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Fandom Soul Eater: Bad Witch Rising (Characters)

Initial idea for the Kiseru pipe is an ability with smoke. Alternatively increasing its size to use like a pole weapon / mallet
Eager to see the rest of the pairings / unless there is a different plan~

Decided to postpone making a second character for now. 
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@Rui Hehe, By all means I don't mind being your Meister's weapon. 

This was what I've gotten so far for the 2nd weapon x.x


View attachment 253875

View attachment 251999





Soul Shape:

View attachment 253876

Aura Color: 

Red / Grey / White



▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ (ஜ۩۞۩ஜ)▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬



Type Of Weapon:



Disintegration Touch (Inanimate Object)

The ability to literally turn any material he comes into contact with into ash. Inanimate objects that he comes into will slowly crumble into ash, regardless of what the original material was. In this sense, Cain can gradually break through walls and other senses by turning whatever it was into a lump of ash. This ability covers the front portion of his weapon form.


Disintegration Touch (Human/Weapon)

The other effect of his main ability, when Cain comes into contact with another weapon or person, instead of turning them into ash, he will leave a large burn mark on their skin, essentially giving them burns ranging from 1st to 3rd degree. The burn will act similar to poison ivy, the afflicted area becoming increasingly unbearable as time goes by.



The ability to generate large clouds of smoke. The smoke varies from being a simple smoke screen to a poisonous gas and even a small scale area detector. 


Size Increase

The ability to increase ins size, taking on the length and weight of a standard one handed Sword. Cain does not become sharper, this is simply his weapon form increasing in size. He is more of a large one handed blunt weapon in this regard

Soul Resonance: 


▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ (ஜ۩۞۩ஜ)▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Reason For Attending School:


Experience In The Field:


▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ (ஜ۩۞۩ஜ)▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Theme song:
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I think I love all the weapon Ideas in this rp, from a shadow ring, to a light bracelet, to a magic book, to a smoke pipe. Everything is just ..  . So creative! XD
*puts glasses on*.....*eyes squint*...


Meisters: 6

I'm thinking of being a small stuff that can extend or make a chain web and the chains can be used as a shield the powers would that of type if demon that can teleport and block energy based attacks and such of course if your caught gaurd then you can't pull a rabbit out of thin air.
I think I'll hold off on that second char for now until the Weapon-meister ratio truly requires it or something.

Ares Stein

"Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it."







Soul Shape


Aura Color

Pale Purple




Type Of Weapon:

Spiked Longwhip


This is Ares's normal weapon form. I'm soul resonance, he looks like this:IMG_7312.JPGIMG_7313.JPG


Ares does not have as many special abilities as his sister. However, he does have the ability of lightning fast speed. He can also make illusions occur, altering the mind of people to make them see, hear, or even smell things that aren't there. He's an honest to god mind master. If it has to do with altering anyone's senses or playing mind games, he can do it. Anything. 

Soul Resonance: 

When Ares is in soul resonance, his whip form grows even more spikes, and turns metal. This metal can either stay like this or eventually turn into a beam of concentrated light, creating a laser of sorts that can cut through almost any substance of object. 

Also in soul resonance, his ability to play mind games with his opponent is transferred into his meister, in a way that they can use his ability to control the one that they are fighting.

While playing his mind games, Ares's eyes turn gold and red 



Ares is the total opposite of his little sister. While Morgenstern is very hot-headed with a fiery temper, he is very calm and collected. 

He is very well well spoken and charming, usually having a special way with people. He is very suave, smooth-talking, and overall a pleasure to be with. 

His voice is usually soft and calm, his inflection reflecting the calmness and patience that resides within him. This patience and calm is almost that of a saint, as Ares is one of the nicest people you will ever meet, unlike his sister. 

He is very intelligent, which is what most likely gives into his ability to control the minds of opponents in battle. He can easily make someone become tongue tied or reveal their true intentions with a simple twist on his words. 

He truly is a pleasure to be around. He prefers not to fight, rather sit and talk out one's problems until a solution is found. He is very diplomatic, which makes him a great leader when paired with his sister, the brawn of the operation. 

However,Ares does have trust issues. A lot of them. It's hard for him to trust you, but when he does, it's a trust given for life 

Additional info:

He has no meister. He is only used to being handled by Morgenstern, as he values his personal space and privacy very much, and has trust issues. 


Reason For Attending School:

He wanted to set a good example for his younger sister, who is only two years his junior. He wanted to prove to her that they could be just as good as anyone else. 

Experience In The Field:

Ares definitely does not have as much experience as his sister, as he is a meisterless weapon. However, he does have quite a bit as he was formerly meistered by his sister, who has already produced three death scythes. 

Additional Info:

Ares and his sister are very close. The two are practically inseparable, as he promised his father, upon his dying breath, that he would watch over her. 

