
Thana looks around at the students in awe. Jeez, all these people were so cool, she thought. She would make tons of friends and they'd go on adventures, it'd be great! Thana stared off blankly, daydreaming about the many adventures her and her imaginary friends would go on, forgetting she'd have to make the friends first.
Finally taking notice of the girl beside her looking pale, she regulated the temperature once more. Geez, if she wanted it to be warmer, she could have said something. Deciding to speak up about it, Zoey said in a bored tone, "Sorry, I like it chilly. Let me know if you want me to...turn off my air conditioning." A slight smile played on her lips as she noticed the corny joke that she had just made.
This girl was so awkward, it was cute. Zoey felt herself having fun as she studied her emotions. At least this class wouldn't be such a chore this year, she thought. "So, newbie, what's your name, anyway? If you're going to sit next to me, I might as well know what I should call you, right?" It was at this moment that ideas began to hit Zoey like a hailstorm. Maybe if she actually got to know her classmates this term, she would know who to steer away from, who she could mess around with and who to actually talk to.
Looking at the bird, she responded. "it's, uh. Lumina. I'm Lumina." She was trying not to sound too out of place talking to this girl. Which was hard because her father kept her sheltered her whole life, so she never really talked to anyone but him. Talking to people was hard. Was it this easy for everyone?
"Lumina." The melodic-sounding name danced playfully off her lips. Taking a closer look at the girl, it seemed fitting. "I'm Zoey. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. If you're going to sit next to me, you will need to keep things like that-" She motioned at the flaming bird. "-away from me. Capiche?"
Lumina looked at the girl. "Zoey. It's...nice to meet you." She held the bird in her hand, almost like it was some sort of security blanket or something.
Dadamato said:
"Lumina." The melodic-sounding name danced playfully off her lips. Taking a closer look at the girl, it seemed fitting. "I'm Zoey. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. If you're going to sit next to me, you will need to keep things like that-" She motioned at the flaming bird. "-away from me. Capiche?"
( hmm... Fire and ice :0 )

Fate looked to the head of the class at the clock as the bell rang, signaling the day was over "Finally!" Fate yells as she grabs her back and stands up, then running out the door . ( what a shot day :P )
Lumina looked up, hearing the bell ringing. Class was over. She stands up, letting the firebird go, and nods to Zoey. "Nice to...meet you." She walks out of the classroom and into the hallways, wanting to just go back to the dorm, away from everyone.
Zoey deduced that this girl must have an affinity for fire or the like. That unsettled her, but Zoey brushed it off. It's not like she was trying to make enemies with anyone, especially not on the first day, at least. The drama would come later, and it would come naturally. Looking up to see someone rush out the door as soon as the bell rang, Zoey snatched her phone and stood up. Lumina scurried off after setting the blasted bird free, leaving Zoey alone in the classroom. Whatever, she thought. And to think that she was almost going to be nice enough to invite this girl to supper with her. Her old friends would have puked at the thought.
Lumina moved through the throngs of people in the hallways, trying to keep them from touching her as she made her way to her dorm. But no of course, as coordinated as she was she managed to trip over her own feet in an effort to avoid someone who was very close to touching her back. She fell face first into the ground, her jacket now slightly askew off her shoulders. Bits of orange feathers were now visible from thearea near her shoulders.
Fate walked into her dorm, throwing her bag aside as she flopped down on her bed "uuuuugggghhh!" She said,"I'm alive!" She decided she was to tired to complain about the school day so she drifted off to sleep.
Noyeh was hanging out on the Roof of the School, he teleported up there a few moments ago. He didn't know what to do, so, wait for the next day. He needed to sleep, it took too long for him just to reach the area of teleportation he could use. He could've just walked in but, it wasn't easy. He didn't want to do much, so sleep on the roof, nobody there, nobody bothering him. "Time to sleep?" He literally fell asleep after that, waiting for his ears to perk up to hear the bell or something.

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