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Futuristic Spacestruck - Futuristic Space RP (Open)

Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
"I AM TRYING TO, THAT FUCKING GUY IS IN OUR WAY!" He yelled back. He looked at the Shields... 72%, they needed to get out fast before the Grunts outside, being blown to shreds, would get any reinforcments. He quickly aimed his rifle at the Grunts and shot them, with pinpoint precision. He quickly closed the hatch as Matt got in. He ran towards the cockpit and turned on the Engines, then the ship flew forward and took off.

He flew high into the air, but several Gieguan interceptors flew behind him and shot out rockets. Jack was annoyed, but the rockets were EM models, that could pierce the shields and damage the ship. He performed a barrel roll, causing confusion in the rockets, who hit each other instead. He then performed a 360 turn, by lowering the engine output for a few seconds. The ship stopped going forward, it's engine turned off, but it turned around to the Alien ships, sitll going at high speeds. Jack fired at them, destroying them, then turned the Engine back on, going in the opposite direction. He flew towards the capital city of Kestrel-5: Augustgrad, hoping it was not invaded yet.

@Safety Hammer @RP Marshall @JustCallMeAimee

@NekoQueen49 (I guess that Saphira could have a bar in Augustgrad :P )
Buckling up near the strange man who hand taken him in the ship, Matt's head spun around as the spacecraft avoided enemy fire. Having not been in a spaceship for years, Matt did the normal thing any one not use to flying would do. He puked all over the room.

Splattering the space console with his vomit, he weakly said, "Sorry!"
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
"I AM TRYING TO, THAT FUCKING GUY IS IN OUR WAY!" He yelled back. He looked at the Shields... 72%, they needed to get out fast before the Grunts outside, being blown to shreds, would get any reinforcments. He quickly aimed his rifle at the Grunts and shot them, with pinpoint precision. He quickly closed the hatch as Matt got in. He ran towards the cockpit and turned on the Engines, then the ship flew forward and took off.

He flew high into the air, but several Gieguan interceptors flew behind him and shot out rockets. Jack was annoyed, but the rockets were EM models, that could pierce the shields and damage the ship. He performed a barrel roll, causing confusion in the rockets, who hit each other instead. He then performed a 360 turn, by lowering the engine output for a few seconds. The ship stopped going forward, it's engine turned off, but it turned around to the Alien ships, sitll going at high speeds. Jack fired at them, destroying them, then turned the Engine back on, going in the opposite direction. He flew towards the capital city of Kestrel-5: Augustgrad, hoping it was not invaded yet.

@Safety Hammer @RP Marshall @JustCallMeAimee

@NekoQueen49 (I guess that Saphira could have a bar in Augustgrad :P )

Anastasia turned he head and swore on Russian under her breath, "I had a job back on Moskva..." She sighed and shoved her hands into her pockets. The sudden feeling of being stared at loomed over and she pushed her hood all the way back eyeing Matt with her good eye, "what are you looking at, kid?"

She did not grimace when the young man threw up and instead rolled her eyes having been unaffected by the sudden twists and turns, "You need to man up." She says coldly before heavily sitting in one of the chairs.

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JustCallMeAimee said:
Anastasia turned he head and swore on Russian under her breath, "I had a job back on Moskva..." She sighed and shoved her hands into her pockets. The sudden feeling of being stared at loomed over and she pushed her hood all the way back eyeing Matt with her good eye, "what are you looking at, kid?"

Wiping off the vomit from his face , Matt said with a worried look, "Nothing! Nothing at all."