Meister Partner: None yet
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Zenith Howl





Soul Shape:  like a huge tree

Aura Color:

Soft blue/rose gold /bronze



From 1: 

Form 2: 
 but lon

longer handle with grip slots

Form 3: 


Type Of Weapon:

Staff/fail/Chain spikes/Shift

Powers - 

Soul Resonance: 

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Are we gunna start after the update?

ni who wants a staff powers i can work on powers given them a better chance in battle, i have some ideas that might be useful to someone but i also welcome ideas

egeneration or and regrowth with in limits. i'm also thinking something about magic and soul protection and be able to attack through a dimension

Ruby Lotus


(for meisters)

Type of Meister: Fox she knows how to work people and things in life and has wide mix of skills 

Abilities: blend in with or fight with in the shadows acrobatics and use her ki to make her body and mind stronger and can transfer this to others but the longer it's used the more chance of greater damage or side effects like feeling sleepy sick etc Ki strikes or kicks etc so even if she doesn't have weapon she can still fight.

Skills: Pick pocking lock picking making bombs and sweet talking loves Can cook very well can use any weapon but prefers chain weapons very flexible

Additional info: is able to adjust her mood to each situation how ever given she's so used to changing to adapt to people around her however given not showing her true self to most people she doesn't have many friends and takes forever to make friends and feel relaxed 

Despite her looks she can hit like a truck so she has a lot of fun with this against bigger foes, likes to read and learn all kinds of things but has a habit of sleeping on the desk when she's not enjoying the class or she's sincerely sleepy because she suffers from insomnia and has to take pills to take the edge off before she goes to bed. She prefers hands on training but also knows that's not always possible so she adapts to work with the teachers as best as possible

Her soul is massive and looks like like a nine tails youkai normally platinum, light yellow and blood stone  red

personality: Is respectful to teachers as a rule doesn't give a dam about other students unless the teacher gives her reason to, will ask questions if she needs to know something in class or about her partner that will help them in the long run but not one for idle chit chat. People can think what they like of her it takes a lot to get her angry.

 Hates idiots and fools and will let them know they are fools and is prepared to fight if they want to make a move. She's in her fashion and loves cook in her spare time, sometimes will play dumb because it can be used to her advantage. It's hard to read her because she sounds monotone a lot of the time and has a face and mannerisms of a doll. If she likes you as person she has her own subtle ways of helping don't ask a million and one questions you'll just annoy the crap out of her and at some point she'll walk off once she's done what she came to do. You won't know what she has in mind for you more times than not because she finds it's much more fun that way.

Reason For Attending School: She wants to find a partner that can break her from the darkness in her heart

Experience In The Field:Dirty fighter she's used to fighting for her life so she has next to no fear for her life this is a double edged sword

Additional Info: because she looks like a doll you have to be very perceptive and doesn't have a problem with waiting for things works very hard to the point she know things that are useless to some people.

always makes a small meal before a fight because she never knows how long she'll have to wait can live out in the woods because of her ninja training.

Won't just take any partner because she needs to know they can hold their on wait in a critical situation so figures she'll be along for a while.

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Tazmuir V Klivoc



"Everything and everyone has a story. You, me, that tree in the middle of that park no one likes; question is- do you know how it'll end?"

A Gift

#Soul Shape -{Stable}-

Colors:Sapphire, Magenta, Forest Green

Role: Just Your Plain Old Student


Classification: Meister

Eyes: Polychromatic; Light Blue/Azure/ Violet

Skin Tone: Light brown/ Light Tan



Garrulous, arrogant, slightly prone to a temper, and loud- "Taz" as he prefers to be called- is not your average trope. In fact, far from it, Taz may be the pridefully based person you may ever have the unfortunate fate of meeting should fate spit where you walk. Regardless, he likes to think he's not all that bad. In spite of his own hubris, Taz is and will take advice from those known for being good at it. And will never ignore a lesson after being royally schooled.


In spite of his loud, in your face sort of nature- Taz gives off the appearance of a person who could care for nothing more than proving himself worthy of all his own praise. Because that is exactly what he aims to do, much like his own inspiration; Blackstar. Taz, however while being loud, stubborn and looking as though he always has a death wish when charging in battle, is not as much a fool as he gives off. In fact the only thing he is better at then bragging, is fighting.


And while he'd rather die than ever admit it, Taz would never abandon another person he considers an ally in the heat of battle or otherwise. Because in whole truth, deep deep down- a part of him is ghastly horrified at the concept of utter and complete abandonment. Even if he himself, is unaware.


Type of Badass/Meister

Combat adept, light on his feet and not at all the type of fighter that is skilled in precision, strategy or actually thinking things through- Taz will jump into a battle gung-ho, with only the basics of what he needs to know about his opponent at best. None at all, at worst.


