Soul Eater - Next Generation

''your...a very strange male...and yet'' He smiles widley and lifts the blade before he swings it side to side over and over. He spins the blade around his finger as he slices the blades in half as he finished cutting the blades he appeared behind his opponent. ''fear the sting, soul resonance: hornet nest shot!'' with one touch of a lightning fast hand he numbed the boys arm to become dead before retracting and does it again making both his arms completely dead. ''heh...its a shame...I might show mercy...but helm is hungry!!'' He puts the blade into the boys hand before he could react.
I draw the wrist blades back in as I suddenly hear a screech. "Crap! That was way to loud!" I begin running toward the screech and find a man standing at the base of the school. I want to help the person that's attacking him but my wavelengths as matching ...... I don't even know this guys name yet. "OK back to human form." 
"Hey leave him alone!" I speed toward the two people and jump up sending my foot into the strange mans face sending him flying. I land on the ground. "Hey are you okay?" I ask the other person with the dangling arms.
hm'' he was kicked in the face, before just standing and laughing. ''so rude....'' he clasped the new boys ankle before lifting him up and down smacking him to the ground. ''didn't anyone teach you to respect your elder!!'' He leaned back and punches the boys stomach hard, creating a small crater below his back. ''do you think you can beat me''.
Hikaru's skins stayed hard black and he spoke up," I don't feel pain in this state." He opened his eyes widely and he started to lift his arms up and check to see if he can use his fingers. He then laughed. " Lets try this again. SOUL RESONANCE: DEATH BLADES" He created more blades. Strangely his heat melted the metal and they morphed into his hands. The blade part still sticking out he starts dashing towards the old creepy man and started to punch one after the other.
As I descend the stairs I noticed a group of people fighting. I run down the stairs as quickly as I could and then I stop, "What the hell am I thinking? I'm a weapon, I'm useless without a meister". I shake my head of these thoughts and finish running down the stairs anyways. I was not going to stand by and let someone run the chance of losing their partner to scum like this.

I held my board tight in my hands as I ran up to the guy and hit him across the face with it. It was the only thing I could think of to do at that moment.
the old male just took the blade but each one just bent easily. ''I should probably tell you, I had been training my body attack and cutting it so much, that the only blade that can harm well this one crimson helm my self'' the words he said made no sense, the way he said about the blade, it was almost like the blade was him. I was punched by the random girl suddenly but as this happened I just simply laughed abit, as I rearranged my neck back in place, '' ahh thanks for sorting the neck out''
Blood flies out my mouth as I wrap my feet around his arm and twist it cracking the elbow I then twist harder as he begins falling over I shout out the weapons name. "Hey YOU yeah YOU weapon form now." He sighs and shouts back. "The names Alex you idiot." he changes into the dual wrist blades and his face falls slam onto it. I then pull kick him upward. "Finish him Hikaru!"
" ON IT" He jumped into the air. " SOUL DELETION" Hikaru screamed.

" NO NO! WE CAN"T DO THIS YET!" Kaliou screamed and without consent Hikaru followed though. All hisskin went normal and drained into the weapons. The blades all shot out and went like heat detecting missilestowards Alex. Hikaru started falling instantly from weakness. Kalious was able to transform back and catch him as he hit the ground

((last post for the night))
what! let go you idiot!!!'' He glares trying to get out, pulling as hard as I could. He struggles more and more. ''CRIMSON! HELP!'' the blade shook slowly as it flew straight towards my chest trying to stab me and the male who held me. 
(im on phone slow replies)
I stood up and took a deep breath. "Well that shot was completely useless. Way to go Lil", I berated myself. I picked my board back up and looked to the pair with the small boy. I sighed and walked over to them, "Is he going to be alright?", I asked the older boy.
I cant hold him much longer. Out of nowhere I see Alex jump toward the blades grab them and drive them into the old man. "Nice one!" I yell as I see a wide grin spread across Alex's face. "I'm good like that." He says as we both chuckle.
ahhh hehehe" the man just gave a slight cackle. "i told you" as the blades begin to crack i look at the both smiling. "i can only be cut by my own blade fools!" he begins to catch the crimson blade. "we did have fun though but you three arnt worth my now...ill end this....soul resonence: oni decapitation" the blade begun to go even redder as it dripped a strand red drop.
"What is he doing? Alex lets go!" I yelled not wanting to lose my first weapon. "Fine." He said as he followed behind me I knew that I didn't want to figure out. I let the man go and jump backwards as I landed on a candle poking out of the school as I back flipped through the skull's eye that was on the school. I flipped through the eye as I landed in a hallway.
(ill reply one more then must go)

the old man was about to bring the blade down but stops. "hm..your right helm ILL BE BACK FOR YOU" he crouches slowly and leaped off like an over enthusiastic grasshopper before landing 100 miles away as he walked awaay smiling.
(Awww T^T I missed so much lovely fighting!!~ Q^Q)

Shizuo and Haruhi look at each other as they watch the brutal fight end. "Damn... we should have been in that.." Haruhi slaps his arm. "Dude! We wouldn't be able to handle a guy that powerful!" Shizuo rolls his eyes. " "Haruhi... I've sure we could've taken to old guy.." He laughed.

