Soul eater based RP

"See even she's laughing!" Hex pointed to Coal who now had her knuckles in her mouth holding back a laugh. "It was pathetic man."
Cyrus looked back at Coal, "At least i can make you smile and laugh that's a start"

(I cant help it i'm a fast typer)
(Me too xD )

Hex put his head in his hands and shook it, "my god...." He said almost bursting into tears laughing.
(I am slow. but you two type like the friggin flash!)Coal managed to laugh with her knuckle in her mouth "What ever keeps the demons away Cyrus."
Cyrus looked at Hex, "Shut up, Truth be told this is the first time I've ever flirted with a girl i never said i was good at it."
Hex lifted his head up and tried to stop laughing but it was hard, "stop now bro, before I have a fit." He said looking at Cyrus.
looking over at all of you "so how is ever one my new friend is here and my dear sweet brother ohh... is that some one new?" he chuckles to self as he comes from the shadow. "that is so true brother" he chuckles ready to dodge if he attempts to hit me.
Cyrus expression went from Happy to I'm going to stab you in the face, "Explain now."
She looked over at Shen glad the past conversation was dropped. Taking note of their stern attitudes towards Shen she listened intently perfectly fine with not saying a thing until it was necessary.
"it's just fire i was practicing some new tricks. intill you guys interrupted so what you guys want or you both going to argue over who has more skills with lady's agian?."
Hex still wasnt over the fact that there was a big fire wall next to him. "Put it out, it could start a forest fire." He said.
"First off Your dead meat, 2nd Why were you fighting doofus here, 3rd." Cyrus went back into a fighting position, "Spar now."
(Gotta go parents want me in bed. Stupido parentios grrrrrrrrrr Spanish xD by guys) 
Hex crossed his arm, "hey who you callin doofus." He argued, "your not much smarter yourself." He said. "And neither is your brother." 
(Ignore the top one xD )
Why would you practice fire abilities in a forest anyway Coal sighed a little bit calling them idiots under her breath, she wondered what was going on in the Academy.
"i can control water to so i'll take the fires out if it start" he smiles " brother 1st no and it was funny, 2nd spar/bet, 3rd i'm training try to see if i can do something." smiles "also just fight hex if you want to spar i got stuff to do"
"he moron eyes over here." Cyrus ran forward at full speed ramming his elbow in Hex's stomach.

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