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Fantasy Spellreaper Academy

Patience went back to her own table, away from them since she didn't want to bother them with they're reading. She went back to reading about space, two more books at her side. When she was done with the first one, she went to go read the other two. After that she left the library checking out the books and putting them in her backpack. Patience changes her size back, which gave her a massive headache since she wasn't suppose to be tall for so long. The fairy flew straight towards her dorm, but stopped and walked the rest of the way since she couldn't think right flying. She noticed Victor talking to someone, but she just kept walking hoping to get to her dorm and get some rest while she rubs her head
As she woke up to find herself sleeping in a bird's nest, high in a 30ft tree just inside the main gates, Ippy started to panic. She HATED heights, especially when she was in her kitten form, it was almost ten times worse. She started meowing in desperation, afraid that turning back human would cause the branch to break and her to fall. The meowing was loud, she had practiced it for three of the ten years she was raised as a cat. She knew how to get attention, problem was, she didn't like the attention. But in this situation, it was not a matter of liking or or not, she NEEDED help. Badly.
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Since the girl didn't seem to notice him, Victor decided to keep walking to his room. Upon entering his room he noticed it was empty, however looking out the window he also noticed a cat, stuck in a tree. He'd always enjoyed pets, especially cats, but his family had never gotten one so he rushed out, planning to save it.
Ippy saw Victor through the window, as he ran out of sight, she hoped he was on his way to help her. She would look down to see if he was there, but in doing so she would simply pass out from fear, thirty feet up is very high, especially if you have a severe fear of heights and you are a kitten, barely the size of someone's hand and could easily fit in a pocket. If there was a chance he went to help her, Ippy decided that she would let him know her support, she started meowing slower and louder, as if the change in meowing would let Victor know she was reassured.
As Victor went through the exit doors he could hear the kitten surprisingly loudly, he ran to the tree and started nimbly climbing it.
Lumina nearly ran into Victor as he ran out, but paid no mind to it. She started walking around campus with the book.
As Ippy dared to take a quick peek down, she saw Victor, the boy from the window, climbing up as if it was second nature to him. She let a sigh of relief and she huddled into a small ball, awaiting her rescue.
Victor finally reached the small kitten "wow, how did you even get up here?" He asked the cat. "Anyway, lets get you down from here" He grabbed the kitten and carefully stuffed it inside his jacket, then he started his decent, a couple of feet at a time.
Ippy was saved, she gently purred against him, showing her thanks to her saviour. Without him, she would probably have been stuck there for much longer.
When they reached the ground Victor picked up the cute animal and held her in his hands and smiled. "You certainly are a cutie aren't you?"
Ippy looked back at Victor as he said that, she was blushing deep crimson through her soft white fur, she simple meowed in reply and cuddled into his arms, waiting to be taken inside.
Victor went back inside with the kitten, "I wonder if you have an owner, I hope not though" He went into his room and put the kitten on his bed.
Ippy looked up at him and pointed a paw to her collar, it had no buckle to remove it, clearly had heavy magic seals to keep it from breaking too. It was red leather with gold embroidery. The nametag read "Ippy the Kitty" There were no other details. Ippy just sat down on the bed, watching Victor.
"Oh, Ippy huh? well, pleasure to meet you Ippy, the names Victor, lets see if there's anything else written here" Victor looked all over the collar but couldn't see any other information "huh, guess not"
After stretching out a little in kitten form, Ippy decided to stop messing with Victor and become human again, as she grew to her regular height, she said to him, "I am really sorry for making you climb that tree..." She considered the whole thing her fault, and felt the blame should go with the fault.
Lumina walked around, nose stuck in a book when she came around to the area with Victor and Ippy, flat out running into the now transformed Ippy
Ippy saw Lumina and did not have time to dodge, being knocked down she just sat there wondering if her day could get much worse, first she had the most awkward moment ever with a TEACHER. Then she got kidnapped by a bird, and now she was within social contact of two different people. Ippy just wanted to get over her habit of social isolation, this may be the perfect oppertunity to do so, but she saw it as another oppertunity to escape. In a desperate attempt to get it over with, she muttered out, "Sorry, I was in your way..." Yes, that should be enough to brush it off as nothing, as her own fault.
Victor, nearly starled by the transformation tried to keep a straight face "Oh, don't worry about it, I've always wanted to save a kitty in need. However-" Victor got interupted by Lumina barging in. "Well, hi there..."
Lumina fell backwards, book flying out of her hands. She landed with a thump, bouncing a bit. Looking up, she looked at the now startled Ippy.

"O-Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" A furious blush found her face. She then noticed Victor. "Oh, uh, hey there.."
Ippy stands up, helps Lumina up and helps her gather her books back up. She then tries to slip away while Lumina talks to Victor, social contact is something she does not want to deal with. She turned back into a kitten and attempted to sneak under Lumina's legs to get away.
Zoey's eyes scanned the tome in front of her and flipped to the front page. The words were clearly written in older English, but not old enough for Zoey to think that it was a completely foreign new language. As she leafed through its pages, many symbols, diagrams and unfamiliar figures popped out at her and she was entranced by the book. However, one thing did happen to catch her eye. "Hey mask kid, you know anything about blood rituals?"

@Princess Ktyria
Ippy froze in her tracks, midway on the escape. She had been spotted! Looking around a little paniked, she did the only thing she knew how to do well. She fell asleep there and then... Or at least feigned sleep to trick them, as realistic as it was with her eye opening constantly to check if they were still there.
Victor, who didn't want anybody to leave until he understood the situation, closed the door, picked up Ippy and put her back on the bed. "Ok" he turned to Lumina, "Hi, names Victor, and this is Ippy, a cat, or so I thought, that I saved"

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