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Fantasy Spellreaper Academy

Patience thought about it before nodding, "Alright…but don't worry…if you change. Then we could examine the dust and make our own dust, to reverse the process and turn you back." she reassures her before grabbing the container and flies all the way on top of Lumina, she opens it enough for the dust to fall landing on Lumina and on the ground. She places the container down, closing it so the rest of the dust will not fall out. She waits for the effects to take place as then, Lumina glows starting to turn into a neko but with the senses of a wolf. On the ground, it turned into a small field of grass. Patience looks at her, "How are you feeling Lumina?" she asks
Thomas looked up at her. "I look like a character from a storybook eh?" He let out a long sigh. "That's because I am." He held out the book he was reading to her. An illustration of him was on the front cover and it was unfinished halfway through there were blank pages, but the book was about him alright, it was about a man named Thomas Greyguard, the hero of Oresan kingdom. The book however, was written by Turais Pearlace.

@Maxwelle @Nonalaka
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((Welcome back @Princess Ktyria ))

Dakota stared at the boy, shocked. From a storybook? That's very interesting she thought, wondering how that could be. Realising she was stating, she shook her head and looked back to the book she was reading.

[QUOTE="Princess Ktyria]
Mamoreru moved to the side to avoid the ball of eletricity, even thought they weren't going to hit her in the first place. The girl then saw the girl trying ot kick her. 'Don't fall down, you're vulerable when you fall down.' Mamoreru thought quickly, 'Momentum...' The girl grabbed Miuna's foot and stumbled backwards from the impact of her foot and falling. Mamoreru couldn't see but she hoped that the other girl fell too from loss of balance. "For a collision occurring between object 1 and object 2 in an isolation system, the total momentum of the two objects before the collision is equal to the total momentum of the two objects after the collision. That is, the momentum lost by object 1 is equal to the momentum gained by object 2." Mamoreru mumbled, forgeting about the rule.

Lumina looks around. She just noticed she could smell EVERYTHING. she looks at patience.

/Good!/ she says, but it comes out as a cat meow
Patience smiles, "Don't worry..I speak animal" she giggles before looking for something. She flies over to a microscope that was at the end of a table, starting to push it towards her bag and the dust. She looks at her and smiled sheepishly, "A little help here?" she asks as she went back to pushing
Miuna stumbled and fell backwards onto her back. Then again, she was agile and quick, so she jumped back onto her feet in no time. She ran towards Mamoreru and delivered a swift punch to the gut, causing Miuna to slide forwards.
Mamoreru fell backwards, but rolled out of the way before Miuna could do any more real damage to her. The girl hopped up, attempting to tackle Miuna once she got her footing.
Dakotas attention floated back to the ongoing fight. As as she watched it she began to become annoyed with herself. She couldn't take part in such a thing, she was too unstable, she can barely use her abilities without ruining things. She sat a the sidelines, hugging her knees up to her face.
Miuna was now once again on her back against the floor. She tried to get up this time but fell down once again. She used all her might to kick her opponent square in the chest in order to separate them long enough for her to become stable.
Exiting the greenhouse with her newfound knowledge, Zoey glanced back at the classrooms. She had seen no one exit yet, so she assumed that the Combat club was still in session. Looking down at her hands, she seemed deep in thought. To use one's powers so freely seemed so obscure. These kids were all so careless with showing their powers; Zoey's style was more meticulous. Picking up a fallen leaf on the ground, a tiny burst of power pulsated from her fingers and encased the leaf in intertwining patterns of ice. It seemed so second nature to hide it away until she was absolutely provoked. Hell, she didn't even use her powers to add ice to her sparkling water.

Shaking her head and smoothing her nutrient-infused hair, Zoey rolled her eyes. She's clearly been spending way too much time debating about this. Leaning up against the side of the greenhouse, she checked her cellphone for updates on her family's stocks. Perfect, she though as a smile crawled across her face. She was going to the Bahamas, after all.
She then gets some dust and puts it in an examination container. Patience flies up to where she may examine it before looking at her, "I'm leaving you in charge of the nobs, when I say go..you change the view of the microscope." She looks through the looking view, "Hmm...go."
Mamoreru was kicked in the chest and fell backwards, trying to unparalyze her lungs and breathe. The girl rolled over while she got her breathe and stood up, or atleast attempting to do so. @Junniper
Patience examines it more, "Hmm....that-'s...that's it!" she pulls away and flies around happily before looking at Lumina "We could make a dust that can change you back!" she flies around, "Come help me.." she gets to work with creating a reverse dust with Lumina's help
Ladia looked back at Thomas and asked, "Is this Turais Pearlace a powerful person or is he just a regular author?"
"I mainly came to this school to find The creator, the writer of this book. I heard she breaks into the school grounds often. I believe she is a master of illusion magic." Thomas replied to Ladia. He did not know much about her, but he knew where to find her.

Just as Thomas said that, a girl about 3' 2" with pale pink hair and no shoes, walked into the room, "Hai, i wanna fight somewun!" She declared in a childish voice. She looked no older than seven years old.
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Miuna stands up, breathing heavily. The fighting has definitely made her tired. She can't wait to go to her dorm and sleep. She grabbed her sword and slung it over here shoulder and reached out her hand.

"Good job."
When patience was done, she sighs carrying some dust "Now for the big reveal....hopefully it pays off" she mutters before flying all the way above Lumina. She then pours the dust onto her and the ground, she and the ground glows. When the glows disappears, they were back to normal. Patience smiles, "YES! IT WORKS! IT ACTUALLY WORKS!" she flies around happily
Thomas looked down at the girl and asked, "Hello, are you lost?" He was not so good at handling children in his own opinion. The girl simply looked up at him and said "Nope, i know my way around this place blindfolded!" Looking a bit bored, she ran up to the nearest person and hugged their leg, the nearest person happened to be Thana @Maxwelle
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