
She smiled, a bit sadly. "But you do like her?" She looked back up at him, violet eyes peering through her short black hair. Her fingers absentmindedly played with her pencil. She rested the side of her face on her knees, one arm wrapping around her legs.
Alora felt a involuntary smile tug at her lips. Whatever Alaska had said seemed to have worked. She wasn't sure what language it was, but it made her feel happier. She pulled herself to her feet, squeezing the demoness's hand tighter. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Alaska's concentrated face and felt something bubble inside her. With her horns and tail showing, she look absolutely adorable.

She turned her focus away from the girl and down to the writing. "It's a pretty public spot, so she must have wanted it found. And it looks like it's written in blood, so it must be very powerful." She paused, wracking her brain for any clue as to what it might be. She certainly wasn't going to ask one of the fae, which left only one option: her father.

Bren looked away from Sierra uncomfortably. "It's...not that easy. She and I are...closer than friends. She's part of me, and I'm part of her. Even if we were interested in each other, it could never be." He closed his eyes, hating how vulnerable he felt. Very few people were ever able to get him to talk about this side of his relationship with Alora, and they hadn't even gotten into the interesting part yet. Of course, he'd been expressly forbidden from ever speaking of that.

Because of their close relationship, Alora and Bren had often been mistaken for a couple. As Alora had yet to officially "come out," she would often play along in order to keep other would-be interested parties. No, they never pretended to be dating, but neither never quelled the rumours. Of course, that always made his shenanigans with other girls always more interesting.

(I swear, Bren's and Alora's relationship is one of the most fun things I've ever had RPing. The teasing, sarcasm, and drama make me happy.)
She nodded and smiled. "I think I understand," she said. "Even though I haven't actually been that close to anyone, I understand." She ran her hand across her small book, closing her eyes. "I'm sorry that I asked," she looked over at him with sorry, purple eyes. "I shouldn't have been so nosey."
Flashing her a small smile, Bren shook off his uneasiness. "No need to apologise. I was nosy earlier too, so you deserve to have a chance. Besides," he paused, observing the way her purple eyes stood out so lovely against her dark hair, "besides, I don't mind telling you, Sabrina."
She smiled at the name. "Well, thanks..." She said without knowing what else to say. She looked down at her notebook again. "I don't mind telling you things either," she smiled again, looking back up at him. She gazed at his face and into his eyes sincerely.
"I would copy it down for some research, but I don't believe that would be the best of ideas; the possibilities of what it could be and all."

Alaska's eyes snapped open as the thoughts of her different crystals, still remaining in her suitcase. Oh how she missed them. They were pretty much her source of energy, helping her focus, not be as depressed, talk to others in the astral, and even act as medication or protection. She made a mental note that the moment they got back to the dorm

"I suggest we wait until we've had at least one full day to chill out after getting here. The energy in this place is crazy right now, and hunting for some spells in hundred year old books will only screw up everyone's chakra's more."

Alaska tapped the tip of her finger on the Seveocha's nose.

"That means you too. I'm no fully aware of your bio make up, but if your aura's energy levels were as high as your blood pressure right now, you'd be in a coma."

The amount of stress really was taking its toll on Alaska. As stated earlier, demons are very sensitive to energy.
Flora felt a smile tgging at her lips as she watched Alaska, Alora and Clara. She stepped forward, "Have fun trying to work that one out." She laughed, but was inturrupted by a sharp pain in her wings. She hissed and widened her eyes. Her magic was drained; Flora couldn't move her wings due to this, and they weer painful ever since she'd dran that goblet.

Shelby sat on her bed in the dorm, glad of the emptiness. She was sure Clara had gone to tell the others about her spell, but they were meant to find out anyway; it didn't matter if it was a few hours earlier. She yawned and stood up, then walked over the a window. She opened it wide; letting a cool breeze engulf her face. Also, it was a handy get-away if the others wanted answers. Shelby decided to keep them in the dark for a bit longer, that was the momentum of the spell would build up to something phenomenal.
Daniel's soft green eyes gazed up at the school. It seemed rather daunting--knowing he would find his soulmate here. The idea thrilled him and scared him at the same time. He fidgeted with the backpack around his shoulders. It was all he had left. His family--other than his little sister, who was now off to a different boarding school--had all died in a freak fire. He was determined to get to the bottom of it, but he never did. Sighing and running his hand through his honey blonde locks, he walked inside and looked for his dorm. He bit down on his lip, hard. He would never let anything happen to anyone he loved again. He swore it.
Sam was now nomming on someone's shoe somewhere while Monica was fast asleep in her wolf form. For some odd reason, she was really tired and Sam was way too hyper, even for him. But considering she was a werewolf and Sam a German Shepherd, there was no telling what could happen with these two.
I decided to leave after that, afterall.. It was their duty to find out what it mean, I would help, but right now I had other stuff on my mind, the chemistry between alaska and alora was clear, but that spell.. That was.. I don't know.. Out of the corner of my eye, I spooted a blonde boy with green eyes.. I was always walking so fast that I slammed right into him and dropped to the foor.. I knocked my knees hard and bit my lip "S*ht!" I hissed, fattening my pointy black ears against my head..
Daniel's eyes widened and he dropped down next to the female he ran into. He had been so lost in thought that he hadn't seen her coming. "I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed, kneeling beside her. "I should have been looking where I was going. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" he asked urgently, his olive green eyes filled with concern. He held his hand out for her to help her up.
I laughed nervously, my face turning an unatractive beetroute colour..I took his hand and pulled myself up off the groud, "oh god, don't worry about it man! I'm fine!" I smiled a little.. Running a hand through my hair..my long black tail began to swish behind me, oh god this was so embarassing, I caught it in my hands.. Stroking it..
He chuckled and looked at her. "Hey, it's my fault, too," he rubbed the back of his neck, his bicep unintentionally flexing. "I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going either. Are you sure you're okay?" His embarrassed expression turned to concern again, his eyebrows knitting together. "Do you need a nurse or an ice pack or something?"
I laughed out loud, smiling up at him.. My cheeks were burning.. "Look, I said I'm fine okay?!n and its fine, you look a little lost, would you like to come back with me?" I asked slowly..
"Alright, alright," he held his hands up in surrender. "Yeah, I just got here." He felt a sudden knot form in his chest when he looked down at her, but he did his best to act casual. "I'd love to. Where are you going?" He ran a slightly trembling hand through golden curls.
I bowed my head, letting my long blue hair fall infront of my eyes.. "Don't start going all shaky on me, surely you're not scared are you?" I said, my brain whirring overtime, losing control of my words.. My powers were showing and I didn't like it, not at all.. "J..just back to my dorm, I need to feed my pet" I said shyly.. Nobody had this effect on me, at all
"N-No, no, it's not you," his eyes widened. "I'm just feeling a bit... strange..." he bit his lip and tried to think of small talk. "What's your pet?" His heart beat heavily, jumping around. His eyes flicked around, trying to think of a way to calm himself down.
Bren smiled, winking down at her. "And I don't mind listening." His blue eyes focused intently on her bright purple ones, wondering how they got such a colour. Was it natural? Would it be rude to ask? He cleared his throat again. "So, about the school? Do normal people know what some of the students here are like? I mean, I'd never even heard of the school before 'Lora and I enrolled, so I don't know what kind of reputation it has." He could help but think if average humans knew about some of the students here that they'd get scared. And humans get scared, it always results in trouble.

