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Futuristic Spacestruck - Futuristic Space RP (Open)

JustCallMeAimee said:
The Russian woman looked down at the guy on the floor and sighed offering her hand, "stop sulking, little one. On your feet." Ana patiently waited for him to take her hand.

"I can get up myself, jeez!" Matt said not accepting the lady's hand. Unfortunately his foot had fallen asleep causing the junkie to slam his face on the hard floor paneling.

"God!" he yelped. "Alright, fine!"

Mat Lorre took the woman's hand and lifted himself up. He staggered to the cockpit all the while holding on to Russian's firm shoulder.
Jack Rosenthal

Jack looked at everyone, seeing they're quite eager to take off. He said "You guys wanna take off already? No unfisnished business? No bonding games, or shit?" with a curious voice. He sighed and sat in a normal, proper position, he looked at the picture of the little girl again. He sat properly and then cracked his fingers, he prepared the ship for take off, pressing a few buttons.

@NekoQueen49 @RP Marshall @Safety Hammer @JustCallMeAimee
After committing another one of her assassinations, 163 started running away, as her target was escorted by armed personell. Whitch immediatly started to search the area.

Jumping from roof to roof, and running as fast as she could, she started to see on her visor the cameras of the area. She noticed that the armed forces were sweeping the whole area out, and she woudent had a chance against all of them. While running, looking left and right for a place to hide, she noticed a ship, which was getting ready to go off, since it had a burning little flame in the thrusters, which later would turn in an inferno after the gas would roll in there. She saw an opportunity to get away from the hell-hole wich the area would turn in a few minutes. She didn't think twice, and ran towards the ship, she was very quiet while getting in the ventilation sistem. She got in there easy-peasy, crawled a little, and exit in a room which looked like an armory. She heared noise of peopole talk so she decided to hide inside the box which was in the room.
JustCallMeAimee said:
Reluctantly she lead him inside. Ebony looked at Jack carefully and then shrugged Matt's hold off of her. "I wouldn't say I was egar to leave...more bored."

Jack Rosenthal

Jack activated the radio, scrolling through a few songs, he heard one that caught his ear, so he remained on it.


He flipped a switch with his pointing finger and you could hear the engine roaring out. He took control of the ship and went up, oblivious of the assassin in the store-room. He took course towards the island, then said "We are going towards an island base of these aliens, that I detected way earlier." with a lightly reluctant voice. He set it on auto-pilot as they were on course. The computer wrote 'Arrival on destination in 2 hours' on it's screen. Jack sat back and relaxed, his hands behind his head and his legs in-front of him, instead of the console.

@NekoQueen49 @Safety Hammer @The Black Rainbow @JustCallMeAimee @RP Marshall
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
Jack activated the radio, scrolling through a few songs, he heard one that caught his ear, so he remained on it.


He flipped a switch with his pointing finger and you could hear the engine roaring out. He took control of the ship and went up, oblivious of the assassin in the store-room. He took course towards the island, then said "We are going towards an island base of these aliens, that I detected way earlier." with a lightly reluctant voice. He set it on auto-pilot as they were on course. The computer wrote 'Arrival on destination in 2 hours' on it's screen. Jack sat back and relaxed, his hands behind his head and his legs in-front of him, instead of the console.

@NekoQueen49 @Safety Hammer @The Black Rainbow @JustCallMeAimee @RP Marshall
Matt swayed gently to the radio music. Lip syncing the lyrics, his withdraw symptoms slowly lessened.
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NekoQueen49 said:
"Hey," Saphira said after a long pause of just music blasting. "Is there anything to drink on this ship? If you have it, I can make it."
Jack Rosenthal

Jack looked at her and said "In the storage, there should be rations and water and other stuff there, including alcoholic beverages. Just watch out for the robots, okay? Don't activate any of them." then he sighed and looked through the windshield, as they flought at extremely high speeds, seemingly about 1000km per hour, maybe even a bit above.
"Yessir," Saphira chirped happily. She turned and went to exit in search of the storage room but stopped, seeing a new face. "Oh, hi!" She said with a smile at the man. He seemed a little out of it, so Saphira didn't know whether or not she should have approached him. But as a member of their crew, she should at least know his name. "I'm Saphira," she greeted, holding out her hand in a friendly manner.

@RP Marshall
NekoQueen49 said:
"Yessir," Saphira chirped happily. She turned and went to exit in search of the storage room but stopped, seeing a new face. "Oh, hi!" She said with a smile at the man. He seemed a little out of it, so Saphira didn't know whether or not she should have approached him. But as a member of their crew, she should at least know his name. "I'm Saphira," she greeted, holding out her hand in a friendly manner.
@RP Marshall
Matt, coming back to his cold hard reality of addiction, noticed the young 16 year old speaking to him. He remembered when he was about her age. It had been a year since he was fired from the group called 'Future Flight Tech'. It was his job to test newly designed spacecrafts to see how fast they could go. He missed those good old times of controlling a ship at lightning speeds.

"Matt," the junkie said as he extended his quivering hand. "So, you know all these jerks?"

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Saphira hummed. She didn't see that. Saphira thought she was more gruff and battle worn. "Maybe," she granted, following along with his whispering tone, "but that's probably because of her experiences, that's all."

@RP Marshall
NekoQueen49 said:
Saphira hummed. She didn't see that. Saphira thought she was more gruff and battle worn. "Maybe," she granted, following along with his whispering tone, "but that's probably because of her experiences, that's all."
@RP Marshall
"Yeah, sure!" Matt said as he winched from a painful withdraw episode.

This had been the longest amount of time spent without ZOOM.