Even then, he'll still find some way -if possible- to shut you up about his immaturity, once he's turned the tables and won. Where he will continue to brag about his grandeur for the next year. Unlike the conventional approach of knowing your enemy, Taz takes the opposite approach of knowing as little of par none, to where he proves a danger not to just a mission but to his whole team. But somehow has never once been removed from a single mission because he never quits but more precisely he always yields favorable results. Although to him he believes it is because "Quitting" is simply not and never will be a part of his vocabulary, till he's been struck with amnesia. And even then he sorely doubts it.


In the face of battle Taz is a redoubtable opponent. Not one to be doubted or trifled with lightly given his demeanor or behavior, because the moment he sees an opening he will not hesitate to use it. Because "fighting", is Taz's most valued skill and most greatest asset to the few teams he's been forced to join on scouting missions gone wrong or espionage missions gone bad. Taz will not quit, till he's proven to you he can do it. Team or not. And he has the muscle to show for it, with insane reflexes and even more insane actions for an adult of 5'6.



  • Enhanced Senses: Sight, Smell, and Hearing, these are the three most developed senses Taz has been cultivated into using by his own mentor, and an acting father figure. Taz was trained, cultivate strictly for a decade, to strengthen his senses but only ever managed strengthening 3. These three senses put him on a unique enough level, that in the past he was often used in scouting missions more so than fights.
  • Enhanced Durability: You've seen that kid take a baseball to the crotch, now watch Taz foolishly take on one heavily loaded cargo truck- lose, then come out of it with only one or two sprained limbs. While rare, when Taz takes damage, he doesn't 'really' take damage (at least in his mind.) Able to take on the force of two trucks, and the weight of a ton, Taz believes he could survive a nuclear bomb and come out with only one or two gashes.
  • Enhanced Strength: Able to lift approximately, 190lbs and bench 224 lbs. Despite his fit tone, there is a lot more muscle hidden underneath those clothes.
  • Innate Reflex: Immediate instinctive reaction to anything his mind might see as a possible threat, Taz will evade without even being entirely conscious of why he is evading. Be it auditory, visual, or otherwise, if Taz subconsciously picks up a threat, his body will immediate prepare for proactive evasion.
  • Mood Reader: Taz is actually quite good at reading moods, even if he seems like the type not to.
  • Enduring Stamina: Is able to go on for extended periods of time without much rest.
  • Flirting: He is actually very bad at this
  • Flexibility and Nimbleness: Practicing martial arts for years tends to aid you in your flexibility. Not to mention he's got a quick reaction time.
  • Martial Arts: Tai-chi , Krav Ma Ga, Taikwondo, Jujitsu, Kung Fu, and Brazallian Caprico, are all forms of martial arts that Taz is adequate and skilled in combining to form his own style but is not a master in as it takes years to become one. One his mentor deems he is certainly not ready to take on the role of.


Soul Rush: A wave of soul energy is released upon impact. A move that took Taz to create on his own in the given time of 4 months. It is a soul wave based move that utilizes speed and force by striking any part of the body and sending one's energy focusing on the point of connection before exploding in a rush of energy, causing a brief moment of pain before paralysis takes place for a span of 12 seconds. 

Tear Jerker: A soul wave based attack that utilizes soul energy being released outwardly, and temporarily distorts and upsets one's perception of what they are seeing. It lasts for 8 seconds upon activity and can cause slight headaches.

Lights Out/Suimin: Utilizing the use of Jujitsu and Tai-Chi, Taz uses one's momentum and his own in close quarters combat to send a bit of his soul energy into a strong hit from the neck, to the torso region. A strong strike harder enough to complete render one incapacitated, or knock one out, but this action requires focus and in turn could tire him out if he uses it more than twice.



Soul Resonance







  1. While Taz believes he is just as invincible as his mentor, the truth is he is still human and therefore is not. He can still be killed, so mortality is one. How or whether if it'll be possible to catch him before he does you in first is your biggest guess as it is mine.
  2. Taz is brusque; abrupt and can be harsh tongued when it counts. Do not expect him to make you feel better in a situation where he may see fault.
  3. Unlike Blackstar, Taz is actually decent in studies. But he tends to slack off when opportunity presents itself, and in turn will try to get others to join him if he wants a sparring partner.
  4. Taz, is very bad at hiding his emotions in terms of mannerism. He may act like he doesn't care, but in manner it says otherwise.
  5. Terrible sense of humor.
  6. Nature of never quitting often leads to putting other people in harm's way and will ultimately, force people away from him so he does not have to abandon them the way he was abandoned as a child.
  7. A horrible fear of failure which ultimately results in abandonment due to incompetency. No one knows why this is, except the zenith of the DWMA faculty.
  8. Will often push himself to a point of exhaustion and will even border going on without sleep till he has seen a mission is accomplished or he has fulfilled his own goal. (Something his mentor has tried to break, but still seems to not entirely reach through).
  9.  Restraint may be used if anyone were to badmouth his mentor or the infamous Blackstar.