Matt put his head down, avoiding eye contact with the woman. He spit out the remaining clumps of vomit from his mouth on to the ships clean polished floor.
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Back in Augustgrad, Saphira tended to her moderately successful bar, The Dragon. With the help of her aunt, she served the customers with a large smile. She could always find a fun time here, that's what made her work so rewarding. Sure, there were a few that drowned their troubles in a pint glass, but mostly they gathered in the rambunctious bar to laugh and have a good time. Saphira turned to serve another man of a short height and then laughed at a joke a woman with green tinted skin made.
Jack Rosenthal

Jack looked at Matt as he threw up, with an angry face. He neared him and grabbed his shirt with one hand, aiming a punch with the other one. He punched him lightly, not to damage him, rather to make him feel pain. Then he said "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THIS SHIP FUCKING COSTS?!!!" with an angry voice. He let Matt go and opened the closet, out of which a cleaning droid drove out, on wheels, it drove around, cleaning the vomits. Jack returned behind the wheel of the cockpit, as they flought towards Augustgrad. "We'll be at Augustgrad in 12 minutes." he said to the rest of the crew.

@NekoQueen49 @RP Marshall @JustCallMeAimee @Safety Hammer
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
Jack looked at Matt as he threw up, with an angry face. He neared him and grabbed his shirt with one hand, aiming a punch with the other one. He punched him lightly, not to damage him, rather to make him feel pain. Then he said "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THIS SHIP FUCKING COSTS?!!!" with an angry voice. He let Matt go and opened the closet, out of which a cleaning droid drove out, on wheels, it drove around, cleaning the vomits. Jack returned behind the wheel of the cockpit, as they flought towards Augustgrad. "We'll be at Augustgrad in 12 minutes." he said to the rest of the crew.

@NekoQueen49 @RP Marshall @JustCallMeAimee @Safety Hammer
Matt touched his forehead, feeling a mild headache comping on. He wasn't sure what had happen, but he thought someone had yelled at him and punched his face 'softly'. Suddenly, the druggie noticed a small robot cleaning the floors from the messy vomit.

"Hah! That's cute," Matt giggled feebly pointing at the robot. He was still dazed, but not hurt, from the beating his face had taken.
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Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
Jack looked at Matt as he threw up, with an angry face. He neared him and grabbed his shirt with one hand, aiming a punch with the other one. He punched him lightly, not to damage him, rather to make him feel pain. Then he said "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THIS SHIP FUCKING COSTS?!!!" with an angry voice. He let Matt go and opened the closet, out of which a cleaning droid drove out, on wheels, it drove around, cleaning the vomits. Jack returned behind the wheel of the cockpit, as they flought towards Augustgrad. "We'll be at Augustgrad in 12 minutes." he said to the rest of the crew.

@NekoQueen49 @RP Marshall @JustCallMeAimee @Safety Hammer
Edgar walked out of the engine room, grease stains on his forehead and cheeks. He looked over at Matt and escorted him to the med bay. "Throwing up on the floor, are we?"
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Edgar walked out of the engine room, grease stains on his forehead and cheeks. He looked over at Matt and escorted him to the med bay. "Throwing up on the floor, are we?"

"Hello," Matt said, waving his hand wildly at the new arrival. The blow to his head had made him a bit tipsy. He almost forgot about the drug ZOOM.

"My names M- Matt Lor- lor- lo- l..."

Matt stopped talking and watched as the cleaning robot rolled around his dirty shoes. He smiled at the cute little thing.
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She sighed and got to her feet following after the two too the med bay, she sighed under her breath, "stupid boy." She said scratching her scars again. "You look like an ex-pilot, you know they have a certain vibe...yet you threw up back there like," she waved her hand at a loss for words and tried to get get words across, "like...you'd never been in a ship."

@RP Marshall
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JustCallMeAimee said:

She sighed and got to her feet following after the two too the med bay, she sighed under her breath, "stupid boy." She said scratching her scars again. "You look like an ex-pilot, you know they have a certain vibe...yet you threw up back there like," she waved her hand at a loss for words and tried to get get words across, "like...you'd never been in a ship."

@RP Marshall
Lifting his head away from the little robot, Matt said to the woman with the Russian accent "Well I haven't been in a ship for over six years. That means on my last flight I was uh... 15 years old. They fired me after that. Bastards, huh?"

