Soul Eater: Red Death's Story [Inactive]

Kidd sighed as he sat on the couch. "Tenth time Alli? Jesus just tell me when your upset i'll try to help." Kidd balled his fists. "She thinks she can do this alone when she cant."
Shadow came back, "How's Allison doing? I was finally able to get Red to bed and finally sleep, but I have to find out how Alli is doing before I come back."
Stein looked really worried. "No we really shouldn't. Let him be." he turned around and continued to cook


"Allison." A tear rolled down his cheek. "You cold have told me!" he took her hand into his. "Can you not trust me??"
"Tea anybody?" Miss Marie poured a cup for herself.


"No thanks Miss Marie, but thanks for the offer." I smiled and sat next to her


"Oh well," She sat down and sipped her tea, "Stein?"
he didn't budge. His gaze still was at Allison's room, he could hear Kidd's crying. "That's not right. No one should be in that much pain." He took Marie's hand.


She woke up slowly, She heard crying. "Kidd?" she asked barley audible.
Marie sighed, "I wish I knew why. It would help me so much to find the central pain. If I could, I may be able to heal some of it, but I cant find it because there was so much hurt and pain inside her gentle soul......." A tear fell, "I tried so hard to help."
"Marie," Stein said gently. "None of this is your fault."


"Kidd" She spoke softly. She clenched his hand weakly. "I'm ok."


He almost had a heart attack, She was so silent. "Al-" She shushed him. "Allison" He said quieter. "your ok"
Shadow looked at Marie," You did what you could Miss Marie. Because of you, Allison is still alive and breathing. She could've died today without your help."

Marie smiled, "Thanks for your support. I appreciate it a lot, from the both of you."
Stein heard a soft voice and the springs of Allison's bed move and the door open. Kidd was helping her.


Her vision was blurry and she was hanging onto Kidd for support. But she put on a smile and said, "Hey guys I'm awake"
"Yep." she smiled. Her legs wobbled. "Can i sit Please?" They scooted over and Kidd helped her sit.


~Thank god she's Ok.~ He sighed. he hugged her tight.
"Would you like some tea dear?" she looked over at Allison as she reheated the pot of tea.

Shadow sat down, "I'll take some this time."
"y-yeah I would love some," She couldn't just call her Marie anymore. "Mom." She put on the biggest smile she had.


"Marie dear?" Stein said coming into the room. "I'm going to lay down." He went to his room and laid down.
Marie smiled, Alright dear, "I'll keep an eye on the kids. Goodnight." She handed the two cups of tea to Allison and Shadow, "Here you go. Enjoy the tea. I'll be back, I need to grab something out of the living room."
Allison honestly tried her hardest to hold the cup, but it fell to the floor and shattered. Hot tea split on her bare feet. she was in Gym shorts and a Tank top. She felt a tear roll down her cheek. "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry."


Kidd immediately cleaned up the mess, and then comforted his friend of many years.
Marie came in to see Allison with burns on her legs, "Are you okay dear?" She placed her hand over Allison's leg.

Shadow threw the tea cup pieces away, "She just accidentally spilt her tea."

Marie smiled, "That's alright, I can always make some more. As long as Alli is okay." she put another pot on the stove.
Her shaking got worse, her hand grasped Kidd's as an instinct. She clung to him.


"there there Alli." He was blushing doing this in front of shadow. He kissed her forehead. "your ok"
Marie gave her a new cup, "Don't worry, you just need some physical therapy to get used to it."

Shadow sat back down, "Get used to what?"

"The healing process." She sipped her tea, "It's very complicated to explain."
"P-phyical therapy?" Allison groaned, "Last time I did that some one died."


Kidd still had her in his arms, "Well if it helps you I'll go too."

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