 Taz's mentor is a former student of the infamous Blackstar himself, years after the Kishin's fall. It is of common knowledge to know this around DWMA because Taz is constantly shouting this out whenever he feels his ego rising after surpassing expectations or meeting them. As the student to the student of a 'god' you have to let other people know where they stand.


Reason For Attending DWMA

"Because Blackstar came here. Why else?" Both this, and the fact that his mentor heavily encouraged him to do so.



Has trained a decade plus under his mentor's tutelage. Almost two years under DWMA, and a full year at one point on his own.



It is advised you do not badmouth Taz when he is around or seems to be "out of earshot". He will challenge you to a duel by the end of the day in the most dramatic fashion he can imagine and someone will have their underwear hanging up next to the DWMA flag by next morning.
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Tazmuir V Klivoc



"Everything and everyone has a story. You, me, that tree in the middle of that park no one likes; question is- do you know how it'll end?"

A Gift

#Soul Shape -{Stable}-

Colors:Sapphire, Magenta, Forest Green

Role: Just Your Plain Old Student


Classification: Meister

Eyes: Polychromatic; Light Blue/Azure/ Violet

Skin Tone: Light brown/ Light Tan



Garrulous, arrogant, slightly prone to a temper, and loud- "Taz" as he prefers to be called- is not your average trope. In fact, far from it, Taz may be the pridefully based person you may ever have the unfortunate fate of meeting should fate spit where you walk. Regardless, he likes to think he's not all that bad. In spite of his own hubris, Taz is and will take advice from those known for being good at it. And will never ignore a lesson after being royally schooled.


In spite of his loud, in your face sort of nature- Taz gives off the appearance of a person who could care for nothing more than proving himself worthy of all his own praise. Because that is exactly what he aims to do, much like his own inspiration; Blackstar. Taz, however while being loud, stubborn and looking as though he always has a death wish when charging in battle, is not as much a fool as he gives off. In fact the only thing he is better at then bragging, is fighting.


And while he'd rather die than ever admit it, Taz would never abandon another person he considers an ally in the heat of battle or otherwise. Because in whole truth, deep deep down- a part of him is ghastly horrified at the concept of utter and complete abandonment. Even if he himself, is unaware.


Type of Badass/Meister

Combat adept, light on his feet and not at all the type of fighter that is skilled in precision, strategy or actually thinking things through- Taz will jump into a battle gung-ho, with only the basics of what he needs to know about his opponent at best. None at all, at worst.


Even then, he'll still find some way -if possible- to shut you up about his immaturity, once he's turned the tables and won. Where he will continue to brag about his grandeur for the next year. Unlike the conventional approach of knowing your enemy, Taz takes the opposite approach of knowing as little of par none, to where he proves a danger not to just a mission but to his whole team. But somehow has never once been removed from a single mission because he never quits but more precisely he always yields favorable results. Although to him he believes it is because "Quitting" is simply not and never will be a part of his vocabulary, till he's been struck with amnesia. And even then he sorely doubts it.


In the face of battle Taz is a redoubtable opponent. Not one to be doubted or trifled with lightly given his demeanor or behavior, because the moment he sees an opening he will not hesitate to use it. Because "fighting", is Taz's most valued skill and most greatest asset to the few teams he's been forced to join on scouting missions gone wrong or espionage missions gone bad. Taz will not quit, till he's proven to you he can do it. Team or not. And he has the muscle to show for it, with insane reflexes and even more insane actions for an adult of 5'6.



  • Enhanced Senses: Sight, Smell, and Hearing, these are the three most developed senses Taz has been cultivated into using by his own mentor, and an acting father figure. Taz was trained, cultivate strictly for a decade, to strengthen his senses but only ever managed strengthening 3. These three senses put him on a unique enough level, that in the past he was often used in scouting missions more so than fights.
  • Enhanced Durability: You've seen that kid take a baseball to the crotch, now watch Taz foolishly take on one heavily loaded cargo truck- lose, then come out of it with only one or two sprained limbs. While rare, when Taz takes damage, he doesn't 'really' take damage (at least in his mind.) Able to take on the force of two trucks, and the weight of a ton, Taz believes he could survive a nuclear bomb and come out with only one or two gashes.
  • Enhanced Strength: Able to lift approximately, 190lbs and bench 224 lbs. Despite his fit tone, there is a lot more muscle hidden underneath those clothes.
  • Innate Reflex: Immediate instinctive reaction to anything his mind might see as a possible threat, Taz will evade without even being entirely conscious of why he is evading. Be it auditory, visual, or otherwise, if Taz subconsciously picks up a threat, his body will immediate prepare for proactive evasion.
  • Mood Reader: Taz is actually quite good at reading moods, even if he seems like the type not to.
  • Enduring Stamina: Is able to go on for extended periods of time without much rest.
  • Flirting: He is actually very bad at this
  • Flexibility and Nimbleness: Practicing martial arts for years tends to aid you in your flexibility. Not to mention he's got a quick reaction time.
  • Martial Arts: Tai-chi , Krav Ma Ga, Taikwondo, Jujitsu, Kung Fu, and Brazallian Caprico, are all forms of martial arts that Taz is adequate and skilled in combining to form his own style but is not a master in as it takes years to become one. One his mentor deems he is certainly not ready to take on the role of.


