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Fantasy Spellreaper Academy

Lumina gave a small smile. "Hey..." her voice trailed off as she looked for the book she dropped.
Ippy thought she had succeeded in decieving them, she may have failed in her escape, but she was pretty sure they thought she was asleep, after she was placed on the bed. She decided to have a quick stretch out to make sure she won't twitch and blow cover later, however as she did so she let out a short sharp "Mew" That filled the whole room.
"What is this? You seemed pretty interested in it since you didn't notice walking straight into my room" Victor was curious, but out of respect he decided not to open the book and instead hand it back to the girl.

Victor clearly noticed the sound "Oh, so you are awake Ippy, then why don't you go back to "normal" and talk to us?" Victor talked in a calm and friendly voice since he really wanted to speak to the feline girl aswell.
With shifting eyes, Ippy looked around the room and hesitantly turned back to her human form. "Y-yeah? W-w-what did you want t-to talk about?" She stuttered out, her cheeks were blushed a slight shade of red.
"I'm very curious both about your ability of that transformation and how on earth you managed to get trapped in a thirty foot tall tree"
"W-well... the tree incident... I climbed to the roof to clear my mind in a short nap atop the generator... But a bird saw my 'shiny' fur and kidnapped me..." She could barely recall the details, but she is aware enough of what happens in her sleep to know the rough basics. "And my ability... It's n-nothing special, just t-the ability to turn to a c-cat at will... Any kind of c-cat... I just prefer t-the small white one..." Her blushed cheeks did nothing but darken as she explained her "gift" to her saviour.
"Wow, I thought you could only turn into that small cute one, but ANY kind of cat? That's truly amazing, personally so have I never had any magical ability so I'm pretty easily amazed" Victor felt a little embaressed confessing his lack of powers and blushed a little.
Patience flies out to sit on a tree, upon seeing the bird that captured Ippy. She smiled walking towards the bird, it started to caw at her out of defense but she kept coming closer before starting to pet the bird's feathers smiling. The bird calmed down and leans down for her to continue to pet it, she climbed on the bird and tapped its side softly with a leg. The bird flew off into the sky, spreading its wings as it flies around. She smiles screaming, "WOOHOOO!!!!" laughing as well, holing on as the bird flew. Patience jumped off only to fly with the bird, both doing air tricks together and such
Victor realized that he was going to have self-defense against magical arts in about five minutes "Oh yeah, shoot, class, eehm, I'll be back soon. Leave if you want to, or stay here, it doesn't seem like I've got a roommate yet, so decide yourself" Then he rushed off to class, hoping that Ippy would choose to stay, she was a very interesting girl, if a bit shy.
She then came back onto the bird's back smiling, "ahhhh..that was fun. Hmm, how about I name you wingspear?" she asks the bird as it cal my glides through the air. Patience could easily tell that the bird was thinking, before cawing //Yes! That's a wonderful name!// she smiles and pets the back of its head softly. "Alright, wingspear it is then.." she chuckles a bit as the bird flew around happily, holding on to the feathers softly enough to have a firm grip but not enough to hurt wingspear. Patience and wingspear flew around in the sky a couple more times, enoughing the wind and breeze before landing on the roof of the school. She gets up and pats him softly, "Well I am glad to fly with you wingspear, we should do it again sometime.." she suggests as the bird nuzzles her a bit before flying off back towards the tree. Patience jumps off the roof, not using her wings until she almost hits the ground spreading them out catching a wind current and glides through the air going to head back inside the school
Deciding to take up his offer to stay in his room, Ippy simply muttered "S-sure, thanks..." She would have gone to class, if she remembered where she put her timetable, she had no clue where she is due next, and she decided to just sleep away the spare hours, as she always did.
Patience flies to class, landing on the ground as she changes her size at 5'2. She goes to sit down, looking around at her class mates who where in self defense and then looks over at the teacher as the teacher gets started. Patience listens closely, interested in what they were gonna learn today. Seeing as how they were gonna go with a partner and spar together. She was to shy to even ask one of her classmates, staying where she was watching everyone else do it. Patience sighs thinking to herself, Why do I have to be the shy one
Victor was sitting in class, trying to take notes as good as he could, the teacher said that everyone should find a partner "shoot, I dont know anyone here" He thought to himself, then he noticed the fairy girl from before, "well, I don't know anyone else in here, so I might aswell" He walked over. "Hi" He didn't manage to come up with anything else, since he wasn't sure if she'd accept his offer.
Patience jumps a bit and looks at him, "Oh..hey Victor" she then looked back at the rest of the class before looking at him, "Um victor...do you by any chance..wanna be partners?" she stuttered out in a shy tone, still not use to the fact of talking with someone
Victor was relieved by her words, "Yeah, sure, eeehm, I didn't quite hear what the teacher said we should do, did you have any better luck?"
Patience shook her head sighing, "Not that much.......its a habit on ..wait, did you just mew?" she asks looking at him
Ippy had secretly climbed into Victor's trouser pocket before he left his room, she looked out his pocket at him. Releasing another Mew.
"Well, now that you've met I might aswell introduce you, Ippy, this is Patience, she's a fairy and Patience, this is Ippy, a girl that can become any cat she wants to be"
Looking at the two that were fussing her, she decided to make Patience jump! With absolutely no warning, Ippy the pocket-sized kitten became Ippy the 4' 5" Cat girl. Her ears won't stop twitching after making such a big commotion. People were staring, and Ippy was instantly regretting her decision.

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