Soul eater based RP

Coal smiled softly and thought a little "Well....I originally came from a large family until it was spilt up recently and My aunt has been watching my and my younger brother. Me, my brother, and my aunt being the few weapons in our family we have a better understanding of each other, plus the other side of my family is really judgmental so getting away from them was a relief. And after going awhile without a mister my aunt decided to enroll me in the Academy. "

(Ikr aren't they just greeeeat, Good night :P )
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(And I came back damn my parents)

Hex started to laugh, "you think I'm that easy to beat!" He shouted, his eyes seemed to go a deeper red and he kicked Shen backwards making him land on the floor before yanking his arm out of the tree. "Now watch this closely!" He said. He retracted the scythes again and ran at Shen pushing his head with his hands and using his wavelength to make a massive blow. 
(A lot commenced without me xD read them all skimming xD )
"you think i'm that easy" shots air at you countering your wavelength attack and then set my air in to fire making it a flame thrower effect. he smirks "good luck with the field of fire." (bk and wb)
"That's Pretty cool...well you know past the fact that a part of your family is judgmental....but other then that you still have something...And that's what counts." Cyrus said with a smile.
Coal smiled brightly swinging their hands a little "Yeah, with out my aunt and brother I honestly don't know where I'd be now." She looked back at him "What about you, what's your story?"
Cyrus hesitated for a moment, "Me's nothing special We have never met our parents and we have been kicked out of every school we've been too. It's Just been me and him for as long as I remember." He looked At Coal and smiled, "Wow you have pretty eyes."
Coal looked as he hesitated her smile dissolved she wondered if she shouldn't have asked but still listened to what he had to say. Coal took notice of the topic change but still smiled and blushed a little "I ...uh... thanks."
Cyrus chuckled a bit, "You seem baffled that I said that and your face is turning red are you alright?" He then checked the air for any fire.
Coal shook her head a little her blush fading "Just a little thrown by the subject change is all.." She followed his gaze seeing a misplaced source of light.
Cyrus looked back to Coal then looked to where she was looking, coincidentally he was already looking that way, "What? do you see something?"

(I might have to get off soon)
(Who is that?) 
(Nevermind I founde rand Sent her this:TKolord: Welcome To RPnation My name is T.K. And if you Notice i am currently Wrestling an Alligator)
(Im going to apologize because MeetMeInOz is my sister and while I wasn't in the room sheposted on my account) 
Coal gave a nod "Yeah over there." and pointed "Look like fire to you?" She asked her gaze locked on the light, which could or couldn't be fire.
(i'm still confused whats going on?")

Cyrus looked for a second, "Yep that's Fire which means he is around there also be on the look out for craters an influx of water maybe snow because if he is doing what i think hes doing we need to move fast."
(My sister stole my lap top.....and typed a message on my account to promote her own.... make sense? If it doesn't nevermind)

Coal gave a nod and looked back to the path they were following, None of the other signs, lets move she thought to her self and let go of his hand "Okay lets get moving, and if you don't mind my asking what exactly Is he doing?"
"Fire shield clever!" He shouted ducking to the ground before it could hit him, "but counter this!" Hex got up and his feet just past a shield, he ran into a tree and crouched. Here goes nothing, he thought running on the branch and jumping into the shield of fire. He still didn't bring out the scythes, he had a better idea.

(Sorry for my absence, stupid parents took my laptop and my phone.)
your legs feel covered as something covering them as i draw ever closer burning your back slow than stabs your side where it will hurt but not kill unless i move going all the way through setting the tree ablaze. "you should have keep your scythes out" then you would not have a hole in you currently i think that's game or do i have to kill you to win." he smirks as he hug's you.
"I don't lose!" Hex shouted bringing out the scythes and stabbing Shen too, "looks like we're even, or do we have to kill eachother?"

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