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Realistic or Modern Southside College

Autumn saw Victoria and waved.

"Hey! Thanks, you too!" she smiled looking at her dress.

"I came to help out too." she smiled.

"Unless you two were gonna like... do something before the party... then I can go somewhere else or watch tv or something." she giggled.

She smiled when Ross answered the door. "Hey! Yeah im ready to help you. What can I do?" she said slipping off her heels and looking around.

"This place is beautiful Ross..." she said awing.
Drew was sleeping, as always, after school, until his alarm went off two hours and a half before the party. Again, the alarm didn't wake him, but his dog, Bella, did. "Hey girlie. Hey cutie pie. Okay, okay, off!" Drew said, laughing, and he pushed her aside.

She jumped off of Drew off the bed and into her's, which was in Drew's room and not too far away from his own bed. He yawned and got up, shutting off his alarm and heading into the Bathroom. He went into the bathroom and stripped, taking a five minute shower, and he then went to the sink, brushing his teeth thoroughly but quickly and doing his hair in his usual hairstyle.

He then went into his room and he went to his dresser, pulling on a gray-white button up and, a watch, a arm band. He then put on black pants and brown shoes, and off he went.

He got in his car and he whistled "Honest" to himself, the song he had sang yesterday in Lunch. In a half hour he pulled up to the Party-Place, and he got out and traveled to the door, knocking.

(Drew's outfit is to the far left)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/dresscode-boys.png.757113bfaee2d53d2de2b120aafd2655.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53807" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/dresscode-boys.png.757113bfaee2d53d2de2b120aafd2655.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Edited to include his outfit)



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She looked at Autumn and said "No I just came here to help" she said looking at him and said "Hello" she said waving at him and enters the house.

Ross looked at them and said "Can you guys grab the drinks from downstairs" he sis looking at them both
Autumn walked to the door and opened it seeing Drew.

"Hey baby." she smiled hugging him and kissing him softly and passionately.

"Did you come to help too?" she smiled dragging him to the basement so he could carry drinks.
Drew kissed her passionately, unable to say anything before the kiss was initiated. "Oh yeah, totally" Drew said with a laugh. When they got to the Basment he told Ross "Hey, I brought tons of alcohol and weed, it's in my car. Mind if I borrow Autumn to carry it in?" He asked with a smile.
"Maybe dont ask.... just do." she smiled grabbing his hand and going out to his car.

"Nice car..." she smiled. "Im guessing the weed is easier to carry so give that to me." she smiled.
Ross looked at him and said "Ahh yea if you want, I am only need Victoroa for now" she said looking at him

Victoria looked over and said "Hey Drew, so for not noticing you" she said looking at him.

(Hold on I will be back on in 12 minutes because my phone is dieing)
"Notice me, Senpai!" Drew said with a laugh to Victoria as Autumn pulled her away. They got out to the car. "Yeah, not the flashiest, but it gets the job done." Drew said. "Actually, the weed is in one crate that weighs about 15 pounds, so the Alchohol would be better for you. Grab two six-packs, one in each hand" Drew said, and he opened his trunk, revealing a crate of pot, 10 six-packs of beer, a few bottles of Scotch, and a fifth of fireball whiskey, as well as his loaded Glock 19. "Don't mind that, it's just for protection" Drew said, and he reached for the Crate of weed, putting 3 six packs and putting it on top of the crate, making the load 45 lbs in total. Drew carried it into the house with ease.

Drew's Glock 19, A.K.A. G19, A.K.A. G173G

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/300px-Glock17.jpg.02ff9b721300c6541d92421c348c111e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53817" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/300px-Glock17.jpg.02ff9b721300c6541d92421c348c111e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Autumn grabbed the alcohol and looked to see what was in the back.

"Drew... I dont like guns..." she said, sounding a little upset.

