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Realistic or Modern Southside College

The teacher, Mr. Harris began talking in front of the class in his slow, monotone voice. Jackson normally just tuned him out. "Hey, thanks man. I'll get you back." He spoke in a lowered tone. Before the kid turned back around though, Jackson realized the fact that his face was bruised. "Whoa... what tha hell happened to you, fella?"
She looked at him and said "His name is Nick,but he is just plays around in the football team with Drew and stuff. Oh and I like math but it's just a lot of work" she says smiling at her
Victoria saw Drew and 3 others get up going to Tomas and Ella and says to herself "Don't do anything stupid Drew, please" she says looking at him
She looked over to see Drew approach Thomas.

"One sec." she said to Victoria.

She stood up and walked in between Thomas and Drew.

"Drew just sit down. You guys can settle this later... Okay?" she said gently placing her hand on his chest.
Jackson glanced up as Drew got up and confronted another kid, Thomas he believed his name was. Small kid. Definitely couldn't defend himself. Jackson stood up, ignoring the teacher telling everyone to sit down. "Hold that thought.", he said to Russel. Jackson walked over towards Drew and spoke out to him before getting undercut by a girl named Autumn.

"What are you even doing, man?"

"You can't expect me to think that you've changed with just a wave Drew" Thomas said coldly. "And I'm a bit mad since you kissed Ella, got her drunk and are the reason of why she feels like shit right now" he thought.
She looked at JJ and said "She is actually doing something right so, how about we haut all seat the fuck down and stop talking shit before shit go down up in here" she said looking at Thomas and Drew
"JJ, don't worry about it. This kid and I just gotta settle a beef. No fighting" Drew said. Drew didn't want to fight, and didn't expect Thomas to attack. "She got drunk on her own accord, she smoked the weed on her own accord, she feels like shit on her own accord and she kissed me before she was drunk, I didn't MAKE her do shit. I know you're all jealous and shit, but there's nothing you can do about it. N ow obviously this hate ain't good for either of us, so how about we settle this like civilized people? You stop being a dick, I stop being a dick, and everything is Gucci. What do you say, Tommy?" Drew said, extending a hand to Thomas for a shake.
Russel almost face palmed, but then realized that it would probably make his face feel worse. He had thought Thomas seemed like a nice guy, but he seemed to have no common sense. He continues drawing, which was supposed to be A Kremlin-like palace, but looked more like candles.
Autumn stepped back passing JJ and sitting back down. She sighed. No one knew her... God damn that sickness.

Then she realized JJ. Oh its that guy? she thought to herself.

She tried to remember everything about him. He thinks he pretty tough huh? Hes kinda cute... but everyone says he a womanizer... I should stick to Drew although he kissed someone at a party... she could be a problem. Thomas was cute too... Whoever this Ella person was they had similar tastes.
Thomas was about to reply with a sarcastic comment not really caring about his safety but then he saw Ella's worried expression and took a deep breath. "Fine. No more fighting" He said and shook his hand and smiled at Ella. "You smoked weed?"
She looked at them and said "You know how long I wanted that to happen between you two" she said and went to seat back down
Drew stuck around. He went and hopped up on Ella's desk. The teacher stopped trying and started reading a book. (Sorry for the shortness)
Ella smiled when the two guys shook hands and smiled at Thomas. "Yeah I'm a bit surprised by that too. Thank you for acting like an adult with Dallas, add popcorn to my bill. I'm paying for that too" she said with a smile and then looked at Drew. "Thank you for acting so mature with him"
Jackson sighed as Autumn walked back to her seat. Seeing the two weren't going to break out into a fight, for now at least, Jackson turned around and sat back down. He didn't understand why Drew's three little buttbuddies were always trying to be there to gang up on whoever Drew wanted to fight. Jackson figured Drew just wanted to prove himself since he was a freshman here. He was just going about it the wrong way. He's lucky he hasn't tried to buck up to one of us upperclassmen. He's at least smart enough not to do that....so far. Jackson was looking over to ask Victoria something and caught Autumn's stare. He wondered for a moment what she was thinking about, but instead just smiled slightly and eventually turned over to Victoria. "Hey, you're good at math right? Think I could copy your homework or your notes or something later?"

@Amanda Cromwell
"No problem, Ella. I'm still gonna fuck with the other nerds, though." Drew said with a smile. Drew's friends started talking amongst themselves and Thomas was probably paying attention but Drew didn't really care. "I really enjoyed last night. Think it could happen again?"
"Are you Ella?" she tapped Ella on the shoulder.

"Sorry to interrupt. My names Autumn. Hey." She smiled.

"I love your shirt... Where did you get it?"
Drew turned to Autumn. "W-" he started, but he decided to let Ella tell her off her off if he wanted to. Didn't feel like being mean to Autumn. Didn't wanna ruin the new relationship. She seemed like a nice person, and she was pretty.
"Well I guess there are things that will never change... About last night.... can we talk about it later? Not in front of our friends?" Ella said and gave Thomas a quick glance to check if he was listening or not. She smiled at Autumn and looked down at her shirt. "Yup that's me, nice name" She said politely. "Thanks! I got it from *insert clothing store here* I love your hair"
"Oh my god I love that place! Haha thanks. Hey, do you wanna get lunch?" she smiled seeing the kiss.

"I need somebody to catch me up on all the drama... You know anything?" she leaned in closer.
She looked at him and said "Just because so like math doesn't mean I do homework, she said looking at JJ. She then over heard Ella's and Drew'd conversation and she said "Can I go out to eat with you guys to like I am so bored here" she said looking at them
"Ha. Alright" Drew said. He turned to talk to a friend named John. "Yeah, bro, you beat the shit out of that bitch ass hero. Who he think he be?" John asked. "I dunno, but I plan to do more than just beat on him, you feel me? For Dallas. If he hadn't been all hero, Dallas'd still be here" Autumn, Russel, Thomas, and Ella all heard this. "Yeah I feel you. For Dallas" John agreed.

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