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Fantasy Spellreaper Academy

"Well I'm no expert but uh, you don't really look fine" as she said this she sat near him, flicking her hair out of the way of her face.
Thomas started hyperventilating, he was in no state to talk.
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The blast of sound startled Miuna, and her eyes snapped open quickly. Miuna recognized the voice and looked straight ahead, annoyed. She turned around and looked at Akika in the eyes with a cold expression.

"What do you want now, Kika?" Miuna said calmly.

"Ohhh~ It's nothing~" Akika said followed with a small chuckle.

"I will be the one to kill you one day." Miuna said coldly, yet Akika knew she was joking.

"Fine~ You don't have to pry," Akika said, sarcastically. "Could you pretty please turn these papers in for me? Turn them into room 104."

Miuna let out a sign and silently stood up, taking the papers out of Akika's hand.

"In return, you get to take my bag to our dorm for me." Miuna said, throwing the bag into Akika's hands.
At this point, Thana had left the room with a shrug, wandering around the school bored. Hands in pockets, she tried to find something to interest her. Before she knew it she wandered full circle.
While walking, Thana encountered the small girl, sitting against a wall with Thomas' book.
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"Woah, cool it, take deep breaths" she started gesturing in and out with her hands.
Patience nods smiling, "Now whenever something happens by the dust changing someone, we have made a reverse dust to change them back!"
Thomas was beyond verbal help. He was not listening, the words were drowned out by his own worries.
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"Hey, I saw you earlier," Thana said, walking over to the girl. Noticing she had Thomas' book, she asked with a smile, "Are you friends with Thomas?"
The girl looked up at her and said, "Not fwiends, to use lowgic.... I am his.... mummy?" She didn't quite know what word to use, so she settled for considering herself a mother.
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"Mommy?" Thana repeated, genuinely confused. She took a seat beside the girl. "So you created him?"
Turais pointed to the book. "Yea! Ima aurtoor!" She declared with a proud grin.

(OOC: I'm gonna go do stuff, won't reply for a few probably, just don't count on it i guess...)
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"Oh dear" Dakota didn't really know what to do next, helping people wasn't a thing she was used to... but from what she knew of panic attacks is that all you cab do is wait for it to pass and make sure the person was okay. So that's what she did.
Miuna walked out of the room and into the hallway with the folder in her hand that contained all the papers. She arrived at room 104, and stood in front of it before walking in. Miuna looked down at the folder and opened it, wanting to know what the papers said. She opened the folder and glanced at each of the papers.

"Oh..." Miuna mumbled to herself. The papers had all the student's personal information on them. She decided not to peek, and shut the folder quickly. She walked into room 104 to see the lights off. She walked over to the teacher's desk and set down the folder. After that, she looked around and sat down in the desk she usually sit in, and looked directly at the board. She sighed as she leaned her head against her hand for support.
Ladia looked at Thomas then headed for the exit. She noticed Thana by the girl and walked over. Ladia kneeled in front of the little girl and said, "My apologies to interrupt your conversation Miss Thana, but I have to talk to her real quick. Now Turais, first off I would like you to know I am very impressed a girl your age could write such a book. And second, the boy in there who had that book earlier, he is having a panic attack. I think the book could help him calm down." Ladia stared at the girl.
Dakota noticed the girl leave in a hurry and hoped she was trying to get the book, Dakota couldn't move in case something happened to the boy, she had to stay.

(Ah I need to sleep, I'm nearly passing out! G'night all))
Miuna stands up and lazily walks out of the room and back into the hallway. On her way to her and Akika's dorm, she saw a little girl and a older girl conversing. She glanced at each person then continued on towards her dorm.

(K. Gn)
Turais looked at her and handed over the book, her only words were, "Kay~"
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Ladia accepted the book and told the Girl, "Thank you Turais. I am sure Mr. Thomas will appreciate your kindness." Ladia stood up and walked back to the infirmary. As she walked pass Barak, she glanced at his eyes then looked back at the shivering Thomas. She knelt down and placed her free hand on his shoulder. She handed him the book and said, "Mr. Thomas I hope this will help. The young Turais has kindly given the book back."
Thomas lay back, clutching the book, he was going to calm down over time as is natural.
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( sorry, break time )

Patience flies around humming heading back to the club as well, she sits somewhere away from everyone else so none would see her as she watches them with interest and curiosity
Scar decides on what he would do, so he picks up Ippys bag and slings it over his shoulder, still carrying Ippy. He walked out of the class towards the other side of the Academy. he made it there minutes later, walking into Ippys dorm and lying her on the bed , he then thought to himself ' I was not flirting >.>' he sighs and sets her bag down, then decides to clean her room a bit because he hated when things were messy.
Ippy wakes up, turning back to human form, but unluckily for her, when she went to her kitten form, her clothes refuse to go with her. She was nude. Looking around the room she notices scar cleaning and she realized what the situation was, quickly ducking under the covers before he saw her. "W-what are you doing?!" She stuttered out toward Scar.
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Patience sighs and goes flying towards her dorm, feeling tired and somewhat exhausted from today. She started to fall asleep while flying towards her dorm, falling asleep she flew straight towards a door or wall. Falling on the ground, she was asleep having her small bag on. Her wings curling slightly around her as it comforts her in her sleep
he was in the middle of dusting a vase when he turned because he heard the voice. "So, you're finally awake eh? that's good .... why are you under the covers? Did you get cold or something? " he let out a small laugh as he walked over to her and pulls up a chair beside the bed and sits down. "Just ask if you want to leave, I didn't leave before because it was messy :P "

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