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Fandom Soul Eater: Bad Witch Rising (Characters)

Can't we like....uhhhhhh.... just do a .....first come first serve kinda thing maybe....possibly....hopefully....improbably....

Damn you for not being a weapon,  I love your character. 

Thanks, I get that a lot. But like, we all go to school together so we still interact.... just not in that personal weapon meister type way...

I could make another charrie  who's a weapon if ya want, they won't  be like Artie though....probably....supposedly....
Thanks, I get that a lot. But like, we all go to school together so we still interact.... just not in that personal weapon meister type way...

I could make another charrie  who's a weapon if ya want, they won't  be like Artie though....probably....supposedly....

I agree. Your char is also a fav of mine XD 

Name: Shouma Parr

*Shouma quietly stares at you as you read his Character Sheet* 






Age: 17

Role: student


*He quietly wonders what has he done with his life so far*...*lips frown*...*meh*


Soul Shape:


Aura Color: Emerald Green, the flame is slightly inconsistent rather than igniting firmly.


*Shouma looks back at you as you look at his soul*...*he casts a "you pervert" sort of look on you*


Species: weapon



Type Of Weapon: Fairy Tale Book





-Fairy Tale Book reacts to the user’s soul and grants a specific boost for a limited amount of time. The boost is related to a fairy tale: in Shouma’s case he obtains Keiserens nye Klæder (The Emperor’s New Clothes) which allows him to become invisible.

There is a side effect in Shouma’s ability: once the time limit is reached, the user suffers a consequence related to the fairy tale as well: in Shouma’s case, when the invisibility runs out, everything he is wearing breaks into threads. This is why he prefers to work without a Meister in scouting missions where he can be on his own.

*Shouma quietly stares at you if you thought you could try to smack someone with his book form*...*casts a "you monster" sort of look on you*...

Soul Resonance:

Shouma doesn't want a Meister, even if this costs him greatly during a mission. This is  probably related to the side effects of his ability (may change his opinion as the story makes progress).

*Shouma quietly reads the  "May change his opinion "  part*...*tries to block it with duct tape*...


Reason For Attending School:  

Wants to find a “happy ending”. 

*Shouma desperately tries to cover his reason for attending school with more duct tape*...*makes a mess*...*gets entangled in duct tape*...

Experience In The Field:

No intensive field experience, mostly low level missions where he performed scouting tasks or training/simulations at the Academy. By now, knowing the weight of employing his skill, he has learned to quietly find a safe spot where to leave his clothes before using Keiserens nye Klæder.

*The judging look intensifies if you thought Shouma would pass his everyday picking up the threads left when he uses his ability* ...*he glares at you* ...*....glaaaaaaaree.......*

Additional Info:

Personality, Likes and Dislikes:

- Quiet, rather than a talker Shouma is the kind of person that expresses himself with his actions. His voice is only heard when he employs the Keiserens nye Klæder since he needs to announce the tale.

- Shouma has issues interacting with others: humans found him to be a freak due to the "ability" to transform into a book,  fellow Weapons also consider him inferior since his transformation isn't in fact a "weapon", Meisters have found his reluctance for a Meister companion offensive.

- The hedgehog dilemma seems to be a current topic in his life at the moment: I want to connect with others, but we hurt each other, therefore I prefer not to connect with others.

- He is a helper at heart, if he sees something he can give a hand with, you may find him quietly trying to help in the task or failing mutely in the process.

- He has a "Meh" sort of personality...the vivid image of his soul.


- Open field activities (even when he sucks at them), you don't need to read anything for open field activities! you just go there and do them! ....right?

- Frogs...newts...salamanders...amphibians...


*Shouma stares at the drawing* ....*shrugs...fashionable enough*


- Anything that reminds him of his current troublesome situation.

*Shouma silently casts a "you have no soul" look on you if you thought he would like to read in his free time* ...*Shouma quietly cringes*...
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@Phayne okay your character is one of my favorites out of this. The ring idea is very unique. If you'd like, I'm interested in asking you if Azael would like to pair with Pandora?

^ ditto @Phayne

we must have a battle to the death between weapons do determine who gets who. 


Thanks :)

I like both your characters as well and I can see Jin (changed his name ;x) working well with them. I honestly don't mind who Jin's partner is. 
Thanks :)

I like both your characters as well and I can see Jin (changed his name ;x) working well with them. I honestly don't mind who Jin's partner is. 

Woot woot. Because Andromeda is a meister who likes strong partners and I feel like they'd work very well together :)  
Hehe. The way I see it, Jin is happy to have someone considering him as their weapon. :3

Anyways, I've finished all the WIP area's and elaborated more on his abilities.Aside from maybe changing the theme song, I believe my form is complete.

Jin's the oldest x.x with the exception of Titania and Darkstar whose ages aren't confirmed >.<.  He is also probably the tallest? 6ft 5 o3o
Hehe. The way I see it, Jin is happy to have someone considering him as their weapon. :3

Anyways, I've finished all the WIP area's and elaborated more on his abilities.Aside from maybe changing the theme song, I believe my form is complete.

Jin's the oldest x.x with the exception of Titania and Darkstar whose ages aren't confirmed >.<.  He is also probably the tallest? 6ft 5 o3o

Well andromeda is 6'3", so she's close. And their personalities clash so that would be pretty interesting. Calm jin politely telling her to calm the hell down before she turns into Professor Stein 2.0
Are we allowed to make more than one character? I have a weapon sibling for Andromeda I'd like to use if I can 


I can see Jin being manipulated XD


Oh, he'd still get angry/crazy depending on the situation. He is just more collected and reserved about most things. In terms of Background, he probably would have been bullied  and ridiculed for being perceived as a useless weapon, so if anything he is withholding his own emotions as well as trying not to make it harder to find a meister by being a jerk. 

I had another weapon idea. Basically the transformation would be into a Water Pistol.. Yes.. A water pistol. The water would be fired with enough pressure essentially turning it into a bullet. It would have 'holy' properties as well or acidic properties. :3
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Hi guys! :3

Nice to meet you all, I saw the Soul Eater thread and immediately caught my attention *enjoyed Soul Eater and the NOT*

I was reading your character sheets, they are all amazing. 

Luckily if my CS gets accepted I will meet you all during the story as  I interpret  Shouma , even when he is a bit of an odd ball x3.


*Shouma stares at the comments quietly* ...*wiggles back into bed* ... *snooooze*... 
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