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Realistic or Modern Southside College

Thomas sighed and slowly walked to history class. He carefully avoided bullies or anyone who looked too much like Drew and his gang and smiled at the people he knew. (Sorry for short post, I didn't know what to post)
"Oh hey! No problem! I like your outfit." she giggled, they were both wearing their cheer leading outfits. They looked pretty similar, her blonde hair was puled back into a high pony.

"My day was okay... saw some really hot guys..." she giggled. She smiled and waved at some people, not friends just people.

"How was your day so far? Where you headed?" she asked not loosing her smile.
Ella groaned when Drew left the room and walked out a few seconds later hoping she wouldn't have to see him for a while. She hated the fact that he was right about calling the cops being the only thing she could do but she didn't want to be responsible for him getting arrested or worse. She approached Thomas and smiled at him. "So movies and candy, what do you want to do afterwards?"

(I'm waiting for someone with a character in Mark's gang to post before I post for @awesome )
She looked looked at her and said "Well we both have History class then i think cheerleading Practice" when she was talking about the cute guys she says "I know right they are so hot, to bad I am taken for now with Ross since he is on tour" she said looking at her
Thomas smiled at Ella and shrugged. "We could rob a bank or gain superpowers and become heroes, you decide" Thomas said sarcastically and chuckled. "I bought the new mortal kombat, I know I'm awesome please turn on the applause sign, do you want to get your virtual ass kicked?"
"So I guess we will be seeing alot of each other, we have like all the same classes." she giggled.

"Ross? Oooh! Sounds cute. Whats his last name?" she asked curiously then seeing Ella.

"What do you think about Ella?" She asked looking down at her nails.
She looked at her and laughed and said "Ross Lynch, the singer" she said, she also added that "Well I think Ella is cool and stuff but I think she should watch out for Drew, for her sake" she said looking at her
"We should get superpowers and rob the bank!" Ella giggled and playfully punched his arm. "I hate you for getting the game without telling me because we would be skipping school to play video games right now but I think you're forgetting who was the one who got his ass kicked the last time we played a video game"
"Ross Lynch? Oh my god. Score." she smiled.

"Look out for Drew...? I think he's super cute. I wouldn't mind dating him." she said playing with her necklace.

"Is he like date able? Drew? Is anyone date able here? Thomas was cute but Ella seemed to have him wrapped around her finger..." she sighed and looked down at herself subconsciously.
Thomas rubbed his arm where Ella punched him and laughed. "That was last week and I've had some practice so this time you'll be the one screaming swear words every time you loose." Thomas said with a smile and then noticed some girls with cheerleading uniforms looking at them and coughed. "Cheerleaders... looking..." he said between coughs.
She looked at him and said "While Drew is not date able right now since Dallas passed away, I mean he is cute and all but he is not himself, the old Drew will come back soon, so

I can't wait for that to happen" she said looking at her
Autumn waved and smiled at Ella and winked at Thomas as they walked by.

"Dallas? Wait I think I remember him or hearing about him... Whats the story with him? Somebody told me he O.D..." She asked thinking sadly.

"Well he should go back to being cute date able Drew really soon." she said rolling her eyes and sighing.
Ella giggled and rolled her eyes. "If I can beat you in Mario Kart then I can beat you in Mortal Kombat X. You'll see me laughing as my character kills your character in the most horrible ways in no time." Ella said and then looked at the girls who had looked at them before. "Well I haven't done anything interesting lately so you must have something in your face or you have a admirer!" Ella said playfully.
Victoria looked at her and said "Don't get your hopes up, if Ella takes him away from you first" she said looking at them. When she brings up Dallas she was getting emotional about what happened. She looked at her and said "It is to sad to talk about" she said looking down
"Yeah... They almost seem like siblings not like... crushing... I don't know. I should talk to her more... " she said touching her hair.

"Oh... If you don't wanna talk about it... That's cool... But I'm dying to know what happened." she touched Victoria's back trying to comfort her.
She looked at her and said "Yea, you should I mean, I am friends with everyone and the only thing I know from now is what I am see one Social Media" she said laughing at her and added "But I still on top the school drama" she said smiling
"Secret admirer? Who the hell are you and what have you done to Ella because the real Ella knows that Thomas Depp does not have secret admirers, especially cheerleaders" Thomas said with a smile and continued walking to history class. "Come on whoever you are, we're gonna be late"
"That's good...Well Ill talk to you after class I'm gonna try to flirt with Thomas... Wish me luck." she said walking into history. She smiled and sat next to Thomas.

"Is this chair taken?" she asked blushing a little touching her cross and biting her lip softly.
She looks at her and said "I got Gym so I am going to go watch the boys play basketball" she says laughing at her and said "I wish you good luck"
"Oh no! The human has discovered my secret! I must brainwash him before he tells the other humans that aliens are planning to take over the world!" Ella said dramatically as they walked to history class. "I have to get something from my locker, you go without me" Ella said and walked towards her locker.

(No history is starting)
Thomas was about to say he was saving the spot for Ella but he wanted to make new friends and the other seat beside him was empty so she could always sit there. "Eh... no, go ahead" Thomas said with a shy smile.
(Oh snitzel pop. Wait, so wouldn't Victoria have History since all the players have History together?)

Drew walked into History and he and a few friends sat down. Drew kept a seat open next to him. He saw Autumn and called. "Hey, Fall, wanna come sit with us?" Drew said with a flirtatious smile, making a play on her name, waving so she could see exactly where he was.

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