
I kissed lixy, and put her back in her cage, after locking the little door, I turned, my full attention on the boy.. I wrapped both of my arms around him, running my lips over his neck..
Daniel rested his hands on her hips and brushed his lips across her temple softly. His heart beat against his chest, thumping like a drum. One hand reached up, caressing her cheek.
I couldn't help myself, and I only did it rarely.. But I began to purr, loud.. My hands moved down from his shoulders to his waist.. I smiled up at him, his eyes were glowing like the stars I watch at night.. I hitched my legs up onto the bed and curled up next to him..
He beamed, delighted by the purring. He wrapped his strong arms around her in a gentle embrace. His heart padded in his chest, almost like it was in time with hers. He would not be surprised if they were in time with each other. It felt like they were. He held her close, kissing her forehead and resting his head on hers.
(Is this the weekend or before the school year starts? I'm just wondering if we're supposed to go to classes at some point.)

Bren chuckled, running his long fingers through his hair. "You could say that. She and I, we..." he paused, unsure of how to word it exactly, "sometimes, I think we're the same person in two bodies. We share a very special bond." Absentmindedly, his fingers rubbed along the black silk ribbon around his wrist. He winced at a sudden sharp pain before shaking it off. When he spoke again, his voice was lower, softer. "What about you, Sabrina? Are you close to anyone?"
((I have no idea))

Sierra watched him, her violet eyes sparkling. She admired how he had such a close bond with someone; it was something she lacked. Her eyes flicked down to the ribbon for a moment and brushed her short black hair behind her ear. The black rose almost fell from behind her ear. "Well," she paused, speaking in a whisper. "Not really..." She glanced down at her wrist for a moment.
A small smile tugged at the corner of Bren's lips. "Well, I'm glad." Before he realised what he was doing, his hand shot out and caught the black rose, neatly tucking it behind her ear. Taking the opportunity, he gently smoothed down her silky hair. "I must say, I'm really fond of the rose. Although, I think a a different colour rose would stand out against your hair. Maybe purple like your eyes. That'd be lovely."
I made my grip around him tighter.. Never wanting to let go.. Never wanting him to let me go.. My whole body was tingling with a feeling of lust that I'd never, ever felt before, not this strong.. I smiled, wrapping my legs around him and putting my hands in his hair..
Sierra's lips turned into a small smile, and she brushed her fingertips along the rose gingerly. "If I ever find one, I will," she promised, her cheeks burning to a pale pink. Her gaze turned down to her feet for a moment, and she looked back up at him, eyes glittering.

Daniel's hands gently rubbed along the gentle curve of her sides. He brushed his lips across hers, almost afraid to kiss her, although he wasn't sure why. Being used to being burned for going to fast, he decided to stay calm despite the raging emotions in his bloodstream. He cooled himself off, waiting for her to take the lead. Of course, he didn't want to go slow. He felt so close to her already, but he didn't want to ruin this. He'd never had something this... fiery before in his entire life.
I smiled "don't be scared, daniel" I cooed, before pressing my own lips against his and kissing him softly.. I loved him, and I needed his love.. I positioned my hands on his hips and rubbed up against him.. Sighing happily..
Daniel kissed her back, gladly wrapping his lips around hers. An arm slung around her waist, the other rested on her cheek before sliding down to the back of her neck, resting there. His olive green eyes closed blissfully, the corner of his lips turning up into a small smile as he kissed her.
(I might dissapear, batterys gone die)

I smiled happily.. Resting my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes.. I looked to him and ran my lips down his neck, stopping to kiss him every now and then.. But I was happy like this, no more no less, just this..
((Alright >.<))

He smiled, for a moment just pausing to feel her lips against his skin. He leaned down and kissed her jaw softly, rubbing her side and her back. For a moment, he forgot where hew as or who he was. To him, it was just him and her and nobody else. That was how he had always wanted it--to just be able to forgot about the rest of the world because it wasn't important anymore, which was absolutely the truth.
(Hey guys, sorry for not posting. I couldn't get into the site at all.)

Alaska smiled, laying back and playing with her necklace. There was always something so calming about forests. Perhaps it was the amount of life around you, but it took a keen eye to see most of it?

As she thought, her mind drifted to everyone she had met so far.

There was Clara, Monica, and Blossom. They were all very nice and she hoped she could be good friends with them all. Then there was Shelby and that other Fae. They seemed like sociopaths or something. But maybe Shelby was just upset about something else. Later on in the year, she would have to see what kind if person she turned out to be. She obviously cares about Blossom after all. Then there's Bren and Alora. They seemed to be very, very close. We're they already involved?

