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Fantasy Spellreaper Academy

The singing did it, Ippy dazed off into a daydream, staring up at the sky she seemed to be really happy, one would wonder what she was daydreaming about to make a girl so shy, so publicly happy, and as instinct, she leaned into a hug with Patience, purring slightly as a human.
Ippy gently rested her head on Patience's shoulder, it was almost as if Ippy was simply repeating something she used to do in her past, almost as if she thought Patience was someone else in her daydreaming state...
After a few moments of this paradise on the roof, Ippy stopped staring at the sky as her eyes drifted closed and she fell asleep up against Patience, purring in her sleep still.
Victor, who'd barely noticed the two girls leaving finally catched up and went up on the roof "So this-" He interupted himself seeing the scene of Ippy resting in Patiences arms. He decided to leave them be and instead just lean against the wall, watching.
As victor stepped onto the roof and the gravel crunched under his foot, Ippy's cat ear twitched and she opened an eye, accompanied by a yawn, looking at Patience who was lost in dream she realized what had happened. Her eyes opened wide and she shuffled away from her a little bit, blushing heavily, looking up at Victor, she gave a shy smile and a little wave. "H-hi Victor..."
"Y-yeah, I kinda ran off..." She was a bit ashamed, instinctively going back to fiddling with her tight collar.
"But well, it seems like she's a bit of a heavier sleeper than you, so what do you say we give her a bit more comfortable resting place?"
"Can you lift her then? I uhh... I'm fast, not strong..." She looked over at Patience and Wingspear, then back at Victor.
"W-well, she decided to stay with you right?" Ippy recalled Victor asking Patience if they wanted to share rooms. Also remembering something herself. "D-do you mind if I join you too? I k-kinda forgot which room was mine..." She admitted, she was not even sure if the room Scar took her to was her own, or even his, she blushed much more after thinking about Scar, regretting what happened. Pulling towards Victor in a hug as if asking him to protect her from the thoughts.
"Yeah-" Victor was going to continue but Ippys motion made him stop, set Patience carefully down and embrace Ippy without question since he noticed something was wrong.
His sudden response shocked Ippy, reacting to this, all she could do was tighten the hug and let a few small tears out.
"J-just bad memories..." She replied in a shaky voice. Today was both horrible and amazing. She made two new friends, but she had two horrible memories being constantly recalled beyond her control.
"R-right, don't forget Pai (pronounced Pay)..." She said, pointing towards patience. She clutched the tag on her collar tighter, and waited at the stairs down for Victor.
He smiled at the girl "Of course not" He picked up the fairy girl and walked with Ippy back to his room.
As they reached his room, Ippy laid down on the bed, her hand had not lowered from her collar tag since leaving the roof, and she was still a bit jumpy and paranoid.
Victor put Patience on the bed next to Ippy and placed himself on a chair "By the way, I've meant to ask, what's that collar around your neck, you've been fiddling with it since we left the roof.

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