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Realistic or Modern Snowed In (Rooms Still Available)

Gus nodded and gave Fricka a reassuring smile," That's alright, I'm sure someone here knows what's going on." Gus slightly cocks his head to the left, his smile turns to a curious gaze." Anxiety disorder?"
Fricka looks slightly suprised at Gus, and shakes her head

"N-No.. not at alll... just... i'm kinda shy, when it comes to meeting anyone" She said, slightly blushing.
"My deepest apologies, it's a bad habit of mine." Gus tightened his grip on his bag, feeling the snow turn to freezing water through his uniform. "Frecka, if you don't mind, could you show me where my room might be?" He pulled a key card from his pocket with the number 212 boldly printed on it.
"Oh, s-sure" Fricka nodded, as she turned around, and started heading towards the elevator, humming.
Dahlia didn't flinch at all. Once, however, she lowered the book from her face to watch the people around her and her surroundings. She saw a long-haired brunette boy sitting away from everyone else, just as she was doing. Dahlia emitted a small sigh as she decided to do something she'd most likely hate: converse with the boy. It couldn't hurt to know everyone's names, she simply assumed, almost wincing at the thought. Hopefully, the guy would feel the same way as she did about the thought of a simple but partially cliché conversation about small talks like names, backgrounds, and garbage like that. Standing up, she walked over to him. He was alone, but didn't seem lonely at all. "Hello." A German accent dominated her voice. She greeted him in a way that exuded near-lifelessness, but she attempted to sound lively like her mother would've forced her to do. She also seemed to hope that he wouldn't think that her sudden appearance was very weird, or at least not mind.

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Dom looked over at the girl who came to talk to him." "Hola?" He responded using the accent he used whenever he wanted to talk in Spanish. He held out his hand with a raised eyebrow while looking at her. He would had smiled at her but knowing about the store, it kinda made his mood go down but it didn't show on his face. "Names Dom." He introduced himself first because he hated being the second person to be introduced. @Splo

Riley felt someone bang into her and a loud smash of glasses afterwards. She jumped slightly as the loud crash scared her. Seconds later, someone was offering her help. It went pretty fast. ''I'm so sorry. Yes, I need help'' Riley told him. She quickly knelt down, looking down at the mess of the glass. ''I'm so so sorry!'' She apologized over and over again. She went to pick up the glass but decided to turn against it, not wanting to hurt herself. Riley stood up straight, glancing over the boy. ''I would love the help. But let me clean this mess'' Riley told him. @JJKab @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Fricka staggers slightly, looking around with a bit of fright in her eyes.

"I can't see anything" She said, slightly frightened.



He looked at both girl with a raised eyebrow before looking at the girl who was frightened. "What?" He looked confused at her. What did she mean she can't see? This was so troublesome. "Let help." He looked at the other girl with a nod, wanting to help out. Out of both brothers between Dom and him, he was the most helpful out of both of them.




"Uhm... without glasses... my view is so blurry i can't actually see" Fricka said, blushing slightly, trying to concentrate on the blurry mess that Vali appeared to her.

Fricka giggles slightly, as she takes the glasses, and puts it back on.

"Thanks... and yeah, i do get mistook for her quite often..." She said, smiling slightly.

Dahlia heard the boy say "hola" and almost immediately ruled him as a foreigner or a descendant of one. It made her feel better that she wasn't the only immigrant in the room. She took his hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you. My name's Dahlia." She heard that the boy's name was Dom, which sounded more like a nickname than an actual name, but she didn't think much of it. The expression on her face remained neutral. "So..." She tried to think of a decent conversation subject, not wanting the conversation to end up being back-and-forth answers to small talks. Not only that, but she also didn't want to look like a loser while talking. There needed to be some type of meaning to it.

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He nodded at her before quickly lookin at her when she mentioned her name. "Dahlia like from pokemon?" That was one game he liked to play and the show was fun, so since he heard her name, that was the first time he heard the nams. "So what's your reason for being stuck here like the rest of us?" He didn't know if that sounded mean but it sounded like it was to him.


"Y'know, just was curious... do you know where to go" Fricka said, smiling.

"And no, i got used to it..." She said, leaning on a wall.

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Dahlia answered, "Yes, I guess?" but it sounded much more like a question answering a question than an answer. She heard of Pokemon, of course, but never got a chance to watch it or play any of the franchise's many games. Upon hearing Dom's second question, Dahlia's face suddenly turned grim. "My mother. She's a narcissistic multi-millionaire, which makes me a stereotypical rich kid. I can tell she really hates me, but she sugarcoats it a lot. She told me that she was putting me in this place so I could meet people and 'bond'. I'm sure that's not the only reason." Dahlia put up air quotes on the word "bond." She felt quite bad after answering the question that she couldn't help but sigh. "So, what happened to you?" She guessed that it wasn't almost the same circumstance that she had since being a rich kid was a slim chance to have.

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"Well since social service took us from our parents, we had to live with our grandparents and now we are being given the chance to visit them but our car broke down." He hadn't seem his parents since age of 6, they finally had the chance to visit them. But along the way the car broke. "My brother chose this place to stay while the car was fixed but then the storn came"



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