At this point Alaska closed we eyes tightly and rubbed her temples. It's only early afternoon and she's already asked herself more questions than she has her entire life.
(( Hi Guys >.< i have othing to do with Shelby atm, so I'll make a male chara ^-^ who hasn't got a soulmate yet? ))
I repositioned myself, so I was more comfoertabe on his lap, I just sat there, kissing him gently and rubbing up against him, this feeling was genuine, how did I know?, I've never ever felt this way about a boy or a girl.. But he was different.. He was beautiful, his eyes were what had made me shiver in the first place, green and almost clouded over with mist.. I had to face the facts that I was head over heels in love, and we'd only been together an hour..I took his hand in mine and began stroking it and kissing him softly.. I wanted to say it.. But I held back, incase his feeling weren't as stron as mine..
Sometimes a nap is the best thing for a dampened spirit. At least, that's how Alora felt. She shifted from her position, moaning softly as she tried to rouse herself. Lazily, she sat up, eyes blinking open. There were others in here. She blinked again and recognised Clara but with a new boy. It only took her a moment to realise what they were doing. "Oh god," she said, clapping a hand over her mouth when she realised she had interrupted. Snatching up a big book, she hid her ever-reddening face behind it, mumbling, "Sorrysorrysorry."

Bren exhaled, his eyes gazing over Sierra languidly. "Maybe I'll help you find one. I'm curious as to how it would look now." He paused, eyes shooting up towards the clouds as he thought. "Are there any magic spells to change a flower's colour, Sabrina? Or do we actually have to go out and look for one? Hm, I wonder if there's a flower shop nearby," he mused the last part to himself.

Finding an empty classroom, Alexander lowered himself into a chair. He cracked his book open again and picked up where he left off. Inadvertently, he found his mind drifting back to Shelby. Why was he even thinking of the pink-haired fae? He knew he shouldn't have anything to do with her. She would bring him and the school nothing but trouble. Then again, she was kind of pretty. His head snapped up, book forgotten in his hands. Where had that come from? In the past, he'd only found one girl pretty, and seeing how that ended, he was reluctant to even think it again.
Shelby watched Alaxander go with a small feeling of dismay, though she wasn't sure why. Sighing, she wandered around the halls untill she found herself at a massive hall. It had a polished wood floor, a black stage at the front. Rows and rows of wooden chairs sat, with an aisle down the middle. At the back wasanother door, heading to a lunch hall. It was dark in the lunch hall, and the eerie silence made Shelby feel relaxed, where as to another it would made them feeluneasy. Sitting down, Shelby found herself thinking about Alexander again. She shook her head angrily, thrying to shak her mind free from thoughts of him. She stood again, then ran into the main hall, ending with flying onto the stage. Above were multi-coloured lights, probably used when a play was on. Many thick layers of curtains sat at the sides. Shelby sat on the edge, swinging her legs. She lay back and allowed her mind to wander.
I bit my lip to stop myself laughing, "I hadn't even realised you were in here!!!, alora, oh god, I'm really sorry!" I said, my cheeks flushing bright red as I hopped off his lap
Daniel was completely immersed in the kiss that he didn't realize someone had seen until Clara slid off of his lap. His eyebrows furrowed with confusion, and he saw another female in the room. "Oh, I... uh..." He ran his hand through his honey blonde locks, unsure of what to say. "I'm Daniel?" He said, his cheeks reddening a bit. "It's... Nice to meet you... Uh... Alora," He assumed that was her name, considering it was what Clara called her.

Sierra lightly touched the rose again. "Well, I don't think I'd be able to turn it a different colour if there was," she murmured and glanced up at him. "And it would be kind of hard to find a purple rose, wouldn't it? I mean, I don't think that's one of their natural colours..." She stopped herself from babbling and looked back down at her notebook.
I bit my lip.. My face was bright red, I looked to alora "look, lor- I'm real sorry" I said, sitting back down next to danny and resting my head against him
He wrapped his arm around her and smiled sheepishly. "I am too..." He wondered if it would be best for him to leave. He turned his attention to Clara. "Maybe we should leave or something," he whispered. "Go somewhere else." He didn't want to leave, but he figured it would be best. He didn't want to embarrass her anymore than he already has.
I nodded, taking his hand and leading him from the room, nobody had arrived in dorm 1 yet, so I took him there and sat down once again, pulling him onto my lap "now, where were we?"
He smirked and leaned over, sliding his lips around hers. "Right around here," he cooed and kissed along her jawline and down her neck. Every now and then, he would pause on her neck and suck gently. His hands rubbed up and down her sides, resting on her hips.

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