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Fantasy Spellreaper Academy

Following her gaze to the flytrap that the professor had gestured to, it was difficult to keep the look of awe off Zoey's face. It looked so malicious that it was beautiful. Sauntering over to it, she kept a distance while studying its anatomy. "And why, may I ask, is this one oh-so-very dangerous?" she questioned, her mocha brown eyes taking in every aspect of its beauty. Most of these plants she had never seen before, but that didn't mean that she wasn't willing to learn more about them and their uses. The professor had mentioned that some of these plants were dangerous to smell, too. Dabbling in some danger could bring some fun, she thought.

Upon closer inspection, Thomas had fallen asleep mid-book mid-battle. Nothing more to say about it. He was snoring, sitting upright fast asleep.
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Exposition mode, engaged.

"That thing's called the Blood Lotus. According to myth, it was a corrupted tuber that grew on the side of Yggdrasil, the World Tree. It was pruned off before it could grow and corrupt the entire tree. Which is unsurprising, since that lore pantheon has about a hundred different apocalypse scenarios. But, anyways, when the Blood Lotus was cut from the Tree, it fell to a remote island far to the South, off the coast of Africa. It's incredibly invasive; it covered the entire island in just days, but it couldn't spread itself across the Ocean, because of the salt water. If it had reached the mainland, it probably would have grown across the entire world by now." The Saint's tone was one of almost reverence, but mostly just grim fear. "But, all of that isn't really the reason you can't touch this specific sapling. The reason for that is due to its self-defense mechanism. Wanna see how it works?"

Jonathan slowly opened his eyes, realizing he had fallen asleep, he passed his palm trough his face, irritated that he just did that, fall asleep in the middle of all the entrance. He quickly got up, letting his feet dangle and wipe his eyes. He went to the bathroom of men, throwing away his uniform and putting on black regular fit jeans, black combat boots and a loose hoodie, throwing the hood on top, leaving his face completely dark in the shadow it casted. He lt up a cigarette, a very big one, walking around the school, not caring if teachers saw him.

Then, he came across the Combat Club, a class he had, walking in and standing still, looking at the soon battle, his red pupil becoming so thin it would look like there was a black ghost with glowing red eyes, smoke coming out of his mouth.

"This wll be fun."
"It's only found off the coast of Africa, then?" Zoey mumbled, studying the plant. She had picked up on the hint of fear that had wormed its way into the professor's voice, but she brushed that off. It was just a plant, right? How much harm could they do? "I'd love to see its self-defense mechanism. I find it hard to believe that a plant can do so much. Don't get me wrong-- I'm aware that plants have defense mechanisms. Poison ivy and the mushrooms that can kill a man with just one bite. But what can it possibly do to me that would send me crying to mommy?" She didn't bother masking the clear disbelief that was in her voice.

Out of seemingly nowhere, Thomas began shivering violently, more out of fear than anything. He seemed terrified of something but there was nothing obviously causing his fear. He stood up, a look of hatred and anger in his eyes and he made a move for the next student, Ladia. His glaive thrown aside as his sword drawn it was clear he had pure intent to kill. Swinging the enchanted blade toward her at almost rapid speed. Looking into his eyes, they had gone from their usual cheery blue, to a deep crimson, fueled by rage.
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Miuna sat quietly watching the fighting. She didn't usually pay attention in class, but this is one she was interested in. She watched each person's unique movement and powers, and paid close attention to how they would heal themselves and how they would approach each other.
Thana chuckled. "It's fine use your powers. Fine to the best of your ability." Thana preferred a challenge and since there were times Thelma appeared unwelcome, it'd only fair. Thana stepped back a few feet and retrieved her scythe from the spiritual storage she kept it in. After all it was nearly a few feet over her head. She swung it around her body a few times before imbedding the sharp blade in the ground. Noticing that the guy fighting earlier was baring down on the girl, she swung her scythe in an arc to block the incoming attack.