Soul Rush: A wave of soul energy is released upon impact. A move that took Taz to create on his own in the given time of 4 months. It is a soul wave based move that utilizes speed and force by striking any part of the body and sending one's energy focusing on the point of connection before exploding in a rush of energy, causing a brief moment of pain before paralysis takes place for a span of 12 seconds. 

Tear Jerker: A soul wave based attack that utilizes soul energy being released outwardly, and temporarily distorts and upsets one's perception of what they are seeing. It lasts for 8 seconds upon activity and can cause slight headaches.

Lights Out/Suimin: Utilizing the use of Jujitsu and Tai-Chi, Taz uses one's momentum and his own in close quarters combat to send a bit of his soul energy into a strong hit from the neck, to the torso region. A strong strike harder enough to complete render one incapacitated, or knock one out, but this action requires focus and in turn could tire him out if he uses it more than twice.



Soul Resonance







  1. While Taz believes he is just as invincible as his mentor, the truth is he is still human and therefore is not. He can still be killed, so mortality is one. How or whether if it'll be possible to catch him before he does you in first is your biggest guess as it is mine.
  2. Taz is brusque; abrupt and can be harsh tongued when it counts. Do not expect him to make you feel better in a situation where he may see fault.
  3. Unlike Blackstar, Taz is actually decent in studies. But he tends to slack off when opportunity presents itself, and in turn will try to get others to join him if he wants a sparring partner.
  4. Taz, is very bad at hiding his emotions in terms of mannerism. He may act like he doesn't care, but in manner it says otherwise.
  5. Terrible sense of humor.
  6. Nature of never quitting often leads to putting other people in harm's way and will ultimately, force people away from him so he does not have to abandon them the way he was abandoned as a child.
  7. A horrible fear of failure which ultimately results in abandonment due to incompetency. No one knows why this is, except the zenith of the DWMA faculty.
  8. Will often push himself to a point of exhaustion and will even border going on without sleep till he has seen a mission is accomplished or he has fulfilled his own goal. (Something his mentor has tried to break, but still seems to not entirely reach through).
  9.  Restraint may be used if anyone were to badmouth his mentor or the infamous Blackstar.



 Taz's mentor is a former student of the infamous Blackstar himself, years after the Kishin's fall. It is of common knowledge to know this around DWMA because Taz is constantly shouting this out whenever he feels his ego rising after surpassing expectations or meeting them. As the student to the student of a 'god' you have to let other people know where they stand.


Reason For Attending DWMA

"Because Blackstar came here. Why else?" Both this, and the fact that his mentor heavily encouraged him to do so.



Has trained a decade plus under his mentor's tutelage. Almost two years under DWMA, and a full year at one point on his own.



It is advised you do not badmouth Taz when he is around or seems to be "out of earshot". He will challenge you to a duel by the end of the day in the most dramatic fashion he can imagine and someone will have their underwear hanging up next to the DWMA flag by next morning.

WOuld you mind being darkstars miestar? (pg 1)

Tazmuir V Klivoc


"Everything and everyone has a story. You, me, that tree in the middle of that park no one likes; question is- do you know how it'll end?"

A Gift

#Soul Shape -{Stable}-

Colors:Sapphire, Magenta, Forest Green

Role: Just Your Plain Old Student


Classification: Meister

Eyes: Polychromatic; Light Blue/Azure/ Violet

Skin Tone: Light brown/ Light Tan



Garrulous, arrogant, slightly prone to a temper, and loud- "Taz" as he prefers to be called- is not your average trope. In fact, far from it, Taz may be the pridefully based person you may ever have the unfortunate fate of meeting should fate spit where you walk. Regardless, he likes to think he's not all that bad. In spite of his own hubris, Taz is and will take advice from those known for being good at it. And will never ignore a lesson after being royally schooled.


