Soul Eater: Red Death's Story [Inactive]

"Go to the nurse Allison" Stein said with a light in his glasses,

She ran out of school when she got the chance. She did't wanna be cooped up in there with a bunch of people.

"Medusa I swear, your going to pay for this." She bit back the urge to cry. "Gods I hate-" she paused looking in her wallet at her mother and father together when they were younger, Medusa and Stein. She loved them both and hated them at the same time, Medusa was a former academy student but turned to a witch. Papa on the other hand was always like this.
Sugi turned on the T.V. Soniani was on. "Geez, that girl is hot as hell! Misaki why cant you be like her?"

Misaki was so pissed, she slapped him and starting stepping on him.
She wandered the streets and herd some shouting from a few apartments. She looked up at it and then kept walking. she started to sing.

"I'll always remember you

Carry your dreams

Until they come true

Each breath that I take

Each moment away

I'll always remember you

Everywhere I walk, I see your shadow

And when I close my eyes, I see your face

Every song I sing, I hear your melody

Because not a moment that goes by

And you're not on my mind

You will always be my hero

Never scared, braver than us all

Guiding light for me to follow

Always showing me the way

Right beside me everyday

I'll always remember you

Carry your dreams

Until they come true

Each breath that I take

Each moment away

I'll always remember you

Oh oh yeah, I remember

Hey yes yes, I remember

Oh, for the sacrifice you made

And all the gifts you gave

I'll always remember you

Carry your dreams

Until they come true

Each breath that I take

Each moment away

I'll always remember you you you

I'll always remember you

I'll carry your dreams

Until they come true

Each breath that I take

Each moment away

I'll always remember

Always remember

I'll always remember you" (sorry if that was a bit long

<-- thats the song)
She wondered what was going on, but she couldn't do anything about it. She was sitting on the edge of the wall when she yelled "STOP SHOUTING I'M SINGING!" She smiled to the sky putting her music in, and singing along.
She took out a shuriken and threw it threw that apartments. It phased through the window and hit the person standing. "There." She continued to look at the sky. "HOPE I HELPED!" She yelled, lighting a cigarette. She was in a pretty bad mood and Red nor Chase or Jason were there to help.

Why dont you go visit Crona? He'd love to see you. Medusa's voice rippled through her head. Or better yet, come see me!!!

"Fat chance Medusa." She retorted. "Although Crona doesn't ever talk to me he just stays shut in his room at dad's"

Then go say hello! Medusa said once more.

"No" and with that she shut her out.
"SORRY!" she recognized that voice it was Sugi. She took out a piece of paper and wrote him a note and tied it to a rock.

Dear, Sugi

Sorry I hit you


She want back to her handstand. Hoping he wouldn't look out the window.
Sugi looked out the window. He gasped for air. "You dont have to keep beating me up Misaki!" Sugi looked down. His face turned red. His nose bled. "AGH!" Sugi fell on his back. "Ugh... I GOTTA LEAVE!!" Sugi bolted out of the school, and tripped over the steps.
She had finished her hand stand and now meditated closing her eyes letting her hair fall to its normal length. She was in a tank top and a pair of short shorts. She was also upside down on one hand. "Breath Allison" She took deep breaths thinking of what made her happy, Papa, Crona, Paoo and her best friends and weapons Chase and Jason. 
She heard someone fall down the DWMA steps, it was Sugi! She ran over to Sugi.

"Sugi!" She looked at him. "Are you ok? Sugi, I'm sorry I hit you with the shuriken."

(@Sugiura Yoshitoki)
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I looked at the sky "Wish I could be there right now."

Shadow smiled " You can because Sugi just fell down the stairs"

"Crap, I'll go help him" I ran out the door
soared "Red!" She called. You have to go. Medusa said inside her head. Now child! "No." she said forcefully. "I cant deal with you anymore!"

"Allison!" A familiar voice called. "Alli. Come. Here." It was Crona. She stood silently facing her brother.

"No" she said quietly.

"What?" He took a step closer. "Alli,-"

"I said no Crona. No one controls me." Chase and Jason appeared behind her. "Boys if you'd please?" they transformed into 2 Katar claws (

"So thats the way we're playing" He smiled, "Ragnarock." His sword appeared. "Ragnarock Scream Alpha." He let out a scream.

