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Realistic or Modern Southside College

"What's so funny? Don't think I can dance?" Drew said, swigging his beer. "Never have I ever watched a anime" Drew said, rubbing Bella's tummy and kissing her cheek. She again slobbered Drew's face a little. Drew scrtached behind her ear, which she enjoyed.
"I just think that you would look funny" She said trying to cover up a laugh with a cough and took a swing of her beer. "Never have I ever played spin the bottle" she said and looked at Bella and smiled. "You have one of the cutest dogs in the world".
"That's right" Drew said, taking another swig of his beer. "Never have I ever been attracted to a man" (sorry for the shortness. Getting slightly tired.)
"Now you're the king of obvious questions" Ella said and took another swig of her beer, beginning to feel the effects of the alcohol. "Never have I ever been in a sports team." (Same, do you want to wrap their little 'date' up and time skip so the others can post tomorrow?)
Drew took a sip of beer, finishing his can. He then looked deeply into Ella's eyes. "Never have I ever wanted to kiss someone as bad as I want to kiss you" he said smoothly. He closed the distance between their faces and put his forehead against her's, putting his thumb and index finger at the edge of her chin to tilt her head up to accommodate for height difference, and Drew and Ella's lips were mere inches away. "May I?"
Drew's question got her off guard and waited for him to say something like "just kidding" or mock her but instead he closed the distance between their faces and asked for permission to kiss her. "Y-yes"
Drew kissed her passionately, leading the kiss. It was easier than he had expected, kissing her. They just followed eachother's lips. Drew put a hand on her waist and one on the small of her back, and he pulled her closer.
Ella kissed him back feeling everything stopping around them. She put her arms around his neck when he pulled her closer and closed her eyes, enjoying the moment and forgetting about everything else. (Do we just leave it there?)
Drew woke with both Ella and Bella at his legs. He didn't wake either of them. He had very scattered memories of last night. Lots of drinking, lots of smoking, and lots of kissing. Eventually Ella moved downward and...yeah. He remembered it being a amazing night, but he was still vaguely baked and had a massive hangover. He croaked "Hey, Ella, you awake?"

