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Fandom Spark of Rebellion OOC

I'm putting my foot down. We are not calling it Wraith. Maybe grab something less defined by a word and just mimic something like "The Raddus" since that's named after a Rebellion hero/ranked fleet commander.

I think I might make a second characters either a Starfighter Pilot or a Navy Officer/Crewman from the main home ship.

For anyone who isn't very well versed in this part of Star Wars, more specifically the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

Alliance SpecOps and Alliance SpecForce || They're quite different in Star Wars, though SpecForce does have a pretty big overlap into SpecOps-esque duties/operations.

The above are two good threads to read to get an understanding or better make a choice on what you want your character actually be.

"Yeah I was shakin', everyone in the shuttle was, everybody knew it'd be hard.
But!... we had jobs to do and the Republic sure as krif wasn't restoring itself."
-- Unidentified SpecForce Trooper, active 18BBY-7ABY

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