@Andrea Logan @LuttyNetto
The sword was not at it's full power yet, therefore it was easily blocked by the scythe. Thomas drew a step back and lunged forward again. He was not giving up easy, one hand was reaching for a small leather pouch hanging from his belt.
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A small smile crept onto Miuna's face as she watched how intense the battle was getting. At this rate, she could barely keep track of what was going on. One second she saw someone swinging a weapon rapidly, the next second something exploded.
Thana did not go on the defensive however, but the offensive, driving the scythe at him in multiple swings around her body. Perhaps this would force him on the defensive, if not he would at the very least lose some vital limbs. What is with this guy? Thana wondered.

The Saint moved away for a moment, grabbing a jar from a cupboard beneath a sink and bringing it over. Inside dozens of scorpions writhed over, ontop of one another, in a carapaceous mass. He unscrewed it, and reached inside with his hand of living obsidian; the arachnids inside stung at his fingers, but to no avail, and he was able to pick one out, holding it by its tail.

"First, the Blood Lotus needs a genesis. Much in the same way an artist needs a reference image. The genesis is usually a piece of local fauna that's unlucky enough to find its way into one of the Lotus' flytraps. However, it can be introduced manually." Tay explained, and dropped the squirming scorpion into the central lotus flower, which momentarily bloomed open before cringing shut again, trapping the arachnid inside of its petals.

"Then, it needs materials to build with. Again, that's usual found in the nearby environment- mined from the ground beneath the plant by its roots, for instance. But, again, it can still be introduced purposefully." Now, Dante reached into some inner pocket of his greatcoat, and pulled out a globe of tin, setting the metallic sphere inside one of the sets of flytrap jaws. It snapped shut around it, distending from the shape for a moment before settling out.

"Now, it's able to use its mechanism to the full extent." Along the various vines of the Blood Lotus, tiny buds appeared. They swelled up rather rapidly, becoming eyeball-sized pods, before breaking open. Out of them crawled scorpions, perfectly identical to the one that the Saint had put inside of the Lotus' flower, however... constructed entirely out of tin.
As the scythe sliced through his limbs, the flesh simply re-formed, no blood or muscle, just flesh inside. His eyes were burning brighter by the second and his sword was glowing slightly, getting brighter as time passed on. He clearly had no reaction to being wounded and clearly no cares. His hand reached into the pouch, pulling out a black gem. He placed the gem in the air as it stayed there, everyone in the room could feel a strong force pulling them towards it, but specifically Thana as she was his main target, being pulled toward the gem directly. Thomas used this chance, taking the gem back out the air, putting it away and taking another slice. Something she would notice however, his sword arm was growing a tattoo-like mark from where he had contact with the sword, the tattoo was inked with his blood, the blood he should not have, being made entirely of flesh.
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Ladia looked into Thomas's eyes and studied them. "Thank you Miss Thana. If you hadn't blocked his attack I would most certainly be in a bad position..." Then suddenly Ladia was being pulled toward a black crystal. She turned to Thana and then to Thomas. He was now aiming for Thana. Ladia sighed and sinked into Thomas's shadow when she reached it. "This is a strange way to say thank you, but we come from different habitats." She said in his head. "Now currently I am in your shadow or I AM your shadow. Let's see when I move your body will have to copy your shadows movements." Ladia moved her shadow arm and made it drop the blade Thomas was holding. "I am terribly sorry Thomas, but when it comes to something like this, I must take action." Ladia came out of Thomas's shadow and started coughing. What was going on? She looked up at Thomas's red eyes.
As soon as he dropped his sword, the markings on his hand faded away, his eyes returned to their normal blue and thomas fell forward, unconcious. This incident showed that the combat club is clearly unsafe, only for those who can handle themselves in a real fight situation.
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Despite having him attack her, Thana rushed forward and caught the falling kid with a bit of effort. "Hey, what's up with you?" Thana asked, genuinely confused. Sure he'd nicked her side and she was bleeding but with the current adrenaline, she didn't feel it much. She glanced at the girl she was going to fight. "Are you okay?" Thana asked. She gently lay the unconscious guy on the ground and knelt beside him not entirely sure what had just ensued.
Zoey's eyes widened as she witnessed this man just stick his hand into a jar of scorpions without wincing even once. The fearless demeanor that she had brought with her to this school wavered a bit. The people sent to this place weren't just crazy, they also had power, like her. It then occurred to her that she had no idea what anyone at this school was capable of. Thoughts like that disturbed her. As she watched the scorpion fall into the maw of this new plant, she chose to ignore its frantic, high-pitched squeals. Zoey watched the plant's buds bloom until they burst with sickening pops and failed to conceal a gasp when she saw not one, but many tin scorpions emerge from their pods.