(sorry... its so short.. >.<)
Alex and I hurry back outside and find that the old man is gone. I rub the back of my head and notice a student and another person talk about what they just saw. "C'mon Alex." I walk behind the two boys. "Hiya." I say as I pop a toothpick into my mouth. "Did you enjoy the show?" Alex ask
I grabbed up my board and sat on the bottom step. " Ugh Lil, that was majorly horrible. I don't think I could have been more useless if I tried". I sighed and hung my head, it really was a horrible display of skill. I ran my fingers through my pink hair and looked up at the hot sky. "I'm sorry Luicuis , looks like I botched that one up badly huh?". I don't know why I still talk to him, I guess I think that if I feel like I'm talking to him, then he isn't really gone. I sighed again and closed my eyes.

His smiling face flashed in my mind and I had to let out a chuckle and smile myself. God I missed him so much.
Haruhi nods happily. "Yea... that was awesome.." She smiled and held Shizuo's arm. "Yea.. I guess it was pretty cool.." Shizuo smiles. "It would've been better if me and Haruhi was in it." He mumbles to Haruhi and she giggled. "Yea.." Shizuo then sighs. "Let's go outside and train... and let go of my arm." He said to Haruhi. A small pout found its way onto Haruhi's face. "Fine..." She lets go of her miester's arm and they went outside.

Haruhi!! Weapon form!" Haruhi transformed into a large black and white sword. Shizuo grabs her and smiles. "Let's have some fun Haruhi..~" He said with a cheerful grin plastered on his face.
" Alex we should go to and start practicing out soul wavelengths." I say with some excitement in my voice. "Might as well, class is over so lets go!" We both head to a open area of the school where we have enough room just in case something explodes. "OK I guess you should go into weapon mode first." I say ready to match my wave length with his. He on cue flashes black and appears on my both my wrist with blades popping from out the bandages. " OK Soul Residence Alex." " I'm on it now." He says as both of us begin screaming. Our wavelengths finally match then I fly backwards as Alex flies off me and turns back into human form. Both of us crash on our backs.
"We finally made it baby I'm so Happy!"

"Ash i'm going to need you to calm down"

"But it's going to be so much fun Chris; we can make new friends"

"yes but always remember keep your friends close and your enemies closer'

Two teenage boys approach the academy one was younger than they other and was pink haired and the other was blonde the blonde was considerably attractive in a sexual way and the other was rather cute .The two share a passionate kiss and walk into the academy enroll and decide to walk around when they hear the clanking of a sword

"Chris look somebody's training we should train too!"

"Sounds like a plan Ash elt's give them something to work for; Weapon Mode now!"

Ash turns into his weapon form and Chris draws the bow and shoots an arrow at the meister with the black and white sword
I shake a little bit as I stand up and stretch recovering from the blast. "Alex you okay!" I ask. "Yea!" he answers back then lets out a cough. "What the heck happened?" he asked rubbing dust off him. " Our wavelengths must've been out of sync. Maybe we should try to match wavelengths when were both human." I suggest not wanting to get blasted back. "No we train in combat and try not to learn Soul Residence so quickly." I agree with him as he turns into weapon form. I then make the blades flick out of the bandages. Was that a bow or something that shot? I ask myself. Probably just my mind playing tricks on me.
"Shizuo! Let's try Soul Residence." Haruhi said. "Are you sure you're ready for it?" Shizuo asked with concern. "Yea!! If I wasn't I wouldn't be asking to do it!" She giggles. Shizuo nods and smirks a bit. "Soul Residence! Dark Abyss!" As their wavelenghts began to match, they screamed loudly. When their wavelenghts matched, Shizuo gets sent flying and Haruhi turns into her human form. "I thought that would work.." Haruhi said with a pout.
Layla walks into the school looking around and wondering where all the students are. She shrugs and goes to sign up for classes and get a weapon as a partner. She touches her belt with some of her potions and moves her bag closer to her with even more potions and ingredients inside. Layla is dancing around a little bit wondering where to go and is super nervous to find out what kind of weapon she will get.
Layla almost fell to the floor but felt someone holding her up. "Oh thank goodness. If I fall my potions would of probably fallen around me too and THAT would of not been a pretty sight." Layla gets up and brushes herself off. "Hi, nice to meet you. Layla. A new Meister around these areas."
He tilted his head and his little furry ears twitched, "Hm, I'm Leo and its nice to meet you but I'm kinda surprised that you're here. I really don't see a lot of witches in this school." Well, I'm sort of an exception I guess. "So you're a Meister now, shouldn't you be with your partner," he asked.

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