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Realistic or Modern Southside College

She looked at him and says "I hope so, I miss that old Drew, that use to always hang out with me and know I inserts ad about what happened to Dallas I liked him to and the popo is Already so fucking dumb" she said looking at him and stops him from walking and added "Hey don't do anything to get your ass arrested, please" she said looking at him
Autumn had been sick for the beginning of the year. She had something wrong with her stomach but she got it all taken care of and it was her first day back to school. She took a deep breath and got out of the car, she was late but it was okay. She walked into the school saying hey to the front desk lady and walked through the halls waving to people she knew and went to her first class, Math. She sat down looking around.
Tai pulled her bike along. It had been barely a week since she got off the plane but she already missed Korea. Pulling her jacket close around her and putting her head phones in she biked down he hill that lead to college. Going to college at this time of the year was irregular. Especially if you have the lame excuse of. "I went on a trip across the world. Sorry." She laughed to herself because she was thinking about how stupid that scenario would be. After making it to school she chained her bike, and made her way through the door. She slipped through the crowded halls, careful to not touch anyone, and when she did she put lotion on her hands. Then she headed into the Math class door and sat down bored waiting for class to start by doodling.
"At least I know I won't have to go through a terrible audition to get in your movie and we're going to watch a horror film since I love your reactions every time something really fucked up happens" Ella said as she entered the math classroom and sat down next to him. "I can't help it! Being the villain is so much fun!"
When Russel to class, he immediatly got out s blank paper. He begins sketching the letter F in ways that it would look cool, if the person drawing had any artisitic talent, but, since he did not, it wadls hardly recognisable as a letter, instead looking like a blob. He lays his head down and falls asleep, the teacher not noticing.
"Hah. Yeah, I'll do my best" Drew said to Vicky. They were relatively quiet until they reached the School. "See you in Math" Drew said. He got his Math, History, and Gym stuff and walked into Math Class. He saw Autumn first. He smiled at her and took his normal seat, next to a few buddies..

(Edited last post)
Autumn smiled at Drew, she thought he was cute but she did not know what the current dating scene was and she didn't wanna mess with the wrong girls boyfriend. She got up and went and sat on his desk.

"Hey... Im Autumn." she smiled. She had never seen him around so she decided to make a new friend.
She then went inside math class, even though math was her favorite subject but it has to do with slot of numbers. She sat in the back has always. She was seating alone because no one was really there yet.
Jackson noticed as more students filtered in. He recognized them all, except one new girl. She looked to be some sort of asian. He began worrying as they were all underclassmen. Yeah he knew he sucked at Math, but damn! He was the only senior in a class full of freshmen and sophomores. Maybe he needed to think about getting his life together... Nahhh He'd be fine. He's got a full ride to USC with either track or football. He'll be fine. "I'll be fine..." He mumbled.
"Pretty name. I'm Drew, Captain of the Football Team." Drew said. "Single" he added, smiling charmingly. His friends whistled and looked at Autumn, one patting him on the back. They all thought she was attractive.
"Haha thanks. Freshman and the leader of the Football team? Wow." she giggled and played with the cross on her necklace.

"Single? Why, me too!" she blushed a little at all the attention.

"Well... Maybe ill see you around." she smirked walking back to her seat in the back. She smiled at the girl next to her. She had heard this super pretty girl was at school.

"Hey... Are you Victoria?" she tilted her head a little.
She looked up and took off her head phones and said "Yea that's me, do you need anything from me at at all" she said looking at her
"Horrible auditions? Now I'm starting to question if I picked the wrong Ella Burton or if she has amnesia because you are the best actress I've ever known and besides, that reaction only happened one time and that movie was gross" He said as he sat down next to her and smiled. "I never thought I would say this but do you want to skip gym class? After what happened yesterday I'm sure my muscles will thank me if I avoided another beating from the hulk and you have a hangover"
Russel slept for less than 2 minutes, as his face on the desk really hurt. He didn't like talking, but felt very different from himself ever since the Dallas incident. He even felt... lonely. He wanted a friend, so he decided to talk to someone he was on good terms with. Looking around the classroom, he realises everyone either doesn't know him or doesn't like him.
Drew was happy he had met Autumn. He wondered about her. Maybe ask her out? But he'd feel bad about leaving Ella in the dust...but for all he knew she was regretting last night. And she had Thomas, anyway. Then again, there was mostly every other girl in the School. He never thought having girls to choose from would be a bad thing.
"Need anything? Oh no! Im Autumn. Sorry to bother you. Just alot of people talk about you. You're a freshman and already Head Cheerleader? Nice job." She smiled. She liked this girl already she seemed super nice.

"If you need anything from me Id love to help. Im a Sophomore so I know the ropes if you need any help." She looked back seeing the older guy in the back of the class.
Jackson began glancing around the floor, looking like he thought was falling or something. He then put his head in his hands. "Shiiiiiit...." Erupted from his mouth and he looked across to Drew. "That slacker wouldn't have any..." He whispered to himself. Jackson turned back to look straight in front of him and leaned up, poking a kid in the back. "Hey! Do you have, like a pen and some paper I can borrow? Better yet, a pencil...yeah. A pencil will prolly better.."

"No wonder you get your ass kicked every day! You can't say things about people in a room with him and all of his friends and get away with it and about gym class... If things start getting out of control like last class we'll leave but you know I don't like skipping class and the teacher will probably notice" Ella said trying not to laugh.
She looked at her and laughed and said "Nah I am Good my brother can to this school and he is a Junior so, I will be fine" she said smiling at her
Russel turns behind him, showing his bruised up face, "Yeah, hold on." He went under his desk, and pulled out a pencil and a couple sheets of lined paper. He feels kinda wierd, this being his only non-violent social interation, aside from the guy from M.A.R.S., in months. He puts the previously mentioned items on JJ's desk, "Here."
"Fine we wont skip gym class but you owe me one" Thomas said trying to pay attention to class but couldn't focus on the math problems due to a bunch of people talking. "Will they ever shut up?" He whispered to Ella.
(Yeah I was Kurt.)

"Oh haha cool. Who's your brother? Maybe ill know him...?" She took out her notebook and pencil.

"You like math? I hate it." she gave the notebook a dirty look and smiled looking back at Victoria.
Drew got up, he didn't appreciate the look Thomas had just given him. 3 other guy's got up to. They approached Thomas and Ella. "You got a problem with me, spit it out. The wave was a sign saying I ain't fucking with you no more, but if you really want me to, I'll be happy to supply your demands" Drew said coldly.
"You're like the only person here who is actually paying attention so don't expect them to shut up, and the teachers here don't care if we learn or not so why do you even try to solve the problems?" Ella asked and then rolled her eyes when Drew and three other guys approached them, she had hoped Drew wouldn't be so aggressive to Thomas after last night but even she had to admit she thought it was Thomas' fault too. "Don't start this again please? Can you two just ignore each other until the year ends before one of you dies?"

(Wait, I'll edit)

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