Wrinkling her nose at Alaska's soft touch, Alora giggled. "I agree. I can almost feel the tension in the air." She paused, immediately growing somber. "And there's someone I need to talk to..." Clara had walked off, leaving the two girls alone again. Alora knew that there were things she needed to do and that she'd probably spent too much time with the demoness for the short time they'd know each other, but she was reluctant to leave. "I, ah, need to head back to the dorms."

Letting the door fall shut behind him, Alexander stepped in. He paused a moment to let his eyes adjust to the dim lighting before walking down the hallway. He'd been told Dorm Two, but he wasn't sure where exactly he was supposed to go. The suitcase floating behind him popped up and down as he walked. After a few moments of wandering around, he found a large room with many beds. There was only one person in the room, so he couldn't exactly tell which of the beds already had an occupant. "Any of these free?" he asked in a low, gruff voice.
I twitched a little, trying to put my hands somehwere that wouldn't look awkward, I dropped my tail and it started swishing around again.. Why were we acting like this.. Both of us, this was a little funny, "come, you'd have to see her" I smiled, taking his hand and leading him back to the dorm
Sierra smiled, her embarrassment completely gone now. She just wasn't used to talking to people like this, and it scared her. Forming any kind of tie with people scared her. She always thought she would plummet if she tried. "You're actually pretty much the first person I've talked to..." She brushed her short black hair behind her ear. "Other than a few people when I first got here... Some of the were nice, I guess." She brought her legs back down into a normal sitting position.
Monica slowly woke up and stretched before hopping down from the tree. She made her way to where she could see the open window of the dorm room before jumping and using her hind legs to her advantage to get in. She stretched again before hopping onto her bed. Sam, the rotten pup, was still happily nomming on the shoe he stole under a free bed in the dorm room.
Shelby turned, the wind blowing her pink curls. In the doorway was a new person- male. He asked her about the beds, "Oh," she said, flustered. Shelby could see a suitcase floating behind him. "Uh, yeah... That's free." She pointed to a nearby bed, freshly made and not slept in. She felt colour rushing to her cheeks, even though she had nothing to be embarrassed about. "What's your name?" she purred, trying to keep the curiosity out of her voice. She tried to keep her eyes cold.
Daniel blinked when she took his hand. It was like a burning electric had shot across his skin and through his body. He flinched slightly, staring at her with wide eyes. It wasn't painful--it was actually a good feeling. Like jumping into freezing cold water on a hot day. He shrugged it off once again and began to follow her down the hall.
"I am?" Bren questioned, his voice revealing his interest. He wiggled his septum, grinning deliciously. "Well, well, I'm just that special, am I?" He chuckled as he propped up one long leg on top of the other and leaned forward, balancing his weight on it. "The others are pretty nice so far. At least the ones I've met. You, however," he paused, pointing emphatically, "are the only interesting one I've met yet. Why do you think that is?"

Nodding his head in thanks, Alexander headed toward the bed silently. The suitcase dropped on the mattress, and he clicked it open, rummaging through it. When she asked his name, he flashed her a look over his shoulder, eyes remaining as hard as ever. For a moment, they flicked off her as a werewolf bounded in through the window and immediately collapsed on a bed. Strange. "Alexander de Levian."

Looking back down at the suitcase, he found what he'd been looking for and pulled out the ancient book. The suitcase moved itself to the floor right as he sat down on the bed and cracked it open. It took him a minute, but he remembered the polite thing to do was ask hers in return. "Yours?" He normally didn't care, but he figured he had at least ask the girl since she slept so close to him. Fae were known to be notoriously tricky.

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