Soul Eater - Next Generation

"...I've never seen them before and I have no idea why we were attacked by a weird old man." Leo was still curious about the man that said that he couldn't be hurt. I'd love to test that theory.
Hikaru didn't want to do anything with the old man. He just continued to walk up the stairs of the DWMA and sobbed. Sure Kaliou was a great weapon, but he would abuse him for doing something bad. 'Should I get a new weapon? . . . But we work so well together in fighting. It also took years to master soul resonance and practicing on soul deletion. But still' These thoughts were racing in his young mind.
I turned as I heard the pair from before climbing up the stairs. I look to the younger boy as I see him having some conflicting thoughts with himself. For someone so young,he had the mind of a person 10 years older then him. I awkwardly walk over to them and say,"Uhm,hey are you okay? I seen that last fight and it looked like you got pretty banged up. Not to say you're not a great pair or nothing,it's just that dude was mega powerful". I felt like an idiot just rambling and rambling. I sighed and awkwardly scratch my upper arm.
" Urm." Hikaru was surprised by the weapon before him. He thought about all the times and adventures he had with Kaliou. They were a GREAT pair together but, out of fighting. Kaliou didn't like him. Hikaru forgot about the weapon next to him and continued to think on. He stopped arburply and closed his eyes and when he opened them he used his miester ability to see this guy's soul. "His wavelength were okay. They could use some work. I guess I could be able to match up with them." Hikaru spoke out loud forgetting what the guys reaction would be.
She gave him a surprised look,"Uhm,I think your weapon leaving without you". She looked down at the ground awkwardly,not really sure what to really say. "I wanted to make sure you were okay. That was a pretty bad fight". I fidgeted with a string on my dress,feeling a bit like a dork. "So uhm,yea....".
"Oh sorry, my mind trails off like that, one word and I go on and on with my thoughts." He scratched the back of his head. He looked back to where is his house is. He already knew that Kaliou would be there by now.
She gave him a small smile,"It's completely fine and understandable. Like I said I wanted to make sure that you two were alright. You might wanna go talk to your weapon,it looks like he could use it". She dropped her board onto the ground and skated off towards her own house.
He rubbed the side of his head where the giant bruise was where Kaliou punched him. He sat down thinking if he really should go back.

(( Lets stop here so people can catch up, also I don't want to go into huge detail in mine right now so they can catch up even faster))
the old man walked along the dusty road giving a bright smile, as he dragged his blade still. ''I really wanna kill something!! right helm'' the sword shook again as it replies. ''yes your right helm....all deserve to die...''. as quickly as it was said he began to run out towards the academy again, pointing blade out ready to kill.
Ahri stumbled down the hall coming from her fathers classroom. He had gotten a bit more mad from what she remembered. She watched the ground as she sped to get to(EDIT) her next location. She didn't want to be in the way and just wanted to get from point A to point B. 
Wait lemme edit it!! Done~
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Leo wondered the halls and he began to feel frustrated because he was lost in a different part of the school. His little furry ears were twitching while he was looking down every hallway for anyone. That's when he smelled someone and focused on the scent until he bumped into someone. He reached to grab them before they fell, "Ow I'm sorry about that."
Ahri gave a surprised look up to him. "Um, I guess it's okay. I didn't fall on my face or anything." She giggled a bit and patted her skirt. "Are you okay?"
"Y-yea I'm fine and I'm sorry again, I should've been watching where I was going." His ears flattened and his tail hung low in guilt but he held out his hand to her. "I'm Leo and you are...?"
She smiled at the sight of his features. "I'm Ahri." She stuck out her hand, not realizing it was the hand with an arrow on it. 
(outfits if you wanted to know .-. but the vest is solid purple)
Leo noticed the arrow and it made him smile when he took her hand. 'Well that explains her soul's scent.' "Well I'm glad that you're okay Ahri and I'm kinda surprised to meet another hybrid."
"Really?" She laughed. "I am, too." She looked up to him with a mad grin. "I'm a meister, would you happen to be a weapon?" She raised an eyebrow with the grin plastered to her face.
"Yep but I think that the ears and tail kinda gave me away at the beginning right? Sadly my weapon half is dominated by my animal half>"
Ahri laughed. "That may be fine with me." She looked from the ground, when she was concentrating, to him with a smirk. "So, is it a deal?"
Leo smirked in response, "I believe that we do have a deal Ahri. I can see that this is going to end up being an interesting partnership."
"Yes!" She said quite exited. "Stien said I couldn't find a partner; but look where I am." She said Mario punching the air. "Say, do you have a place to stay?" She asked still pumped that she got a partner. 
(sorry for the late response I was on the last few episodes of my anime d: )
He scratched the back of his head. "Technically I do but it's a little creepy living Lord Death so I'd be happy to live somewhere else, why do you ask?"

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