Matt grinned deliriously at the woman, hoping to get on the crew's good side after nearly throwing up on one of them.
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[QUOTE="RP Marshall]Lifting his head away from the little robot, Matt said to the woman with the Russian accent "Well I haven't been in a ship for over six years. That means on my last flight I was uh... 15 years old. They fired me after that. Bastards, huh?"
Matt grinned deliriously at the woman, hoping to get on the crew's good side after nearly throwing up on one of them.

She showed no sympathy and just tilted her head raising the eyebrow above her blind eye, "when did you become," she waved a hand at his current drug addicted state, "a drug addict?"

Jack Rosenthal

The ship has landed in the main space port of Augustgrad. Jack used the comms system to inform everyone on the ship "We're at Augustgrad." he got up from the cockpit, turning off the engine. Then walked towards the Engineering Bay, to see the state of the ship and how badly damaged it was.

@Safety Hammer @JustCallMeAimee @RP Marshall
JustCallMeAimee said:
She showed no sympathy and just tilted her head raising the eyebrow above her blind eye, "when did you become," she waved a hand at his current drug addicted state, "a drug addict?"

"How the hell...?" Matt said, realizing she had figured out his addiction problem. Playing it cool, the druggie lied and said, "I'm no addict. Why would you think I was?"

Matt pushed his hands tightly together in hopes the woman would not see them shaking. When they landed, Matt immediately left his seat and followed the man who seemed to be the captain of the ship @Birdsie . He avoided the woman and her sharp gaze as they made their way to the Engineering Bay.
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Jack Rosenthal

He was busy doing something on the computer, he took out his revolver aiming it at Matt as he entered, not even looking at him, then he quickly turned around and scanned him, then he said "What the fuck do you want? You're a druggie." as he holstered back his pistol, then returned to doing the ship check-up on the computer.

@RP Marshall
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
He was busy doing something on the computer, he took out his revolver aiming it at Matt as he entered, not even looking at him, then he quickly turned around and scanned him, then he said "What the fuck do you want? You're a druggie." as he holstered back his pistol, then returned to doing the ship check-up on the computer.

@RP Marshall
Matt lifted his hands in the air yet again that day and said, "I just told that lady I wasn't. Why can't you guys believe me. You three are being complete douche bags to me. It's all most like you don't trust me. How about you just call me a liar to my face and be done with it?"

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Jack Rosenthal

"Of course you're a fucking liar. My suit has a scanner in it, you fill up the symptoms of a ZOOM user." he said, turning to him for a moment. Then he looked back, there was clear aggression in his voice. He sighed in anger then walked towards the Lounge, he sat back and calmed down. They needed more people for the attack on the base, but the druggie wouldn't cut it, well, maybe as a distraction. He still had a few people in mind, there was Reena, but she would not talk to them, there was that old, crazed mercenary and the shadow guy. And that psychic woman... Saphira Fulbus?

@RP Marshall @Safety Hammer

He got up and walked towards the computer, to try to pull off information about them, then he found out that Saphira Fulbus has a bar in Augustgrad, he smirked and walked towards the Medbay, towards Ana, then he said "I have to go out for about 10 minutes, make sure the druggie doesn't puke again." as he walked out through the hatch, towards the bar...


He walked through and looked around, trying to scan out or find her.

@JustCallMeAimee[/URL] @Safety Hammer
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
"Of course you're a fucking liar. My suit has a scanner in it, you fill up the symptoms of a ZOOM user." he said, turning to him for a moment. Then he looked back, there was clear aggression in his voice. He sighed in anger then walked towards the Lounge, he sat back and calmed down. They needed more people for the attack on the base, but the druggie wouldn't cut it, well, maybe as a distraction. He still had a few people in mind, there was Reena, but she would not talk to them, there was that old, crazed mercenary and the shadow guy. And that psychic woman... Saphira Fulbus?