"B-but...how?" Zoey wondered, mixed feelings of disgust and curiosity suddenly overtaking her mind.
Miuna looked at the unconscious man lying on the floor. 'This class is a more extreme than I thought...'
Jonathan remained unamused, taking a few puffs of smoke. He had seen better battles, these people were only using fancy swords and blades, he expected to see some colossal battle, not a knife fight. He slowly raised his eyebrows, his red pupils going back into full circles, instead of the ones resembling a cats eye, standing still. That guy was supposedly immortal, yet he fell so easily_ Even Jonathan regenerated limbs faster than him, and he nearly dies because of cuts. ''Wow.''
After setting up a makeshift pillow with her jacket for the boy, she stood, not entirely done with the battles. "Anyone else wanna fight?" Thana asked awkwardly. She was still feeling a bit of the exhilaration from a fight she thought they'd have, she wasn't ready to give it up.
Fate was now sitting off to the side reading a book, some sort of romance novel from what the cover looked like. Everyone in the room could hear small fangirling moments every ten seconds.
The book Thomas was reading lay there in the middle of the fighting mat, cover up, open on a page. The cover had an illustrated picture of him, it was clearly a fictional book, and Thomas was clearly the main character in it, along with several pages torn out there is also a point 3/4 of the way in the pages are blank, the book was published, yet unfinished, and the author goes by the name Turais Pearlace, somone who has been spotted running around the school every now and then, not in any classes or records, just there. Tresspassing.
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The Saint immediately felt remorseful that he'd been so flippant in showing the girl this. He'd wanted to impress her- no, he'd wanted to see that snooty attitude of hers broken. He'd wanted to feel the satisfaction of forcing a nonbeliever to face a fact. But that was for petty children, not saints. He was supposed to be better than that. He wasn't supposed to strike fear into people's hearts.

"The Blood Lotus is capable of some sort of passive spellcraft. If you look at its cells under a microscope, you'll see that each of the individual organelles is constructed to be a miniature ritual circle. I'm not exactly sure how it works, but it seems it's preforming an incredibly convoluted transmogrification across every individual cell. Converting the materials its been fed into such a perfect replica of its genesis sample that they can even come to life." Tay hoped that helping Zoey understand what she was afraid of would rob it of its ability to unsettle her.

Nodding, Zoey couldn't shade the feeling of dread as she saw the metallic arachnids scurry. There weren't many things that had the capability of invoking fear into her, but creepy crawlies was one of them. Goosebumps covered her arms as she saw their legs twitch; she felt imaginary bugs crawl up her limbs and Zoey shuddered. It took her a moment to compose herself, but she decided to take a couple steps back in an attempt to allay her fears.

"So this thing isn't completely natural, then? There's some sort of infused magic in its genetics?" Learning about its biology was somewhat interesting, but if it had the power to replicate bugs and the like, she wanted to forget about wanting to have one in her home. "Do these...metal scorpions have the ability to poison their victims?"

"Well, to be honest, I don't really know what its origin is. It's probably from before the Great Flood. Maybe one of God's beta-tests for plantlife that went horribly awry. Maybe it really is a corrupted salling that was pruned from Yggdrasil. Nobody knows for sure."

Noting the way that the scorpions specifically made Zoey feel timid, the Saint carefully scooped them up, one by one, into his obsidian hand, and crushed them with a flex of his wrist. He poured their metallic shells onto the palm of his other hand, then, and with a bit of alchemy, converted the tinof which they were made back into the original sphere it had been.

"Oh, yeah, they ought to still have poison glands." He stated, when Zoey asked about that. "The Blood Lotus replicates things perfectly. It can even copy an object's mystical traits. If you fed it at enchanted locket and put a bracelet in its flower, it would create a bracelet with te same enchantment as the locket."

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