(He croaked, I meant)
Ella knew that when you got drunk you would wake up the morning after with a headache but she didn't know her brain was going to blow up after being drunk and smoking for the first time. "Shut up, I think I'm dying" Ella replied and then placed a hand on her forehead. "Is my brain supposed to be melting?"
"It'll feel like that for the entire day. Sorry" Drew said. "Water and Eggs help. I'll make you Breakfast since you're 'dying' he said, laughing. He got out of the bed slowly and shambled out toward the Kitchen, in his boxers. Bella stirred and licked Ella's face lazily, yawning.
Ella groaned when Drew mentioned that she was going to feel like that for the rest of the day and rubbed Bella's head when she licked her face. "You're lucky to be a dog" She said with a smile and grabbed her phone to check if she had missed anything, she had a few text from her family asking her where she was and a text from Thomas that said "I'm going to pick you up at 6". Ella knew Thomas was going to be furious about what happened with Drew and it was 6:15 already! "I have to go! See you in school ok?" Ella said and kissed Drew's cheek and ran out. Luckily, their houses were close so she only had to run for five minutes before arriving and finding Thomas sitting in the front yard. "Hey! What's up Thomas?"
Drew hollored "Seeya" to Ella as she ran off, and he made himself Breakfast. He ate the eggs and he gave some food to Bella Boo, and drank a bunch of water. He felt much better after that, and he got dressed in a nice looking shirt, dark blue jeans, and a red beanie. Nothing crazy. He walked out of the house and decided to walk to School. On the way, he passed the Depp Residence, and he saw Ella and Thomas. He was Jealous, but decided not to say nothing.
Thomas had panicked when he heard about Dallas' death after the fight and tried calling Ella a thousand times but she didn't reply. He thought about telling her parents but if Ella was not in trouble she probably didn't want to deal with a lecture so he waited for her to reply and almost ran to her house when she finally did. He knew she probably needed to be cheered up after almost being arrested so he had politely offered taking her out for coffee before going to school but when he arrived to her house to pick her up she was nowhere to be seen. Trying to remain calm, he waited for her for twenty minutes and just when he was about to call someone to help him find her she showed up looking horrible. Her hair was a mess and she was still wearing what she wore to school yesterday and she looked tired. "What's up? You gave me a heart attack! Where the hell were you?!"
Ella scratched the back of her neck and shrugged. "I stayed with a friend and forgot to charge my phone and I'm sorry for giving you a heart attack but I had other things to worry about like almost getting shot and watching Dallas get shot and die!" She snapped and took a few deep breaths to calm down, she was in no place to yell at Thomas. "Look I have the worst hangover in the world so can I please go get ready and then I'll talk to you all you want."
Thomas looked down and smiled at her. "I'm sorry I thought you had been arrested and I was worried! Look, you go and get ready then we'll go to school and I'll comfort you and since you asked me so politely yesterday I wont get into another fight with Drew and his pack of idiots"
Drew heard Ella from across the road. He watched, not sure if he should get involved. He watched Ella yell at Thomas. Thomas noticed Drew watching them, specifically Ella, as he responded to Ella. Drew scratched the back of his neck and waved. He didn't want to keep walking, didn't want to seem like a jackass.
"I understand" Ella replied and entered her home and ran to her room to get ready. She took a quick shower and dressed up in a red t shirt and jeans and walked back down trying to stop feeling guilty for what she did but it seemed impossible and she had noticed Drew staring at them while she was screaming at Thomas. "I'm ready! Lets go!" She said, hoping Thomas hadn't seen Drew.
Thomas had noticed Drew but kept his promise and pretended to ignore him. "Who the hell does he think he is? Treating us like shit yesterday and waving at us today like he wants to be friends!" Thomas thought while he waited for Ella to come back. "C'mon Ella, let's go before that idiot does something stupid." He replied and began walking to school with her. "You said you had a hangover, what happened?"
"Well... He- I mean she, was a bit sad because of what happened to Dallas so we drank some beer to cheer up and fell asleep. I woke up and ran here when I saw your text. What did the others say about Dallas?" She asked, hoping he believed her lie and no one was talking shit about Dallas.
Drew shook his head. If only Thomas knew. Drew kept walking, and since they took the same route, it was sort of awkward, but they were on separate sides of the road. A friend of Drew's, another Football player, Maliek, caught up with Drew.
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"Everyone's crazy about his death" Thomas replied calmly and gave Ella a weak smile and took out his phone to show her what everyone was saying about Dallas and stopped on a picture of Drew holding Ella's hand in a parking lot and read the caption the person who uploaded the photo put. "While everyone else is sad these two are hanging out, great friends. R.I.P Dallas." Thomas turned off his phone and stared at Ella for a while. "Would you be kind to explain why you were holding hands with that jackass? "
Drew was checking his phone and saw the picture. "You really think we're just hanging out after his death? I was grieving. I still am. Dallas was my brother, I knew him since pre, and now he is gone. Ella was keeping me standing, she was the only one. The rest of you just went home and acted like nothing happened. Shame on you" he commented. He got multiple comments apologizing and saying you're right.
"Busted, I'm dead" Ella thought when she saw the picture and rolled her eyes when she read the caption. Were people seriously using Dallas' death for gossip? "Well he was sad about Dallas getting shot so I comforted him and then we got drunk, fell asleep and then I woke up and went home. Don't be mad about it" Ella said trying to sound calm.
Russel may not have had a handover that morning, but it still sucked. Almost ever part of his body felt like it had been beaten repeatedly, mostly because they were. That morning, he drove to an old warehouse, where he picked uo his order from the man who works at MARS armor. He put it in his trunk. Then, he drove to school. He was wearing a red T shirt with a completely unbuttoned black button down over top, amd dark blue jeans. His face was black and blue, and he seemed very antisocial, even by his standards.

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