Soul eater based RP

Hex walked up beside Coal, "wow, you can defiantly tell they're brothers." He said to Coal. Looking at her then him then her then him again. "Im Hex by the way," he grinned, "and your Shens brother right?"
Cyrus face went from happy straight to a little annoyed, "what did the Idiot do this time" His expression then completely changed back, "Name's Cyrus, and Yes that moron is my brother, twin to be exact."
Hex grinned, "yeah......there's a massive hole in his chest just to warn you." Hex said looking away as if to say, I did nothing. But looking straight back again.
Cyrus looked a little angry, "Ok then let me rephrase this, What did the two of you do?"
"Duel..." Hex relied simply, "he left a massive hole in my side to be fair!" He added to get himself out of trouble. He couldn't afford to already get another student annoyed with him.
Coal gave a little crooked smile staying quiet and letting them talk and such. She then looked at Cyrus noting his now lightly angry facial expression.
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"You have 5 seconds to put me in a better mood." Cyrus got down in a fighting stance, "5"
Hex looked away up and down anything to get away from the boys gaze. He noticed some smoke rise up behind him and immediately knew who it was. He looked at the boy again, "hmmmmmmmmm......." He said," your brothers over there." He pointed towards the smoke in the distance.
Cyrus looked up and saw smoke, Then Immediately started running toward the area, "When i'm done with him your next." he then looked at Coal and smiled. (my character is such a spaz with attitudes )
(Oh yeah)

"Hey wait up!" He said running after Cyrus, he wanted to know what was going on in the distance too. He still had business to clear up with Shen.
Coal looked around at the now appearing smoke and narrowed her eyes with a little smile. "In your dreams Cyrus." she followed behind the two of them keeping a safe distance(Lol that sounds like me at school)
"I can Dream can't i?" he said laughing. He kept running forward trying to find the source of the fire.
"Over there!" Hex tapped Cyrus and pointed to what looked like a bunch of flames. He changed course and went that way.
Hex was almost at the fire, he stopped as not to get too close and put his arm out to stop Cyrus too
"I don't see Shen, does anyone?" Cyrus kept looking getting more annoyed by the second
Hex shook him head and got closer to the fire. "Doesn't look too bad it's safe here but if he's there hes on the other side or actually in flames." Hex said looking at Cyrus.
Cyrus chuckled a bit, "Typical, So coal has anyone told you you make a cute battle-ax?"
Hex looked at Cyrus and laughed at his pathetic pickup lines, "yep because girls get soo turned on by guys saying that." He grinned and looked back at the fire.

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