In spite of his loud, in your face sort of nature- Taz gives off the appearance of a person who could care for nothing more than proving himself worthy of all his own praise. Because that is exactly what he aims to do, much like his own inspiration; Blackstar. Taz, however while being loud, stubborn and looking as though he always has a death wish when charging in battle, is not as much a fool as he gives off. In fact the only thing he is better at then bragging, is fighting.


And while he'd rather die than ever admit it, Taz would never abandon another person he considers an ally in the heat of battle or otherwise. Because in whole truth, deep deep down- a part of him is ghastly horrified at the concept of utter and complete abandonment. Even if he himself, is unaware.


Type of Badass/Meister

Combat adept, light on his feet and not at all the type of fighter that is skilled in precision, strategy or actually thinking things through- Taz will jump into a battle gung-ho, with only the basics of what he needs to know about his opponent at best. None at all, at worst.


Even then, he'll still find some way -if possible- to shut you up about his immaturity, once he's turned the tables and won. Where he will continue to brag about his grandeur for the next year. Unlike the conventional approach of knowing your enemy, Taz takes the opposite approach of knowing as little of par none, to where he proves a danger not to just a mission but to his whole team. But somehow has never once been removed from a single mission because he never quits but more precisely he always yields favorable results. Although to him he believes it is because "Quitting" is simply not and never will be a part of his vocabulary, till he's been struck with amnesia. And even then he sorely doubts it.


In the face of battle Taz is a redoubtable opponent. Not one to be doubted or trifled with lightly given his demeanor or behavior, because the moment he sees an opening he will not hesitate to use it. Because "fighting", is Taz's most valued skill and most greatest asset to the few teams he's been forced to join on scouting missions gone wrong or espionage missions gone bad. Taz will not quit, till he's proven to you he can do it. Team or not. And he has the muscle to show for it, with insane reflexes and even more insane actions for an adult of 5'6.



  • Enhanced Senses: Sight, Smell, and Hearing, these are the three most developed senses Taz has been cultivated into using by his own mentor, and an acting father figure. Taz was trained, cultivate strictly for a decade, to strengthen his senses but only ever managed strengthening 3. These three senses put him on a unique enough level, that in the past he was often used in scouting missions more so than fights.
  • Enhanced Durability: You've seen that kid take a baseball to the crotch, now watch Taz foolishly take on one heavily loaded cargo truck- lose, then come out of it with only one or two sprained limbs. While rare, when Taz takes damage, he doesn't 'really' take damage (at least in his mind.) Able to take on the force of two trucks, and the weight of a ton, Taz believes he could survive a nuclear bomb and come out with only one or two gashes.
  • Enhanced Strength: Able to lift approximately, 190lbs and bench 224 lbs. Despite his fit tone, there is a lot more muscle hidden underneath those clothes.
  • Innate Reflex: Immediate instinctive reaction to anything his mind might see as a possible threat, Taz will evade without even being entirely conscious of why he is evading. Be it auditory, visual, or otherwise, if Taz subconsciously picks up a threat, his body will immediate prepare for proactive evasion.
  • Mood Reader: Taz is actually quite good at reading moods, even if he seems like the type not to.
  • Enduring Stamina: Is able to go on for extended periods of time without much rest.
  • Flirting: He is actually very bad at this
  • Flexibility and Nimbleness: Practicing martial arts for years tends to aid you in your flexibility. Not to mention he's got a quick reaction time.
  • Martial Arts: Tai-chi , Krav Ma Ga, Taikwondo, Jujitsu, Kung Fu, and Brazallian Caprico, are all forms of martial arts that Taz is adequate and skilled in combining to form his own style but is not a master in as it takes years to become one. One his mentor deems he is certainly not ready to take on the role of.


Soul Rush: A wave of soul energy is released upon impact. A move that took Taz to create on his own in the given time of 4 months. It is a soul wave based move that utilizes speed and force by striking any part of the body and sending one's energy focusing on the point of connection before exploding in a rush of energy, causing a brief moment of pain before paralysis takes place for a span of 12 seconds. 

Tear Jerker: A soul wave based attack that utilizes soul energy being released outwardly, and temporarily distorts and upsets one's perception of what they are seeing. It lasts for 8 seconds upon activity and can cause slight headaches.

Lights Out/Suimin: Utilizing the use of Jujitsu and Tai-Chi, Taz uses one's momentum and his own in close quarters combat to send a bit of his soul energy into a strong hit from the neck, to the torso region. A strong strike harder enough to complete render one incapacitated, or knock one out, but this action requires focus and in turn could tire him out if he uses it more than twice.