"Chase, Jason. Soul Block." She said, putting up a wall of her soul wave length. "Chase, Jason. Do what you do best, Alli's Star Screech." Her weapons responded with her wish, Her soul wavelength soared into the ground, locking Crona in his spot a star pattern formed on the ground and blasted her soul wavelength up into his. This rendered him unconscious, she didn't plan on doing anything else. She walked away. "I'm sorry Crona."
Vayn stood outside the academy. Aimi stood at his left side. "Back from the mission." Vayn said, then added, "I might go take a nap." Aimi sighed, "Isn't that what you do every time we get back from a mission?" Vayn nodded, "Yea, it's very hard being me." He said sarcastically. "I wonder what Allison is up too. Probably kicking someones ass." Aimi said, hands behind her head. The two walked into the building. Vayn looked around, Probably should go and tell someone we made it back."
"Crona!" Miss. Marie yelled coming down the DWMA steps. "Allison! Did you do this?" She looked at me.

"A sound Soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound body." She replied simply. "And Miss. Marie, he challenged me. I tell people not to-"

"Hello, Allison. Crona can't defend that attack you know " Death the Kidd landed on his skateboard. Great Mr. Lets point out everything wrong with Allison, is back. She almost slapped him when he told her, her stance was asymmetrical. "Would you walk with me?" He asked with a kind tone.

"No" She said, "I'm going home. If any of you need me..." She paused "I'll be in my room pretending I don't exist."
Vayn and Aimi heard the commotion and walked down steps. Vayn saw Crona laying on the ground. "Allison, why?" Vayn asked. Aimi looked down at Crona. "You know your more powerful, right?"
She knew that but she couldn't always control it. "He'll be fine!" She said angerly, "I see why you care more about him, hes more fragile than me." She scoffed. She wanted them all dead, her voices came back.

"Everyone stand back now!" Chase ordered, as Jason walked over to her.

"Heya." He smiled, "Listen I know its tough. But the three of us will make it through together." He smiled at her.

"How can you be so positive when the Madness is swallowing us whole?" She had this talk with him before. "The key is to stall, but we can't do that forever."

"Maybe Alli-chan together, You, me, and chase will win over what ever is holding you?" He helped her up. "Lets go for a walk with Kidd, Patty, and Liz."

"Ok Senpai" She smiled.
"I was just asking a question. No need to get defensive of you meant to hurt him. Let me guess, he lost a duel?" Vayn asked. Aimi bent down beside Crona.
Chase shot Vayn a serious look that said, dude please just drop the subject.. And then walked off.

"Crona?" Miss. Marie asked. "Are you ok. Did she force you into this?"

"Never," he got up, " she's just a lot of hurt right now."
Aimi stuck a hand on Vayn's chest. "Don't we have things to do?" Aimi said. Vayn nodded. "Bye." Vayn said, turning back up the steps.
She walked next to Kidd as Liz, Patty, Chase and Jason, talked.

"So," she started startling Kidd. "How are you?"

"Good, you?"

"Ehh been better."
Red saw the whole event go down on the top of the stairs. "Poor Allison" I sighed

"I know what you mean" Shadow appeared behind me.

"We have to help her, and soon before the madness engulfs her" I looked at him

"I know, and we will" Shadow said "We have to talk to Allison first"
Kidd didn't know what to think of the 3, they had a lot of power and Allison had the madness inside of her.

"So Allison" He started as the group sat down at a basketball court.

"Yeah?" She smiled at him, "Sorry about saying no earlier I was being rude." She apologized.

"Hey its ok no need to worry." He smiled back, looking at the other four play basketball. "How do you like it here?"

"Well I can say its better than Italy." She blushed, asking "Cosa ne pensi di questo?" (What do you think of it?) He was glad being a reaper came with so many different perks, like knowing Italian.

"Mi piace qui, visto che la simmetria è incredibile!" (I love it here, seeing as the symmetry is amazing!) He replied, seeing a smile appear on her lips. She was beautiful. He was going to go against everything his father told him not to do.


"Kidd, I want to warn you," His father started. "Allison is VERY unpredictable, don't talk to her unless it's absolutely necessary." He looked at him.

"Why?" He sounded mean, "Dad, what's the point of having her here if no one talks to her?"

"To study." Was how Spirit replied, "She's here to be studied."

"She's had that happen to her all her life and to start it over again isn't right!" He argued.

I looked at the blue sky. "It seems so peaceful, when in reality, it's not."

"Don't worry" Shadow laid down in the grass "We just need to give Allison a break right now, she's angry and stressed. We don't want to aggravate her anymore."

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