@RP Marshall @Safety Hammer

He got up and walked towards the computer, to try to pull off information about them, then he found out that Saphira Fulbus has a bar in Augustgrad, he smirked and walked towards the Medbay, towards Ana, then he said "I have to go out for about 10 minutes, make sure the druggie doesn't puke again." as he walked out through the hatch, towards the bar...


He walked through and looked around, trying to scan out or find her.

Anastasia gave Jack a dity look, "I am not baby sitter." sighing under her breath she followed the druggie, her boots echoing against the tile and movements a fluid motion. She rolled her eyes overhearing him as she entered the room, "Little boy," she said eyeing Matt as she approached and gripped her front of his collar as if inspecting him.

With a hum, she went around the medium sized building, handing out drinks. She adeptly avoided any unwanted groping from the drunker of the men. Saphira was far too used to that by now. So much so that it didn't even bother her now.

"Sap'ira!" One of the male aliens, known as Gruwp, beckoned her over. With another of her usual smiles, she went over and gave him his teal colored drink.

Jack Rosenthal

He walked over to the counter and said "Remember me?" with a curious voice. He looked at her with a smile under his mask. It didn't exactly remind him of how it went three months ago, because nobody else from the team was around, but hey! That's pretty much his job here, to get everyone together once again. He said "I could use your Psionic skills."

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JustCallMeAimee said:
Anastasia gave Jack a dity look, "I am not baby sitter." sighing under her breath she followed the druggie, her boots echoing against the tile and movements a fluid motion. She rolled her eyes overhearing him as she entered the room, "Little boy," she said eyeing Matt as she approached and gripped her front of his collar as if inspecting him.

"Madam," Matt said firmly but weakly. "I'll have you know that I am a 21 year old man. So let go of me- If you will be so kind... Or not whatever you choose to do is fine with me!"

Matt fidgeted from the rough grip of the frightening woman. He needed a fix and he needed it now.

"If you don't find my company to be pleasant then I can leave. Please, let me go."

The druggie shivered in fear. What was the woman going to do to him?
Saphira looked up at the man and smiled at him. "Jack!" She cried cheerfully. "Of course I remember you!" The teenager went up to him and gave him a swift hug. "How are you? How is everybody else?"

Jack Rosenthal

Jack blushed at her hug and laughed a little then said "I'm good, I'm here with Edgar and Ana, but we have a problem. Watch this." he took off his helmet and gave it to her, then said "Put it on and you'll see." with a serious tone.

[QUOTE="RP Marshall]"Madam," Matt said firmly but weakly. "I'll have you know that I am a 21 year old man. So let go of me- If you will be so kind... Or not whatever you choose to do is fine with me!"
Matt fidgeted from the rough grip of the frightening woman. He needed a fix and he needed it now.

"If you don't find my company to be pleasant then I can leave. Please, let me go."

The druggie shivered in fear. What was the woman going to do to him?

"No...you are little boy," she said sternly, "You are selfishly and childishly because you are fueled soul by the drugs you need to consume." Ana rolled her eye shoving him back gently, "stop cowering, if you say you are man then act like one."

At that, Saphira frowned but did as Jack told her. "What am I supposed to be seeing?" She asked when it was blank for a moment until it it lit up. "Oh!" She exclaimed in surprise.


(I don't know what she's supposed to see, so I'll leave it to you.)
NekoQueen49 said:
At that, Saphira frowned but did as Jack told her. "What am I supposed to be seeing?" She asked when it was blank for a moment until it it lit up. "Oh!" She exclaimed in surprise.

(I don't know what she's supposed to see, so I'll leave it to you.)
Jack Rosenthal

The helmet showed her a recording of an organized alien force, attacking New Moscow, then another one attacking a military base, and another one, another one and more and more of them, until the screen was filled with death and destruction. He said "That's a problem. Kestrel-5 is under invasion from an unknown alien empire."


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