Soul Resonance







  1. While Taz believes he is just as invincible as his mentor, the truth is he is still human and therefore is not. He can still be killed, so mortality is one. How or whether if it'll be possible to catch him before he does you in first is your biggest guess as it is mine.
  2. Taz is brusque; abrupt and can be harsh tongued when it counts. Do not expect him to make you feel better in a situation where he may see fault.
  3. Unlike Blackstar, Taz is actually decent in studies. But he tends to slack off when opportunity presents itself, and in turn will try to get others to join him if he wants a sparring partner.
  4. Taz, is very bad at hiding his emotions in terms of mannerism. He may act like he doesn't care, but in manner it says otherwise.
  5. Terrible sense of humor.
  6. Nature of never quitting often leads to putting other people in harm's way and will ultimately, force people away from him so he does not have to abandon them the way he was abandoned as a child.
  7. A horrible fear of failure which ultimately results in abandonment due to incompetency. No one knows why this is, except the zenith of the DWMA faculty.
  8. Will often push himself to a point of exhaustion and will even border going on without sleep till he has seen a mission is accomplished or he has fulfilled his own goal. (Something his mentor has tried to break, but still seems to not entirely reach through).
  9.  Restraint may be used if anyone were to badmouth his mentor or the infamous Blackstar.



 Taz's mentor is a former student of the infamous Blackstar himself, years after the Kishin's fall. It is of common knowledge to know this around DWMA because Taz is constantly shouting this out whenever he feels his ego rising after surpassing expectations or meeting them. As the student to the student of a 'god' you have to let other people know where they stand.


Reason For Attending DWMA

"Because Blackstar came here. Why else?" Both this, and the fact that his mentor heavily encouraged him to do so.



Has trained a decade plus under his mentor's tutelage. Almost two years under DWMA, and a full year at one point on his own.



It is advised you do not badmouth Taz when he is around or seems to be "out of earshot". He will challenge you to a duel by the end of the day in the most dramatic fashion he can imagine and someone will have their underwear hanging up next to the DWMA flag by next morning.

You have no idea how much I started laughing at the idea of another Black*Star. I applaud you. Endless likes, friend. Endless likes. 

Tazmuir V Klivoc


"Everything and everyone has a story. You, me, that tree in the middle of that park no one likes; question is- do you know how it'll end?"

A Gift

#Soul Shape -{Stable}-

Colors:Sapphire, Magenta, Forest Green

Role: Just Your Plain Old Student


Classification: Meister

Eyes: Polychromatic; Light Blue/Azure/ Violet

Skin Tone: Light brown/ Light Tan



Garrulous, arrogant, slightly prone to a temper, and loud- "Taz" as he prefers to be called- is not your average trope. In fact, far from it, Taz may be the pridefully based person you may ever have the unfortunate fate of meeting should fate spit where you walk. Regardless, he likes to think he's not all that bad. In spite of his own hubris, Taz is and will take advice from those known for being good at it. And will never ignore a lesson after being royally schooled.


In spite of his loud, in your face sort of nature- Taz gives off the appearance of a person who could care for nothing more than proving himself worthy of all his own praise. Because that is exactly what he aims to do, much like his own inspiration; Blackstar. Taz, however while being loud, stubborn and looking as though he always has a death wish when charging in battle, is not as much a fool as he gives off. In fact the only thing he is better at then bragging, is fighting.


And while he'd rather die than ever admit it, Taz would never abandon another person he considers an ally in the heat of battle or otherwise. Because in whole truth, deep deep down- a part of him is ghastly horrified at the concept of utter and complete abandonment. Even if he himself, is unaware.


Type of Badass/Meister

Combat adept, light on his feet and not at all the type of fighter that is skilled in precision, strategy or actually thinking things through- Taz will jump into a battle gung-ho, with only the basics of what he needs to know about his opponent at best. None at all, at worst.


Even then, he'll still find some way -if possible- to shut you up about his immaturity, once he's turned the tables and won. Where he will continue to brag about his grandeur for the next year. Unlike the conventional approach of knowing your enemy, Taz takes the opposite approach of knowing as little of par none, to where he proves a danger not to just a mission but to his whole team. But somehow has never once been removed from a single mission because he never quits but more precisely he always yields favorable results. Although to him he believes it is because "Quitting" is simply not and never will be a part of his vocabulary, till he's been struck with amnesia. And even then he sorely doubts it.


In the face of battle Taz is a redoubtable opponent. Not one to be doubted or trifled with lightly given his demeanor or behavior, because the moment he sees an opening he will not hesitate to use it. Because "fighting", is Taz's most valued skill and most greatest asset to the few teams he's been forced to join on scouting missions gone wrong or espionage missions gone bad. Taz will not quit, till he's proven to you he can do it. Team or not. And he has the muscle to show for it, with insane reflexes and even more insane actions for an adult of 5'6.