"Another thing. Im not sleeping with you if you're completely fucked up. Unless I get completely fucked up... which I wont." she said walking into the house.
"Don't worry about it, baby, it's just a thing, don't be afraid of it" he said. "Then I won't get COMPLETELY fucked up, only sort of fucked up. Either that, or I'll persuade you to get completely fucked up" Drew said with a laugh, and he entered the house, putting the Weed on a table and the Alchohol in and around the fridge. He then headed outside to go get more stuff.
"Good. Thank you... Get me fucked up? No. You couldn't I was raised with a will of steel. You cant break me." she smirked following him out.

She sat on top of the hood. (Just like my profile picture.)

"Do I look hot on top of your car?" she giggled.
Victoria was helping out Ross with bring stuff upstairs and looked at Ross and wraps her arms around his neck and said "I hope you know, you should be happy that I am doing something" she said laughing.

Ross looked at her and picks her up and brings her on the kitchen counter and said "Well I am and now you have more work to do" he said giving her a kiss on the cheek and helps her down from the counter
"Oh, yeah." He said, biting his lip very attractively. He approached her and brushed a hand over her right leg. "Your legs are so beautiful and long." He whispered to her, and he kissed her neck deeply. He then caught himself. "We got stuff to take care of. I don't like my trunk open with my gat and alchohol in it" Drew said, and he quickly collected 5, the remaining, six packs, carrying them towards the house after closing the trunk.
"I apologised a thousand times and I agreed to move our little 'date' for tomorrow just so you could go to this party but why do I have to go? Let me refresh your memory, Drew un invited me and if he finds me there he'll probably kill me" Thomas said as he tried to convince Ella not to drag him to the party the whole school was invited to. It was probably her revenge for making her enter the cheerleading team and maybe for the incident during truth or dare but what scared him was the fact that he was the only student who was not allowed to go and Ella was still trying to make him look different for him to go to the party and get out unharmed.
she giggled loving the attention.

"Okay fine." she sighed walking in after Drew.

"Hey Ross... Do you have a stripper pole in this place?" she asked.
Ross looked at her and said "Ask Victoria" then then went downstairs get the band ready and stuff like that"

Victoria looked at him and rolled her eyes and said "Why me, Yea there is one in the middle of the basement" she said looking at her r
Drew laughed at Autumn's question and he put a arm around Autumn's shoulders, pulling her close so that her head rested on his shoulder and he put the hand ofthe arm he used on her chest.
"I could let you go but then I'll be alone in a party full of people who don't know me or hate me and being less nerdy so you wouldn't have to get your ass kicked by bullies again was your idea so this is your fault. Besides, Drew won't recognise you and I really don't want to be near him, Victoria or Autumn so you'll be safe." Ella said with a smile and gave him some clothes so he could change. "Change into this and no one will recognise you, don't ask how I got it"
"Hey Drew want to see me dance?" she whispered in his ear then she kissed his neck softly sucking on it.

"You have big hands... they're kinda hot..." she smiled putting his pointer finger in her mouth gently sucking it.

"Come down stairs." she said pulling away from him softly going to the basement.
Ross watched them go downstairs and whisper to him and said "Have Fun" he said laughing at him

Victoria looked at Ross and said "Your so annoying" she said walking away with the box in her hand

Ross looked at her and said "What? What did I do" he said following her
Thomas sighed and grabbed the clothes Ella gave him and changed in the bathroom. When he came out he looked at himself in the mirror and began laughing. "I look like someone who would beat me up. I like it, the only way that idiot will recognise me is if he has super powers."

(What she made him wear)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-25_19-47-22.png.65babc985d1b9016b906670581ff64b8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53824" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-25_19-47-22.png.65babc985d1b9016b906670581ff64b8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(Sorry, notifications weren't working)

"Alright baby, lead the way." He said in a seductive voice, and he let her drag her down into the basement where he was sure all kinds of sexual activity would ensue. He fantasized about having sex with Autumn. She was truly a Godess, and he was grateful they had met.

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