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Realistic or Modern Southside College

"You thought going home with the guy who beat me up, insulted you and had his friend beat you up was a good idea?" Thomas snapped. "And you lied to me about it? What else did you do? Since you wanted to keep it a secret so much"
"I didn't tell you because I knew you would be mad about it!" Ella almost shouted at him but the next question made her bite her tongue and look down. "We might have kissed...." She said softly.
Now Thomas really wanted to kill Drew, probably event more than Ella had wanted to kill him yesterday. So the guy is horrible to her but he still gets to kiss her while Thomas cared for her and gets nothing. "So are you dating now or something?"
The intro to the old t.v. show: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers started blasting from the small speaker of his phone. Jackson groaned and slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes as the morning light filtered through his window. He grumbled to himself as he rolled out of bed. He'd never been a morning person. Lightly pressing his bare feet to the cold hardwood floor of his apartment sent chills up his spine, causing him to shudder a bit before standing up. He silenced the alarm blaring on his phone and extended his body to a full stretch before heading towards his small bathroom. Jackson itched his hairy belly subconsciously. Something he didn't notice he did almost every time he woke up.

Jackson's face was a mess, but he knew he needed to at least trim up his beard. No matter how unmotivated he felt right now. He hopped in a warm shower first before finishing his regular morning routine. Shaving, brushing his teeth, and the like. He stepped on the scale, commenting on his weight out loud to himself. "One eighty seven...not too shabby, JJ." He then smirked at himself in the mirror and flexed a bit. Feeling satisfied with his current appearance, Jackson got dressed in some black jeans and a gray v-neck t-shirt. Later grabbing his bike helmet and his riding jacket to put on over his shirt.

On his way out of the door, Jackson checked his phone to see if there were any texts and also to check the time. "Nothin... Man, that's new. Well I guess everyone is still a bit shaken up over Dallas getting shot. Being a fellow minority at this school, Jackson felt a little more uneasy about the cops out here. Jackson wasn't much of a trouble maker so the worrying thoughts left his mind quickly.

Jackson climbed into his bike and started her up. He revved the engine a couple times to warm it up and backed out onto the street. Jackson gunned it from a slow roll, the front wheel lifting up a bit and made his way towards the school in a hurry.

On his way there, he passed someone who looked like Drew walking down the street with another football player Jackson didn't recognize. He slowed way down to a slow roll and began walking his bike until the two guys caught up to his pace. "Is that you, Drew?" Jackson had to basically yell to get his voice to carry out of his helmet. "What the hell are you doin walkin?! What happened to your car?"
"Nothing happened to my car, bro, just felt like walkin'! Take in nature and all that pussy shit they tell you about in School. But no, for real, I just didn't feel like carpooling with the other's today like I usually do. I figured all of us being together but one man short would be real depressing, and I don't need none of that shit" Drew yelled to JJ.
"Please don't be mad at me, we're not dating it was just a kiss! Can we just... forget about this and go to school? I don't want to be late and I can't deal with any more drama right now" She said and continued walking to school.
Victoria was late and she had to rush out her house. She had on a Purple V-neck shirt on and some black shorts and black Jordan's on, when she was playing music she saw Drew and JJ. She saw that Drew was yelling at him and said "What is with the yelling" she said looking at them both
(Drew usually picks a bunch of people up to go to school with, including Drew.)

(Mandy, their yelling because Drew and JJ are far-ish away and JJ has a bike helmet on, not because their fighting)

