Soul eater based RP

"Then how about we go out side so i can see your full form?" He smiles to himself looking at hex hoping he would say yes. looking over the two blades that have protrude through his friends arm. (srry saw the sibling post first)
(Dw sibling post was good! xD )

Hex smirked and nodded, "yeah, I'll show you the form I use to fight on my own with. Since I don't have a meister I can't go full blade but trust me you'll like this." He started to walk outside the blades disappearing from the sides of his arms. 
(My life! I'm not moving from this bedroom until tomorrow xD )
he follows hex little sad he won't be able to see his newly found friend full form but happy that he will at-lest see a from of him. "so you never had a meister?" wondering if hex has every teamed up with anyone before.
Hex put his hands in his pockets, "once," he said, "but they got killed not long after meeting me." He looked down and then up again grinning. "Out here." He made for a door that led to the forest around Shibusen and opened it going into the forest, "ready?" He asked.
"ya" unsure if he should, he follows hex to the forest "can i ask how they died?...." in hope of knowing he asks the question. then he thinks he shouldn't have asked "never mind let's see that form of yours" he smiles to hex
Hex grinned, "it's really not a big deal how she died," he said, "she got killed while trying to defeat a strayed soul but she was never good at it. I tried my best to save her." His grin was gone and he put his head down but it was soon back up again before anything else could make him sad he got into the defensive posture again. Again the scythes came out of the arms but one came around in a semi circle covering his left side and the front of him. Then two scythes came out of his back, they glinted in the sunlight along with his red eyes.
he looks at his friend and study all the blade and how he did such a thing. he smiles at his friend "would you like to see my stand alone form?" in head he thinks this may cheer his friend up.
Hex smirked, "yeah," he said retracing all the blades and standing with his hands in his pockets. This should be good, and if he wanted to be a future meister for Shen then he needed to know. 
(Ill be gone for awhile AKA around 20 mins then around an hour after that then I'll

be on most of the time xD )
his body turns lighter, sliver lines go all round his body, his right hand turns in to a sharp silver point, a gantlet forms around his left hand with 4 jewels on it one white one red one brown, one blue. "do you like this form" he says smiling at hex.
Cyrus Felt a Shiver fall through his spine Something does not feel right. He decided to still stay with Coal and try and get her to come with him once they finished talking.

(Last post under my control for 4 hours. good luck cid)
Hex smirked at the form, "nice," he grinned, "we should have a duel sometime. That would make it fun."

Hex was a fan of duels and that cleared his mind, though he couldn't quite get out the image of his old meister dieing right before his eyes. 
(Guys could you wait for me to get back in around an hour? I like to be part of all dat stuff xD )
looks at hex " how about we duel right now" he smiles liking duels himself. he starts to bounce in place putting his hands up in defensive stance. "we have allot of time so let's have some fun you and i" thinks and then smirks. "care to wager anything?" 
(i'll wait for you TK will be gone for awhile)
(Yeah I'm back xD )

Hex smirked at the suggestion, "yeah let's do it." He said the blades coming out of his arms, "Well what do you think?" He finished running abit backwards and going into a defensive stance.
"let's make the wager the loser has to do one thing the winner says to do" he smirks knowing what he wants to do with you. "so what do you say to the wager hex?" he smiles circling slowly around hex still bouncing around in place when ever he stops. (srry for the wait was watching movie)
(No problem)

Hex wasn't one to turn down a challenge, "ok, let's do it!" He said getting into another defensive position with his arm up. The scythes became bigger and Hex smirked. He'd planned what he wanted.
he smiles "then let's get it started" he rushes at you get close to the ground to doge or attack you. he pays attention to your blades. he says to self "he's mine" he smirks as he thrust his right hand at you.
Hex saw the attack coming, "I can read you like a book." He said jumping into the air and over Shen and slashing you with the back of his arm that has the scythe on. "I haven't shown you it all." He said turning and getting ready to attack again.
grabs your scythe after it hits me strikes you in your bk then jumps bk "i can read you better" he smirks as he study's you for the next attack. "this is going to be fun" he smiles.
Hex smirked, "you got some good moves hurting me with myself, but can you take this?!" He exclaimed, like before his other scythes came out around his body and on his back. "Let's go!" He shouted and ran at Shen, "if you attempt to get near you'll get cut!" He smirked. 
(If I have to go soon I'm sorry cuz my mums being awkward and so I might now be on for quite awhile when I leave and I mean like hours and many many hours so please everyone cud you not leave me behind just limit posts so I can catch up when I go xD )
"Then i'll just have to damage you more than you do me" he rushes at you holding his arm with his gantlet he then yells "fire!" his hands sets on fire. he smirks as he says "are you fire prof." 
(ok i will)
Hex jumped just before the fire hit, making the illusion he was hit before coming up behind Shen and doing a full turn to cut Shen with the scythe around him. He then made for a tree and crouched in it ready to attack.
he set ablaze your scythe on fire as he falls down when you hit. "lets warm you up" holds the cut as he gets up. he looks for where the flames are coming from as he gets in a defensive stance.

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