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Fantasy Spellreaper Academy

The nurse nods writing it down before checking her, she moved away when the nurse tried to check how she was feeling now. The nurse sighs trying again this time, she changes back into her fairy size. She fell to her knees holding her head in pain, being on the bed that is. The nurse thought for a moment watching her, before going to a cupboard and pulling an advil bottle. She walked over to the pained patience and sets the pill bottle beside her, "Here change into what you were before do you can take these.." the nurse says softly. Patience didn't know what to think of it at first, but then nods changing into Victor's size again, the pain increasing 2x which made her curl up slightly holding her head more. The nurse left for a brief moment coming back with a cup of water handing it to her. She took the two pills and drank the water letting out a satisfactory sigh as the pain eased up then she uncurls herself looking at them.
Victor, who was worried that the medicine wouldn't help, but as he saw Patience uncurling he let out at reassuring sigh "How do you feel, did it help?"
Patience nods smiling, "The pain is there....but its not as bad as it was before, so I believe it helped. She stands up walking over to him, stopping when the nurse called towards her. "You will need this....incase the pain is bad again, and I advise you go see a doctor just incase." Patience nods taking the pill bottle with her but then went she left, she was nervous as her wings, yet again flutter softly showing how she was feeling at the moment.
Victor smiled, enlightened that the medicine had worked "Well, since it seems like you're fine now, I think we're done here" Victor walked back out into the corridoor, looking at Patience, hoping there wouldn't be any sideeffects.
minismurf said:
Victor smiled, enlightened that the medicine had worked "Well, since it seems like you're fine now, I think we're done here" Victor walked to the door, waiting for Patience, hoping there wouldn't be any sideeffects.
she is already outside the nursery lol
She smiles at him, "What shall we do? There could be some things around here that could be fun.." she suggests shrugging
"Any reccomendations?" Victor was still pretty new to the school so he didn't quite know that much about potential activities apart from the fight club.
She thought, "huh...well we could just walk around talking, go check out the fight club and watch people fight.....speaking of which, do you have a roommate?" she asks
"Yeah, the fight club sounds interesting. And as for your question, well, I have Ippy here, but I'm not sure if she's my roommate, and even if she is, I don't think she'll take much space"
Patience shrugs, "Alright and sure, come on!" she says excitedly running towards the fight club, she hasn't been this happy in ages
Victor followed Patience to the fight club, acctually quite excited, until now he hadn't realised what had happened, he'd been here only a few days and he'd already made more friends than throughout the entirety of his years in school.
Patience enters and sits at the sidelines watching the people fight, her wings fluttering happily while she smiles watching them in awe
As Victor, Patience and a now sleeping Ippy entered the combat club, Thomas looked up from his book and welcomed them. "Welcome, just ask if you need anything, help, information or otherwise." He went back to his book.
Thomas realized he was ignored, and was aware that there was now a student that probably would not know who to ask if she needed help, so he stood up and repeated the exact same greeting, in a slightly louder tone with a smiled, as he held out a hand. "Welcome, just ask if you need anything, help, information or otherwise."
Patience snapped out of it and looked at him, she smiles "Its alright...I'm fine but don't worry, I'll come to you if I need help" she then went back to watching the fight, her wings glowing dimly
Nodding back at her, content with the reply he got Thomas went back to sit down, finally putting his book away. Stopping dead in his tracks, taking out a personal bow from his desk and some arrows from the rack, he figured he needed some archery practice. He hadn't done so in a few days. Sliding in an arrow, drawing back the bow string, holding the bow steady towards the targe-Nope. Thomas aimed way too far to the left, shot the bow. The arrow went flying in the expected direction, but he then quickly drew another arrow and shot the first one, it changed course back to the target, the second arrow was embedded into the first, going with it. As it hit a bullseye, Thomas new his did not need practice, he never will. As natural as his emotions and thoughts were, his skill was artificial, he could never fail, he WANTED to fail. He WANTED to know the feeling of defeat, but he knew until his author writes in an ability to lose into the unfinished book that is quite literally his life, failure not only wasn't an option, it wasn't a possibility. Despite his admirable success at archery, he seemed depressed, placing his bow back where he got it and putting the arrows back on the rack, Thomas just slumped down on his chair, not bothering to get out his book.

(OOC: btw, i ship Patience + Victor = Victience. Or do i ship Ippy + Victor = Ipptor... What if i shipthem as a thee-way couple? :D VIPPTIENCE.)
Patience watches before looking over at him, sitting on a chair "Are you okay?" she asks with a worried expression
Thomas looked up at the girl, hid behind a fake reassuring smile and replied, "Yes, I am fine, just go on and enjoy the club..." Trailing off a bit at the end.

(OOC: Gotta get ready for haircut >.< Won't reply for a bit after a bit.)
( alright) She sighs and leans back against the chair, "I have known many people who lie back where I lived, this isn't any different"
Victor noticed Thomas but didn't really pay that much attention "Yeah, sure, I'll tell you if I need anything" He then went over to Patience and took a seat next to her. "So I was wondering about your question about me having a roommate"
Patience nods with a small smile, "Sure...I don't have any roommates anyways" she chuckles a bit, rubbing her arm

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