(Just in case you didn't catch that)
(Okay not to be mean or anything like can we bring this to the OCC because I get really picky about that and it really bothers me a lot)
Jackson was about to reply to Drew just as Victoria came up behind them, calling out. Jackson replied, "Oh nothin' much! I was just making fun of all the homeless lookin' kids walking to school today...mainly just making fun of Drew!" He ended his comment with a light chuckle before slowing down his bike even more to close the distance between him and Victoria.
Drew whistled at Victoria. "Looking pretty Vicky!" He said, smiling. "And I ain't homeless, fool, I'm just walking for once!" Drew hollered to JJ. Drew and Maliek waited for JJ and Vicky to catch up, and they walked together.
Thomas wanted to be mad at Ella for kissing Drew and lying to him but she was right. She had almost been arrested, shot and saw someone die less than 24 hours ago and she was probably regretting the kiss with Drew anyways so Thomas took a deep breath and decided to forgive her. "Alright, let's pretend that yesterday never happened" He said as he walked beside her.
"Oh Thanks Hon" she said looking at Drew and added "So you don't look like yourself, you know. You look kinda Drunk" she said looking him and added "Is everything okay" she said to him looking and saying it in a serious tone
"Nope. I watched my best friend since child hood get shot to bits by killers who own a badge, and I have a huge hangover and I'm stoned, like a gravel road. But other than that, I'm okay. I had some female company to make me feel better last night as well" Drew said with a laugh to Victoria.
She looked at him and and said with a smile "And was that girl Ella" she said smiling at him and added "The paparazzi for it all over the media right now. When was the last time you checked" she said looking at him
"Thank you and I promise I'll make it up to you somehow. Do you want to go out after school today?" Ella asked as they entered the school, relieved he had forgiven her for kissing his enemy.
"Check your SMs" Drew said. When she did, she saw the photo and the comment chain Drew had made with this comment "You really think we're just hanging out after his death? I was grieving. I still am. Dallas was my brother, I knew him since pre, and now he is gone. Ella was keeping me standing, she was the only one. The rest of you just went home and acted like nothing happened. Shame on you"
The slow walk with his bike was getting tiring for him as he basically had to hold the weight of the bike up as they went along. He then shrugged as Drew and Victoria got into their own conversation and slapped his visor down. Jackson revved his engine loudly two times before tightening up and gunning the throttle. An action that sent him rocketing down the road towards the school.

Jackson made it to the parking lot fairly quickly and pulled into a parking spot. Kicking his kickstand down, he dismounted his bike and removed his helmet, hanging it on the handle that was angled more upward. Next he peeled off his hot leather jacket and folded it up, packing it into the compartment on the rear of his bike.

He was enjoying the breeze the day had to offer as it balanced out the natural heat that was always a constant this time of year. A small grin came across his face as he took his first few steps onto campus for the day. He got to school a bit early so he decided to go hang out in the main courtyard and just linger about.
"Sure! Do you want to watch a movie?" Thomas replied and walked with Ella to math class. "Speaking of movies, are you going to join any kind of school plays this year because if you're not going to be there then I have an excuse to skip it"
She looked at him after reading the comment and said "These fucking paparazzi are getting me so tight right now, I feel so bad of what happen to Dallas, I mean I understand what you mean about Ella and I glad that she was the only one keeping you standing and not become a huge drink to get over it, unlike like me in freshmen year" she said looking at him
"Fuck, Marijuana, Alchohol, and Pussy is all that keeps me going right now. I'm probably gonna take a few years off my life, but hey, we all gotta die somehow. The sooner the better, I'll get to see Dallas again." Drew said.

(Woah! Did Ella and Thomas like teleport to School?)
She looked at him and said "Hey, how about you calm down about the pussy, shit okay and stop talking like that. Just be careful, I am going to be watching around to making sure you don't do some stupid shit." She says looking at him
"Okay, ma, thanks." Drew said sarcastically. He realized he was being a asshole. "I'm sorry, I'm just...kinda fucked up. My mental sanity isn't at it's peak right now. I'm gonna be like this for a while, but old Drew will be back sooner or later"
"Well maybe because you're too blind to see that I've had a crush on you since we were 15 and you're the only one from the people that we know that somehow doesn't notice it" Thomas thought. "Because I need to know who to cast if I make a movie but don't worry I'll give you an evil role since you're so interested in being the villain"
After checking his phone, to see the time, he noticed he might as well head to class. He left the group he was hanging out with and walked inside to grab his books from his locker. Afterwards, smiling at a few girls here and there, he made it to the his math classroom and sat down in one of the desks near the back.

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