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Fantasy Spellreaper Academy

"I-i-i k-kinda d-d-don't h-ha-have any c-clothes on..." She answered timidly. Poking her head over the sheets she also added, "Thanks for taking me b-back here... and c-cleaning it for me, i was t-told i am getting a room-mate today, but i d-don't know who..."
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Ladia looked down at Thomas. She wanted to help him but she didn't know what to do. She looked back at the entrance then down at Thomas's shadow. She sighed and looked up at Thomas. She stood to her knees and hugged Thomas. She hugged tightly, but not very tight. "Mr. Thomas if there is anything the matter, I am here to solve your problem."
Thomas was calming down enough to talk, "I-I should be f-fine for now... Just do me a favour and keep tabs on The creator, if you don't m-mind..." He barely muttered it out, before having to catch his breath again.
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Ladia let go and stood back. She nodded and went to her feet. "If any thing troubles you, come to me. 86% of the time I am able to solve a problem." Ladia headed to the exit and held onto the door frame. She looked back at Thomas and froze. Instead of Thomas, their was a boy crying. She blinked and the boy vanished, and Thomas was there again. She let go of the frame and walked quickly to Turais. She sat down beside her and asked, "So you wrote that book Miss Turais? May you please explain what it is about. I am afraid Mr. Thomas wouldn't want me to read the book. It seems like a personal matter."
Turais replied to her "He won't mind, he just doesn't want to not mind." she hands Ladia a copy of the book, it is your average fantasy story about a village hero making it big in the main kingdom as a national hero. Nothing particularly unique except everything that has happened to thomas can be related to the book, it does not provide much detail in it's unfinished state, but the facts are there.


Noticing Scar's embarrassment, Ippy realized he was just a person like her, not some formal 'machine' like most other teachers turn out to be. Having not spoken to another 'person' other than Turais for a good few years, she realized how important it was he stayed in her life. In order to seal the deal, Ippy struck Scar with a suprise hug, the blanket almost slipping down as she did so.
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Scars eyes widened "Wh-Why are you hugging me?" He says in an awkward voice. He gave up after a few seconds and hugged back wondering what would happen next.
Ippy's eyes were tearing up, overjoyed there was another real actual human PERSON to talk to in this crazy world she exists in. Her only friend until today was some little girl who kept breaking into school grounds due to boredom, other than that one friend she had, Ippy had nothing. All the games she owned she found useless to entertain. All of the books she owned, she had read them all over ten times but they didn't even get her interested the first time, she only carried on hoping they would. Then there is the matter of what she did do in her spare time, Turais was not there all the time to talk to, so when she was gone Ippy had nothing whatsoever, she slept. But now she had another friend, she could finally wake up and talk, live in the real world, away from day-dreams and fantasies. She was too emotional to reply to Scar right now, all she wanted to tell him was told in her hug. She loved him.
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Ladia stared at the book. It was quite thick for such a young author. She looked at Turais and said, "Thank you Miss. Turais. But one question. Do you know how Thomas was taken out of the story? In all my years... Well I mean year I have never heard of a character being taken from their story."
Turais thought for a moment then asked "What do you mean, taken out of da stowy?" Then something clicked in her mind and she realized who she was speaking to earlier. "Wait... DAT WAS THOMAS?!?!?!" She stood upright and went to run back to the room he was in, but her leg gave out once again, just as it did earlier, she left before she had ANY treatment.
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Patience wakes up and quickly gets up, she dusts herself off with a sigh, "I should have stayed awake.." she murmured but then grabbed her bag and flew up, heading in a random direction

Mamoreru Iha

After a bit of staying in the combat club, she finally left, walking around the school. She ended up finding what she was looking for. The ends of her mouth tilted up slightly as she entered the Home Ec. class and closed the door then turning on the light. 'Ah..' She thought, finally where she loved to be. She went over to the teachers desk and unlocked the cabinents underneath it and pulling out ingredients to make a cheesecake. Right as she got them out, she put on the apron that hung on the chair behind her and started to cook.

