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Realistic or Modern Snowed In (Rooms Still Available)

Fricka, while walking out, noticed someone with a look of horror on his face. She approached him, slightly worried

"Hey, you're okay?" She asks, putting her hand on his shoulder.

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Victor Graham

"Oh, hey ma'am, just taking in the view, I expect that snows gonna come down on us, just got this hunch, and ain't this the time snow's gonna jump on us, like a predator does to a prey... Anyway, name's Victor Graham, ahem,
detective Victor Graham, and you are?" Graham replied to the youngster's statement, breaking the trance at the last moment. Honestly, he wasn't expecting such a bad show, or was a he? Nevertheless, he was indeed really shocked at their showmanship.
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"Uhm.. F-Fricka...Fricka Fnich, to be exact... nice to meet you.. Victor" She said, extending her hand, smiling kindly.

Victor Graham

"Oh, nice to meet you, fricka Fnich." Victor said, with a slight pronouncing problem at the end. After all, he wasn't that much of a traveller. He grasped her hand tightly as he shaped his hand, which was, obviously, the usual form of acquaintance and formality.
Fricka smiles slightly, as she looks around

"Uhm... Okay.. i'll head out then... goodbye, sir" She said, as she slowly walked away, headed towards her room.


Garrett walked around the room, mainly just listening to other peoples reactions to the news. He also wanted to see how many people that were guests here were around his age. He remembered reading something that kinda had the same situation that they did, he thought maybe he could get some of the teens and young adults or really anyone to hang out or do something, it was hard for Garrett to admit that he really had no friends so maybe this would be a good idea



Carcie looked around the room, she figured she would maybe explore a little, she started towards the door but stopped it seemed like everyone wanted to leave at the same time, so she just sat back down and waited for more people to leave

While walking to her room, Fricka remembered she left her purse on her chair, as she turned around, and headed there, blushing at her own stupidity.


Jason Sandler 2.0

Jason was walking around the area, introducing himself to the numerous people that were 'lounging' around the area. He was actually thinking about it, wasn't the announcer supposed to announce something, or was it a surprise announcement that was to scare the living shit out of all the other attendants like:

"Meteor cometh! Please get ready for the impending doom... May God give mercy to our assholes!"

The thought of it made Jason shudder. Though it was theoretically impossible for such an incident to happen, it still had its chance. The stakes were high and the time was low!

Well, who even cares about the rapture?

Well, he met this certain young fellow, who was, well, lounging.

"Hello there, bro. How's it going?" He said as he extended a hand towards him, obviously, for a handshake, a sign of formal greeting, no, not a sign, the
way of all formal greetings. Unless you're one of the japs, now that was a whole different league.

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Dahlia entered the ballroom, holding in her hands a small paperback book. It was a copy of If I Stay by Gayle Forman. A neutral expression was spread across her features. Her eyes were glued to the book and she barely moved her eyes to look in any direction. For a moment, she looked to her right to find a vacant table to sit at so she wouldn't have to feel her way around, and how unfortunate it'd be if she did something very wrong while trying to feel her way around the room. She walked carefully towards the table she chose. It was a silent place near a wall, away from most of the occupants who might be extremely extroverted or loud. The blonde then plopped down onto a chair and kept reading, now using both hands to open the book.

Ivan blinked his eyes open, trying to focus on the blurry figure in front of him. Once Ivan mentally shook the worms out of his brain, he noticed that the guy looked about the same age as him, maybe one or two years older.

"Uh, hey, good" he replied, absentmindedly reaching his hand out to shake the other guy's. "Storm is pretty wild, huh?"

"Yeah, storm's escalating to a harsh level, the worst possible scenario could be that the entrance got blocked by the irregular amounts of snow. The best possible scenario is that the storm dies down quickly. Though I think the announcer really has to say something urgent, since he summoned all of us here, it could be about the snow or worse..." Jason said as he trailed off a bit. Yeah, the possibilities were simply just endless. The environment was getting a bit chilly too, he should've gotten a jacket or an overcoat, if he expected such weather. Man, he should've inquired a bit before entering here, now he's potentially stuck here.
"I think the owner was just talking about the storm, I'm pretty sure it's just heavy snowfall. Once it's plowed we should be fine to leave if the roads are safe." Ivan yawned and tucked his legs underneth himself to balance on the chair, criss-cross style. Oh yeah. Ivan had a fleeting thought about his meds lasting him in the snowstorm, but decided that not thinking about his problems was the right choice.