  • Enhanced Senses: Sight, Smell, and Hearing, these are the three most developed senses Taz has been cultivated into using by his own mentor, and an acting father figure. Taz was trained, cultivate strictly for a decade, to strengthen his senses but only ever managed strengthening 3. These three senses put him on a unique enough level, that in the past he was often used in scouting missions more so than fights.
  • Enhanced Durability: You've seen that kid take a baseball to the crotch, now watch Taz foolishly take on one heavily loaded cargo truck- lose, then come out of it with only one or two sprained limbs. While rare, when Taz takes damage, he doesn't 'really' take damage (at least in his mind.) Able to take on the force of two trucks, and the weight of a ton, Taz believes he could survive a nuclear bomb and come out with only one or two gashes.
  • Enhanced Strength: Able to lift approximately, 190lbs and bench 224 lbs. Despite his fit tone, there is a lot more muscle hidden underneath those clothes.
  • Innate Reflex: Immediate instinctive reaction to anything his mind might see as a possible threat, Taz will evade without even being entirely conscious of why he is evading. Be it auditory, visual, or otherwise, if Taz subconsciously picks up a threat, his body will immediate prepare for proactive evasion.
  • Mood Reader: Taz is actually quite good at reading moods, even if he seems like the type not to.
  • Enduring Stamina: Is able to go on for extended periods of time without much rest.
  • Flirting: He is actually very bad at this
  • Flexibility and Nimbleness: Practicing martial arts for years tends to aid you in your flexibility. Not to mention he's got a quick reaction time.
  • Martial Arts: Tai-chi , Krav Ma Ga, Taikwondo, Jujitsu, Kung Fu, and Brazallian Caprico, are all forms of martial arts that Taz is adequate and skilled in combining to form his own style but is not a master in as it takes years to become one. One his mentor deems he is certainly not ready to take on the role of.


Soul Rush: A wave of soul energy is released upon impact. A move that took Taz to create on his own in the given time of 4 months. It is a soul wave based move that utilizes speed and force by striking any part of the body and sending one's energy focusing on the point of connection before exploding in a rush of energy, causing a brief moment of pain before paralysis takes place for a span of 12 seconds. 

Tear Jerker: A soul wave based attack that utilizes soul energy being released outwardly, and temporarily distorts and upsets one's perception of what they are seeing. It lasts for 8 seconds upon activity and can cause slight headaches.

Lights Out/Suimin: Utilizing the use of Jujitsu and Tai-Chi, Taz uses one's momentum and his own in close quarters combat to send a bit of his soul energy into a strong hit from the neck, to the torso region. A strong strike harder enough to complete render one incapacitated, or knock one out, but this action requires focus and in turn could tire him out if he uses it more than twice.



Soul Resonance







  1. While Taz believes he is just as invincible as his mentor, the truth is he is still human and therefore is not. He can still be killed, so mortality is one. How or whether if it'll be possible to catch him before he does you in first is your biggest guess as it is mine.
  2. Taz is brusque; abrupt and can be harsh tongued when it counts. Do not expect him to make you feel better in a situation where he may see fault.
  3. Unlike Blackstar, Taz is actually decent in studies. But he tends to slack off when opportunity presents itself, and in turn will try to get others to join him if he wants a sparring partner.
  4. Taz, is very bad at hiding his emotions in terms of mannerism. He may act like he doesn't care, but in manner it says otherwise.
  5. Terrible sense of humor.
  6. Nature of never quitting often leads to putting other people in harm's way and will ultimately, force people away from him so he does not have to abandon them the way he was abandoned as a child.
  7. A horrible fear of failure which ultimately results in abandonment due to incompetency. No one knows why this is, except the zenith of the DWMA faculty.
  8. Will often push himself to a point of exhaustion and will even border going on without sleep till he has seen a mission is accomplished or he has fulfilled his own goal. (Something his mentor has tried to break, but still seems to not entirely reach through).
  9.  Restraint may be used if anyone were to badmouth his mentor or the infamous Blackstar.



 Taz's mentor is a former student of the infamous Blackstar himself, years after the Kishin's fall. It is of common knowledge to know this around DWMA because Taz is constantly shouting this out whenever he feels his ego rising after surpassing expectations or meeting them. As the student to the student of a 'god' you have to let other people know where they stand.


Reason For Attending DWMA

"Because Blackstar came here. Why else?" Both this, and the fact that his mentor heavily encouraged him to do so.



Has trained a decade plus under his mentor's tutelage. Almost two years under DWMA, and a full year at one point on his own.



It is advised you do not badmouth Taz when he is around or seems to be "out of earshot". He will challenge you to a duel by the end of the day in the most dramatic fashion he can imagine and someone will have their underwear hanging up next to the DWMA flag by next morning.

Would you possibly be interested in being Ares' meister? If you'd rather DarkStar, then that's chill. Your character will be fun to put up with in any way XD 

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