He rubbed his palms together and quietly asked Saphira, "Hey, I couldn't help but over hear you saying something about making drinks. Are you some kind of bartender? Did you get a lot of shady individuals at the bar? Has anyone of them ever sold you Zoom?"

The junkie glanced over to the others, making sure they had not overheard what he had said to the youth.

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"Eh?" She replied in a quizzical manner. Sure, she had experience people like that but, she tended to just serve them their drinks and be on her way. So, Saphira shook her head. "Mm-hmm. Sorry," she said.

@RP Marshall
NekoQueen49 said:
"Eh?" She replied in a quizzical manner. Sure, she had experience people like that but, she tended to just serve them their drinks and be on her way. So, Saphira shook her head. "Mm-hmm. Sorry," she said.
@RP Marshall
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]
"Kid, don't make me lock you in the cargo hold. Either you go cold turkey or you go out of the airlock, got it?" Edgar said with his arms crossed. He used to be an addict himself, and was worried for the kid's health.

Matt painfully sighed as he sunk deeper into the chair.

"Cold turkey? Easy for you to say jackass," Matt rudely said to Edgar. The druggie had meant to mutter this under his breath but unfortunately he said it out loud without thinking of the possible consequences Edgar might inflict on him.
"I'm just... going to get those drinks now," Saphira tried to say in her normal cheerful manner. However, it just seemed to deflate at the transpiring events. Finding nothing else to say, nor anyway to remedy the situation, she left the cockpit and began trying to find the storage room Jack mentioned.
[QUOTE="RP Marshall]Matt painfully sighed as he sunk deeper into the chair.
"Cold turkey? Easy for you to say jackass," Matt rudely said to Edgar. The druggie had meant to mutter this under his breath but unfortunately he said it out loud without thinking of the possible consequences Edgar might inflict on him.

"Easy for me to say? You wanna know what is easy for me to say? It's easy for me to say that I lost both or my arms, my eyes, my spine and a ton of other shit because I used to be in the same ship as you! Now you might not be able to have the marine corps to straighten you out, but I'll tell you this, you can spout off all of the shit you want, but I've been through hell and back twice. So shut the fuck up and be a man for once in your life." Edgar spat, as he lifted Matt up by the collar. He was fucking pissed at this kid, probably because he reminded Edgar too much of himself.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]
"Easy for me to say? You wanna know what is easy for me to say? It's easy for me to say that I lost both or my arms, my eyes, my spine and a ton of other shit because I used to be in the same ship as you! Now you might not be able to have the marine corps to straighten you out, but I'll tell you this, you can spout off all of the shit you want, but I've been through hell and back twice. So shut the fuck up and be a man for once in your life." Edgar spat, as he lifted Matt up by the collar. He was fucking pissed at this kid, probably because he reminded Edgar too much of himself.

"Oh, dear God! Don't kill me, man! I didn't mean anything by it. It just slipped out!"

Matt squirmed in the man's powerful metallic hold as he begged for his life.

"I don't want to die! Please, let go of me! I beg you! I'm not wroth the time or energy it'll take you to end my worthless existence. I'm sorry!"
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Meanwhile, in the box, the assassin was evaluating the option of trying to get into the ventilation system again, or to activate the cloaking device and go exploring around the ship, to better understand the environment surrounding her.

[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]
"Easy for me to say? You wanna know what is easy for me to say? It's easy for me to say that I lost both or my arms, my eyes, my spine and a ton of other shit because I used to be in the same ship as you! Now you might not be able to have the marine corps to straighten you out, but I'll tell you this, you can spout off all of the shit you want, but I've been through hell and back twice. So shut the fuck up and be a man for once in your life." Edgar spat, as he lifted Matt up by the collar. He was fucking pissed at this kid, probably because he reminded Edgar too much of himself.

[QUOTE="RP Marshall]"Oh, dear God! Don't kill me, man! I didn't mean anything by it. It just slipped out!"
Matt squirmed in the man's powerful metallic hold as he begged for his life.

"I don't want to die! Please, let go of me! I beg you! I'm not wroth the time or energy it'll take you to end my worthless existence. I'm sorry!"

Carefully Anastasia put a hand on Edgar's shoulder, "calm down," she told the metal armed man in an almost soothing manner. She glanced at the cowering Matt with a raised eyebrow.

[QUOTE="RP Marshall]"Oh, dear God! Don't kill me, man! I didn't mean anything by it. It just slipped out!"
Matt squirmed in the man's powerful metallic hold as he begged for his life.

"I don't want to die! Please, let go of me! I beg you! I'm not wroth the time or energy it'll take you to end my worthless existence. I'm sorry!"

Edgar dropped Matt and looked him in the eyes.

"Two words. Cold. Turkey. Do it or I might think about spending the time and the energy."
The assassin decided to exit from inside the box she was hiding in the armory. So, she quietly did it. She started to look around the room and came to the conclusion that that was the armory. She decided to ressuply on ammo a bit, and when doing so, she noticed that the room had a controll pannel installed in a table. She decided to use it, firstly making sure that the operations which she would do there couden't be seen on other monitors or controll pannels, but this choice would limit her access to the ship's sistem, making only camera feed video aveiable. She would look at the cameras, noticing 4 peapole in another room, presumably somewere near her since she could hear them, but not soo much. In a curiosity to better understand the enviroment, she decided to look at the other cameras. She noticed that there was someone in the cockpit relaxing while looking outside in the outer space. She then walked away from the table and sat onto the box. She was walking gently, softly, quetly. She had her cloaking device in hand, ready to activate, but unsure if to do it.

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