Soul Eater: Red Death's Story [Inactive]

The boy ran away. Shit he got away! She punched a wall. She looked up at the sky as Chase and Jason ran over to her.

"Alli!" Jason tackled her "You're ok!"
Shadow came running over "I found her!" He kneeled next to me, the nurse on his heels.

I looked at Sugi "He's fading fast." I sighed.
"Augh..." Sugi didnt feel pain. He felt weak. He lost to his brother, and had wondered who his master was. If Nova was this powerful, how powerful was the master?
She had to find the boy. Then the thought about Sugi. She ran over to him. "Sugi your ok!" She fell beside him. She was overwhelmed by her power. "Sono sopraffatto con il sangue nero, ma mi batterò fino alla fine." (I'm overwhelmed with the Black blood, but i will fight till the end.)
Kidd ran over when he saw Allison fall.

"Red?" he asked her, "What happened?" Kidd laid her on his lap. Poor girl, what am I ever going to do? "Is Stein available?" He asked quickly hoping that at least the professor would help. He laid eyes on Sugi. he nudged him, "Hey sugi you awake?"

( @Sugiura Yoshitoki )
"Who was that boy?" Kidd asked, unknowingly playing with Allison's hair. "He seemed to be interested in you." He looked at Allison.
"That's horrible Sugi!" Kidd said, as Allison got up. "Hey are you ok?"

"Yeah im fine Kidd, I could care less about myself is Sugi ok?" She demanded.
"I'm fine, damnt. Did he hurt any of you?" Sugi got up, and kept balance. His body was bloodied.

Misaki was captured by Nova, gagged and tossed over Nova's shoulder.

Sugi had a spasm. "MISAKI!!"
"Sugi, I'll go after her." Allison Stood up. "Chase, Jas-" She fell over, yelling in pain. Her blood was boiling. She spasmed on the ground a few time when she finally stopped. Blood dripped down her mouth. What had hit her? All of a sudden a snake came out of somewhere. Mom did this. She started to cry silently, She was trapped inside her own body.
Chase and Jason had no way to explain to Kidd what had happened to his friend,

"Kidd, come on we should talk." Chase pulled him off


It was dark and cold in her mind. Trees were dripping water, the ground was water. Skeletal trees, lined a pathway leading to what seemed to be nowhere. She followed the path.

"Hello?" she called, the ground rippled when she took a step. she didn't see anything weird about this place. She actually found it calming, She was wondering if crona had ever been in this place. A bird took off as the scene changed. She was now standing on top of her house. Everyone was looking up at her from a distance. She looked calmly over the edge. Then she walked off. She didn't die she just kept falling.

Falling, into the dark abyss.
I looked at Allison, "we have to find Stien right now! She won't be able to survive this much longer."
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Sugi got up and ran back to the school. The pain was excruciating, and he was clutching his bleeding chest. Blood came out of his mouth when he screamed her name. Suddenly, Nova came out of no where and tried to hit Sugi. He had somehow dodged, and leaped back. "WHERES MISAKI?!" Nova lifted up Misakis bloodied and lifeless body. Sugi clutched his fists. "GET AWAY FROM HER!" Sugi ran at Nova, and got smacked away. "Agh... M-Misaki... Get...up..." Sugi got up. "Wake UP!!!!" Sugi screamed, and Misaki lifted her head. Sugi ran at her, and dodged Nova's thrusts. When Nova realized what Sugi was doing, he threw Misaki into a wall. Sugi ran after her, and found her body. He held her body. "Misaki....MISAKI!!!" Tears fell down his eyes. He felt a little movement. "Sugi.... Transform... Well defeat him." Together, Sugi turned into a giant saw, and they ran to defeat Nova.
"Crona! Stay away!" Kidd yelled. He didn't listen. He sorta understood what crona was going through, he picked Allison up. "Crona what are you doing!?" He ran over to them and took Allison from him. "Crona... I'll take care of Allison, you go get Stein and tell him to meet me at the Gallows Manor." And with that he took off.
I watched as Sugi ran off, "We have to follow him Shadow. Let's go."

Shadow transformed into two samurai swords and landed in my hands.

I ran after Sugi, "Sugi! Where are you!"
Misaki dualed against Nova with Emmet. Being that he was a chainsaw, they cut through Nova like beasts. "ILL KILL THEM ALL! ILL KILL WHOEVER YOU WORK FOR!!!!" Misaki and Emmet screamed. And blood splattered everywhere. Nova was decapitated. Misaki started cutting him more until all the blood came.
Chase and Jason ran to Misaki and held her back. "MISAKI LISTEN TO ME!" Chase yelled transforming his brother into a shield. "Stop! MISAKI!" He blocked the chainsaw.
"This idiot brother deserves it." Emmet said calmly. "He doesnt deserve to live. Im gonna burn him and keep his head so I can laugh at it." Emmet was serious about this. He hated his brother, and he wanted him dead. "Back off, or Misaki will chainsaw you too. Ill laugh at your burning corpses. It would be disgusting to even look at, but if you intervene, you know what happens."

"I will cut you. Dont interfere."
"Are you willing to fight for that?" Allison came up behind her weapons. "We all know what's going to happen." Her eyes were black. "If you want a fight I won't deny you one. Remember what happened to Crona?" She tilted her head smiling. "It'll be worse for you."

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