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Realistic or Modern Southside College

"haha okay.... Sounds good." she smiled at Victoria.

Then Drew came and started talking 100 miles per hour. She even heard the word, love somewhere in there.She sighed.

"I forgive you Drew." She hugged him and kissed him softly.
"Don't apologise, you didn't want to do it and it wasn't your fault. Let's get out of here while they're distracted" Thomas said with a smile and walked out of the room and headed towards the cafeteria with Ella.
He kissed her as passionately as he was capable off. "I'm sorry. To be honest...I'm high, right now, and I know it's no excuse, but, well, I'm using it as a excuse. I mean, I'm still responsible and I'm still a cockhead, but, yeah, I'm high" he explained, kissing her again.
Ross was running down the hall looking for them and was out of breathe and saw Victoria and Autumn and said "Vickky. I tried to watch him" Ross said to her.

Victoria laughed and said "Well looks like the problem is solved" she said looking at him and gave him a kiss and said "You and Drew and Autumn are coming over to my place tonight , since my parents are not him until then next two weeks." She siaid looking at them and added "Is that a deal?" She said looking at them
"Okay. No more kisses. I forgive you... but im not kissing you until you're sober." she said softly trying not to hurt him.

"Yeah. Sounds like fun. How about we go get lunch." she said grabbing Drew's arm so she could watch him.
"Thanks for doing it though, who knows what those assholes would've posted or embarrassed me with" Ella said with a small smile as they reached the cafeteria and sat down. "So... Let's not make this awkward ok? What do you want to talk about?"
Victoria looked at her and said "Hell yea, I am hungry" she said grabbing Ross's arm and wrapping it around her neck and walks with Drew and Autumn to the cafeteria

Ross smiled when they where finally going to eat lunch and said "Yea I a, pretty hungry to" he said looking at them walking with Victoria
"Meh, being sober is boring" Drew said. "I guess no kissing at the party because I will be nowhere near it at that point" Drew said with a laugh. "Food! Sweet!" Drew said with a laugh. The four traveled to the Cafeteria and they found out it was Salsburry Steak today. "Oh, man, this will totally satisfy my munchies" Drew said.
"Fine... Ill kiss you. You're lucky you're hot." She lifted up Drews shirt.

"Yeah ill kiss you." she smiled. She looked at the group and waited for them to get food. She didn't eat.
Victoria laughed at Drew and said "If I can be sober, I think you can to" she said looking at him and said to Autumn "Hey we are in the Cafeteria where people eat, not where we bang our boyfriends" she said looking at her.

Ross looked at him and said "She got a point I mean you two are the biggest drinkers in the damn school, so if she can stay sober I think you can to as well" he said looking at her
"Man, fuck that shit, I watched my best friend get shot the fuck up in front of me and he died in my arms, I'll smoke and drink all I want" Drew said, snapping at Ross and Victoria. "Sorry...Just...Sorry" When they got to Lunch and Autumn lifted his shirt he said "Heeeyy. We're in Lunch. I thought you didn't like other girls messing with me" he said, looking to his right, and a bunch of girls were staring Drew's stomach. He laughed and kissed Autumn's forehead, holding her waist.

"I don't know if this is a good or a bad moment to day that's what friends do considering the situation we were in" Thomas said trying to lighten up the mood and coughed nervously. "So... you actually slept with him?" He asked.
"Im hotter than any girl in your fan club." she laughed. She turned around to look at the fan club and kissed Drew in front of them. They all waked away groaning.

"If those big bad fan girls bother you anymore. Ill take care of them." she giggled.

((Is it bad I want to add a new character and raise the drama level like alot?) )
Victoria looked at him and said "If you didn't notice I was there" she said looking at him and walked away

Ross looks at her and said "Victoria! Come back" he said while she was walking away and said to Drew "I will be back to do something to clam her down" she sisd looking at him and went looking for Victoria.
(Drew didn't say Ella slept with him, so don't say he lied when she says no. Technically they slept together, but they did not...ya know...js)

(What just happened with Vicky? And @Zatanna I would say yes, because drama is terrible irl, but this isn't irl, is it?)
Ella sighed and nodded. "We did... things... but it doesn't matter. It was because of watching Dallas die, the alcohol and the drugs and I think he's dating Autumn now so who cares? Let's just forget that stupid night and that stupid game ok?"
"I'll have my friend Bianca do the deed" Drew said, smiling. "Imma go get foods, I'll be right back. Want a tray?" Drew asked her.

(You know how you said about Dallas getting shot and shit like that she is still upset and when you brought that up about that she got upset and she just walked a way)

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