Chi Usagi

Chi left the infirmary awhile ago, being located in the library then. He had already finished The Book Theif, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, and And Then There Were None. Now he was reading, The Outsiders. He was enjoying it severely so far, caught up in the book so much that he wasn't paying to anybody or anything around him. He looks quite intimidating from a far with the mask and different colored eyes but he looked quite odd being a boy who seemed so intimidating sitting at a round table in the library reading. He didn't notice how weird this may have looked and continued to look, qwitching his sitting positions every once in awhile.


Patience heads towards the library, wondering what could be in there. When entering, she looked around noticing a guy with a mask but didm't want to intrude so she went over to look for a book to read. Even if she would have to change her size to actually read it
Deciding that it was starting to get late, Zoey decided to head into the library to get some research done. Normally, she would be spending her time readying her at-home spa, but what Professor Iscariot had said motivated her. If it was true, then she could possibly harness enough power to make her seem more than just the icy bitch who viewed everyone else with disdain. After all, the professor said that she needn't worry herself about physical altercations in order to...what was it? Become a decent mage. The determined Korean girl set foot inside the library for the first time, and she sighed in relief. There was only one kid here and he was, just like all the others, nose in a book. Walking up to a random shelf, she let out a cry of annoyance. "What the hell is the Dewey decimal system?"

@Princess Ktyria @Anyone
Patience changes her size, grabbing a book about astronomy. She went to sit down alone reading, she just love space and beyond. Patience hums quietly to herself as she read, her bag hanging from the chair but she stopped rubbing her head as her headache came back. She set the book down continuing to rub her head, until it would go away so she can go back to reading

Chi Usagi

Being the oblivious nerd Chi is, he didn't notice the fairy floating in, all he noticed was the book and how amazingly wonderful it was. He was almost done with it as well. He had to finish the last page without crying and he can always be heartbroken over what happened in the book forever. (-Cough cough, hint hint, wink wink, nudge nudge- Me...) He finished the book and put it in the stack of books he had on the table and got up, walking over to the shelf section Patience was in. He didn't notice her at first- but after a bit looking at books, he noticed a little speck out of the corner of his eye. He was about to talk to the fairy before he heard someone yell.

In confusion, he walked slowly towards the noise adn saw a girl there. He walked over to the distressed girl and asked,
"Are you okay?"

Ladia followed after Turais and kneeled in front of her, back facing her. "Miss Turais, if you need help, I will carry you over if you would like. Then after words let's get that leg checked up alright?"
Realizing her leg is in worse shape than earlier, Turais decided to get the leg sorted first, giving Thomas time to calm "I wanna get my leg sowted fiwst... it's uncomfy" She said with a slight frown that was impossible to take seriously coming from her.
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Patience stops and looks at him shyly, "Oh um...its just a headache, a mere side effect from changing size its all" She notices the mask yet again and looks at it curiously, realizing she dozed off staring she snaps out of it and starts to read the book about astrology again, "Sor-ry.." she murmurs softly. Patience sets the book down again and looks at him, "I'm Patience...what's your name?" she asks quietly

( Wait....I'm confused..)
Looking at the boy with the mask that she had seen before, she scoffed. "No, I'm not okay. I don't know what any of this Dewey decimal crap is. I just want to find the Magical Theory section." Zoey never really read books for fun; who had time for that? This quest for knowledge was newfound and such a foreign concept to her. Scanning the room, she spotted a fairy girl who also looked like she knew how this library worked. Raising her voice, she announced, "Do either of you know how I can find what I'm looking for?"

OOC| Zoey walked in too, she's making a deal about the Dewey decimal system.
( Ohhh okay) Patience nodded looking at the girl. "I can help you.." she stated getting up and walking over towards the two, the book in her hand. "Hmm, why don't you try that section?" she suggested pointing towards a section between mystery and theories "That should help you find what you are looking for.."

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