Soul Eater: Red Death's Story [Inactive]

Patty walked up " Black Star would be the noisy one with blue hair, he's not here right now. My name's Liz and that's my sister Patty." she pointed to the younger blonde. "Our meister is Death the Kidd. He would be the one with black hair with three white stripes."
"Waiting for Kidd to be done with his symmetry problem" Liz rolled her eyes "He never stops with symmetry. If something isn't symmetrical, he has to stop and fix it, unless it is symmetrical, then he has to go and admire it." Liz sighed "It never ends"
She looked at the boy.

"Ace" Chase's voice came out of no where.

"Huh?" she questioned "Oh right Ice cream" she stopped and yelled to the boy. "HEY SUGI AND WEAPON! WANNA GO GET ICE CREAM?"

"Ace" Her weapons transformed "Lets go maybe at a later time he can join"

"But, Please?" she looked at them with sad eyes.

"FINE!" they said back.

I popped up out of nowhere "I came back as soon as I could, am I late for ice cream with you , Alli?"
"Hey. IM THE WEAPON. SHES THE MEISTER! And sure I love ice cream. Come on Misaki!" Sugi walked toward the group.

Misaki sighed. "Your so troublesome, Sugi..."
"not at all and" She turned to Sugi who came out of no where "I apologize to you and your Meister" She bowed, "TO THE ICE CREAM" She ran off to the stand!

"Sorry she's got a little to much spunk sometimes" Chase apologized. "She's also Steins daughter"
"Word of advice" Jason warned "She loves her father and she's not crazy and mentally unstable."

"JASON!" she ran up to him "I got you rocky road!" she smiled brightly.
He's cute. She smiled largely " do you guys mind if I smoke its a habit sorry" she got up and left the table. 
She loved to smoke and she loved people, but hey you win you lose.
Sugi laughed. "THE TIME! Sorry guys I gotta go! Misaki come on!"

"Bye everyone!" Misaki walked to Sugi, had started beating the crap out of him. She then dragged him away, and winked at everyone.

Sugi was pissed. "HEY!!!"
She ran to the edge of death city when everyone left and Chase and Jason ran off.

"I'm never going to be accepted" she curled into a ball. "Never ever," she threw the cigarette on the ground. The madness was swelling. She wanted to die.
"I wonder why Allison left?" I walked along the sidewalk.

"I don't know" Shadow walked next to me "I thought she wanted to be alone, that's all"

"You're probably right" I sighed "I sometimes worry about her, she seems a little different than last time I saw her a few years ago."
She trashed her room when she got home. "I cant do this!" She wanted to cry. "I can't!" she ran to the city edges and cried hoping nobody say her, the madness usually struck close to night fall. "Medusa I swear im going to kill you!"

"really now?" Medusa's voice slithered into her head. "Am I that bad of a mother to you and crona? Darling girl I gave you a gift." She had entered her mind again.

"go away.. " she said bordely "You were fun to mess with at first but now your nothing" She sighed, thinking to Sugi. She was developing what others called a "crush" she thought of it as just another person who'd come to hate her.
She did a handstand on the railing. "ya know Medusa your the reason I came here"

"Awwe you thought of me. That's cute." She paused "stop talking and do what i asked of you!" She demanded.

"Ehhh maybe later," She smiled knowing she upset her mother. "meaning never!" she smiled walking on her hands.
she fell asleep peacefully until school came. her alarm was Chase and Jason shouting, that everyone else was at school.

"Go away!" she threw a pillow at them, but got up anyway. "I hate school" 
She bolted up in her pajama's, School. F***. She got dressed and headed out the door. 
School was the thing she didn't like at all, It had always been a struggle for her.

I'm back! Medusa said in her mind.

"Tragic Magic, Falling in Reverse" She sighed, knowing what Medusa meant by I'm back. She raised her hand. "Professor?"

"Yes Allison?" Her father replied not looking up from his dissection work.

"May I go to the nurse? I don't feel well." She responded.

Awww are you going to see me? Medusa cooed. How thoughtful.

(@Sugiura Yoshitoki )
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