Soul Eater - Next Generation

Even though he was shaking his head Leo was smiling at how excited Ahri seemed to be. "You do know that I am male right? And that you may wake with a white tiger or a little cub?"
Ahri gave a confused face. "What's it matter if your a guy?" She asked tilting her head then straightening back out and showing her excitement again. "It would be kinda cool waking up to that," She then tilted her head sharply. "but if you ruin the symmetry of my home I will break your bones." She giggled after saying her symmetry speech.

(oh globbit... it's so awkward for me to be mean-ish; what ever. )
(Ha it's fine you did great)

'She reminds me of Kid when it comes to symmetry.' "Well as long you're fine with it then I don't have any complaints. If it makes you feel any better my stripes are perfectly symmetrical."
Ahri's eyes grew wide, as well as her smile. "Really?!" She yelled then jumped and hugged him. "This is why we were brought together!" She yelled again.

(that literately took me like an hour to do. My friend was standing over my shoulder nit picking it and so i drew it twice; once on printer paper and once on graph paper. xD ) 
(i have to go to bed </3 nightt)
(my dad woke up, he doesn't like it when I stay up -.- it was 3:48 am D: )

She let go and smiled wide and bright. "Good, cause you are stuck with me too." She looked around the empty hall. "Where are we supposed to go next? 'Cause we are in school, right?"
Hikaru stepped onto the porch and sighed, he didn't want to go into the house when Kalious was mad at him. He turned around to see the view of the DWMA and slowly went back to the door and grabbed the doorknob with fear.With a steady pace he turned the simple piece of metal which felt cold to his hands, he opened the door to see the empty main room before his eyes. He sighed with relief and walked in, not trying to make a noise.
Leo blushed and looked away, "Well I was on my way to class and I ended getting lost. Even though I've walked through this entire school a million times I still have my moments. So what is your next class? It's possible that we might have the same one."
(-.- kay well then we will go to the only class that i remember. also if you cant tell Ahri is supposed to be like.. short... like 5'1")

"I have Stien next." She said giving a sluggish smile. "What about you?" She looked up to him with hopeful eyes.
Death The Kid was late for shcool he was annoyed by the toilet paper again why couldn't people just fold the tips into triangles, is it really all that hard?

he entered professor Steins class and sighed they were probably just dissecting something again
Leo looked down at Ahri and tried to smile, "You're in luck, I do have that madman's class next even though I know that its not going to be pleasant."
Ahri reached up and patted Leo's head while nodding. "Yeah, lets go then!" She tugged him down the hall way and burst into Stien's class room. Her smile beamed as she looked at all of the students, then she found Kid. She instantly frowned and stormed up to him, leaving Leo in the door way. She frowned as she came closer to him, then ruffled his hair. "What is wrong with you?!" she semi-yelled. "Just dye it or something!"
"Ahri! you scared me and you know I tried sooo many times! its like a curse it always comes back to haunt me once again" Kid then went into feedle position and began muttering to himself something about symmetry

and that's when Liz came in "just what did you say to him?"
Ahri kept frowning and looked up to the girl. "His hair, we need to cut it off maybe?" She said then went around the desk and sat next to Kid. She looked to the door way and smiled at Leo, patting the seat next to her.
"My hair is uncuttable! I was desperate enough to cut myself bald once and I broke the scissors!" Kid was now crying on the floor

Liz was annoyed "come on kid get over it already your a reaper!"
Ahri thought about what happened with the kishen and let heranger go. " atleast you were symmetrical once. " she then looked to the crying Kid. "Being unsymmetrical is your super power." She beamed a smiled down at him.
Leo plopped into the seat next to Ahri and watched Kid cry again while he remembered when they first met. He laughed and realized that he hadn't changed at all. His tail wagged slightly when he saw his favorite twins, "Yo, hey Liz. Hey Patty."
"Perhaps Ahri but that will never happen again... I know it may seem strange to you but I will never be truly beautiful if I'm not symmetrical..."

Kid jumped up "Liz!, Patty! your right I am a reaper!, next time I have a reaction I want you to snap me out of it any means neccesary!"

"that's the kid we know" Liz stared at her meister smiling *after all these years he's still the same freak as when I met him,* Liz thought to herself

"Oh!hey there Leo!" Patty waved and smiled wide her eyes closed

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