Soul Eater: Red Death's Story [Inactive]

"Hey, I just wanted to know." Blackstar said really worriedly, "She's a close friend." He walked away, "She's with Kidd anyway"
"Aren't we all?" He sat next to them, "She's a bundle of joy when you get to know her." He smiled..

"Moreover, Did you want to come to dinner?" Kidd asked her. She blushed,

"S-sure." She smiled.
"ALLISON STEIN!" Miss. Marie yelled at her, "SAY YOU'RE SORRY TO CRONA."

"No." She said, looking into Red's eyes. Tell Sugi I'm sorry. "Miss. Marie, I swear to god. If told you, can be sure I wont be returning."
"Yeah, for about the 600th time." Sugi felt a chill down his spine. I... Have Returned... Sugi, meet me at the place... Sugi's eyes widened, and he bolted out of school grounds. He felt the presence closer, until he saw his brother. Nova, the stronger of the 2. Nova chuckled. "Ah, brother. I have came, for reasons that will surprise you. I will kill you. This may be too sudden, but orders are orders." Nova whistled, and 2 giant warriors appeared. They transformed into huge gloves with metal tips, and Nova charged. Sugi didnt have Misaki with him. Sugi tried to dodge, but Nova caught him in the shoulder and sent him into the ground. Sugi got all the breath knocked out of him, and he coughed up blood. Nova laughed and grabbed Sugi by the foot, and slammed him into the ground. Nova held Sugi by the leg, blood dripping out of his mouth. "Augh..." Nova was disgusted. "Just die, fool." Nova chucked Sugi into trees, breaking each tree in half as Sugi was thrown. Sugi hit a lake, with a huge splash. His body floated on the water, and Nova floated toward him. He grabbed Sugi by the shirt. "WHY CANT YOU DIE?!" Nova punched Sugi in the face, bruising his eye, and causing blood to flow out of his mouth more. He dropped Sugi, and started barraging him with kicks and punches until Sugi's body was broken. Clothes ripped, blood and scars everywhere. Sugi's hair was messed up, and his shirt and pants were ripped apart, and blood starting flowing down his body. He was limp, and Nova thought he was dead. "Weak." Nova tossed his body onto the ground, a pool of blood around Sugi's body. Nova sat next to him, and started a fire. "I'll take you prisoner, I guess."
I looked at Sugi " DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM!!!"

Shadow was in my hands "IF YOU WANT HIM, YOU'LL HAVE TO GET THOUGH ME!"
Nova looked over. "This kids already dead. Take a look." He grabbed Sugi by the leg, and swung him around. "Hes covered in blood, knocked out, and you think hes alive? Ha. Good Joke." He dropped part of Sugi's body in the fire. "Look at this."
"Sugi." She took off to the school grounds, She stopped when she saw Sugi bleeding, and a boy smiling. "Who are you!"

She could fight without her weapons she was trained to do so.

She kicked the guy in the face. "No one hurts my friends"
"NO!" Sugi limped toward Nova, and was about to punch him. Nova, instead, smacked him away. Nova laughed, and ran. Sugi fell into the ground.

OOC- gtg
Her fight was with Nova. He was still on the ground . "STITCHES!" She yelled, pinning him to the ground. "Panther Claws!" Her nails grew to claws as she cut him. "Who are you and what do you want with Sugi?"

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