Soul Eater: Red Death's Story [Inactive]

Maka looks over at Red

" Come by aswell Red, id like to get to know you better" said Maka

She picks Soul off the floor carrying him out of the room and down the long hall
"oh ok?" she pulled a pack of smokes from her pocket took one and lit it. "maka right?" she looked at the girl."do you have anything against smoking?" it was a habit, but she didn't do it if others didn't like it.
Maka looked at her about to leave the room

" No I don't, Stein train me for a bit, and he smoked all the time so I'm use to it. Some how you remind me of Stein"
"well that would probably be because im his daughter" She shifted nervously on her feet "yeah well what time is dinner?"
Maka Looked at her a little surprised

" Wow I didn't know Stein had a daughter. And supper is at 5 so be there by then, you too Red"

Maka then left the room still carrying Soul to go find Blackstar and Tsubaki
Nervous was not the word to describe how she felt right now. She had never had a real friend besides Red, she didn't like people because the made fun of her for being to skinny and clumsy.

"I should call papa and let him know what's going on" she dialed his number.

"Heyo Alli, how was the tour?" he asked politely.

"It went well, but Maka asked me and others over for dinner, I'm going to go, Do not touch Paoo ok?"

"you got it" he hung up
Kidd came out of Lord Death's office " I'm sorry, but we'll have to leave Maka and Soul out here, he wants to talk to Red and Allison alone. His rules not mine"
she walked past Kidd, into the Death Room. "H-Hello Lord Death" she said quite nervous. 
To be nervous wasn't Alli's thing. She figeted, looking everywhere else but at Lord Death.
Red smiled " Hi dad, how are you doing?"

Lord Death waved " Nice to see you again, Red. I'm guessing that this young lady is Allison." He looked at her.

I nodded " Yep, Shadow and I saw her at the mall not too long ago."
Lord Death was happy " I know you may be a little nervous, but don't be, I'm not that scary once you get to know me."
"Right" Lord Death said " I almost forgot. It's about Red, I don't want anyone telling the school about her coming back, yet. When She's ready to tell, she'll tell whoever she wants to tell. Till then, we say she's new here."

I nodded, "If everyone finds out, then I'll be in for a heck of a war against them."
Sugi saw the awkward looking sun and the awkward looking school. "Ah, geez. Man, this is going to be mad crazy. Aint it Misaki?"

"Of course it is." Misaki sighed and rolled her eyes.
She smiled at Red "Heyo I ain't telling anyone!" she smiled. "well Lord Death I gotta Jet if ya don't mind I have to be somewhere in 30 minutes." She had an appointment with Chase and Jason they were taking her to get ice cream.
"Bye, Allison" lord death waved "We'll see you tomorrow"

" We gotta jet too" I waved "Shadow and I have some errands to run"
OOC- I like your pic for Chase and Jason... Bel and Syl...

Sugi ran toward the entrance. "HELLO!! I AM SUGI YOSHITOKI! AND THIS IS MY- Huh? Misaki?!"

Misaki huffed and puffed to catch up. "H-H-Hi! Im this idiot's meister! Nice to meet!" Misaki smirked at Sugi.
Lord Death was surprised " Welcome to the DWMA, Surgi and Misaki, I'm Lord Death and this is my son, Death the Kidd."
She ran off to the entrance, to see two more kids.

"Caio!" she smiled using her native language to say hello. "I'm Allison and I swear to God if you're like BlackStar i will not regret hitting you~ <3" she smiled turning her charm on.
"hi, bye" I was right behind Allison. " I'll meet you two later"

Shadow and I took off before we could officially meet the other new students
She looked at the boy, "Your names Surgi?" she giggled, "Nice name. Well I have things to do! Arrivederci!" (Goodbye) she ran off.
"Blackstar? Whos that?" Sugi watched Allison leave. He stared after her.

Misaki slapped Sugi. "Stop mooning. Its embaressing. You make me look stupid everywhere I go!"

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