"What's your name? I'm Ivan. I was planning on skiing up here, but I guess that's not the safest idea anymore."
"Name's Jason, Jason Sandler. I'm not much of a thrill seeker, but I also do think that skiing around these parts and in this time ought not to be good. But yeah, I think the snow's gonna get plowed. Not that I'd be leaving, no. I booked for a three days trip." He replied to Ivan's statement. Well, things were getting prrletty shift around here, or at least that's what he thought so.

He sat on a chair close to him, good for a conversation at least.
Gus shook his head in disbelief, how did he manage to fall asleep in his rental car, parked outside the hotel? "Good going bro!" He said with his weak Swedish accent. Still wearing his three day old crumpled uniform, the same one he wore when he hugged his battle buddy goodbye back in Syria. Gus breathed in the frozen air, mentally preparing himself for a dash to the hotel. "Now if I could just see...that would be fantastic." Gus stared out the frosted window until he spotted what he assumed to be the front door. He clicked his tongue, chastising himself once again before pushing the car door open. "Oh, fan!" He gasped, then peering over to see the snow build up rose to the car window. The wind whipped, successfully burning all exposed flesh and chilling him to the bone as he made his escape of the car, then ran like a mad man with his bag slung over his shoulder, to the entrance.
Fricka, while walking near the entrance, noticed someone running to the exit. She nearly immidietely walked towards the door, and opened it.

"C'mon, get in!" She said, looking worriedly at the guy

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"Well, nice to meet you Jason." Ivan leaned back in his chair again, this guy seemed nice enough at least. "Well your three day trip might be a bit longer, depending on when the snow stops coming down." He gestured to the flurries outside. "At least the hotel is warm! Wonder where we can get some grub around here, I'm starving." The thought of some hot breakfast food made Ivan's mouth water. There had to be a buffet or kitchen or something around here.

Jason Sandler

"Me too, dude. What does a guy have to do to get some sustenance around these parts. Though, at least this place has some heaters, or else it'd be like a meat freezer." Jason said, chuckling a bit. He saw a another guy, dressed in uniform, coming inside the hotel. Hopefully, he's not a Deranged PTSD-affected psychotic bimbo. Whatever he's doing in a uniform, it'd better be an act of laziness or a stupid scenario of drunkenness and a visit to the military surplus store.


Garrett continued walking around the room, he had an idea but he really didn't know if it would work, he wanted to hold and activity or something for people to meet others, cause might as well meet people while being stuck here.


left the ballroom, she started walking down the hallway, mainly just to explore. What else was there really to do, besides go back and sit in her room.​

Riley walked down the stairs of the hotel whilst zipping her jacket up. ''Shit'' She muttered as the zip got stuck. She looked around her, wondering where exactly the ballroom was. Everyone just seemed to have been scattered all over the place. She continued walking down the stairs until she reached the floor. ''Where is this stupid ballroom'' She muttered to herself. She began walking around the place, making her away around the crowd as she looked for the room. @Anyone


Bradley wasn't really that fussed about what was happening. Everyone seemed so desperate for answers whenever the answer was clearly there. We weren't getting out, not for a while anyway. Bradley leaned against the ballroom doors, looking around him at the crowd who were gathered. Bradley was getting a bit cold himself actually. 'Did this place even have heating?' He questioned. He pulled his sleeves down, trying cover his hands as he shivered a little. @Anyone
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While walking towards her room, she started clearing her glasses, humming. She was still walking, and not noticing it, she bumped into Riley. She shrieked, dropping her glasses on the floor

"Agh! Sorry, didn't see you there" Fricka exclaimed, having a guilty look on her face.

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He looked at the girl who seemed lose with a raused eyebrow. Was she looking for someone or was she lost? Being the good Samaritan that he was, he walked over to her. "Need any help?" He asked wit a smile.



He sat down on a chair while yawning. He wasn't one to talk to others so he stayed far away from the ot he rs. Sometimes he would be on the mood to talk to others but not right now, he didn't have the mechanics number so he couldn't call them.

Gus forced the door shut behind himself and shivered. He smiled gratefully at the stranger, immediately holding out his hand," Thanks. I'm Sargent Augustus Svennson, but you can call me Gus."

"H-h-hey...I'm F-Fricka" Fricka said, grabbing his hand, shaking it lightly.

"How did you end up there?" She asks, looking behind him at the window.
"I uhh. I fell asleep in my car." Gus chuckled nervously," I'm glad I woke up when I did, the snow pinned the door shut. I mean it's not the first time that's happened to me but it's always terrifying." He took a deep breath before continuing," Enough about me. Is there anything you can tell me about the snow storm Fricka?"
"I.. uhm... I actually came before it... uhm.. happened..." Fricka said, scratching the back of her head.

"Uhhh... I was trying to get to my room... but i saw you..." She added, smiling slightly

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