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Realistic or Modern Snowed In (Rooms Still Available)

Dahlia nodded, unsurprised that his story wasn't even close to her. The fact that he and his brother were both taken away from their parents by social services made her suddenly feel sympathetic for them. However, her sympathy didn't show very much on her face, except when she made a small frown which was the first time she expressed any emotion in the conversation. "Oh, oh wow. I'm sorry all that happened to you," she said in a quieter voice. She didn't say much because she couldn't relate. It was the exact opposite of her story. She didn't know what to say next because she didn't want to even try to ask him about simple things as somewhat dumb as his age or who his brother is, or another small talk subject like that, that may offend him or, much more likely, make him feel uncomfortable. Instead, she just allowed some words to slip out of her mouth, "So who is your brother?" She wondered how stalker-ish her question sounded, or at least to her. She almost snarled at herself.

"Uhm... i guess i'll get going" Fricka said, smiling at Vali

"See you around" She waved at him, as she slowly started to walk towards her room, humming cheerfully

Dahlia nodded again, half-smiling as Dom told her Valentine's nickname. It sounded kinda cute to her. "18," she answered very simply, guessing that since the conversation was becoming longer, it wouldn't hurt to say her age. It felt a bit weird, but it was fine in her opinion. Dahlia saw another boy with long hair that looked almost exactly like Dom and she guessed that the other boy was Valentine. She continued to glance left and right, seeing that a couple of people left which meant they were already becoming disinterested. Most of the people didn't even talk to anyone. How strange.

Dahlia smiled back at him, then made humming sounds in thought. "Well, that snow is pretty bad out there, so I'm just going to guess maybe until tomorrow or the day after, and then there's going to be a lot of remaining snow, ice, and what-not which will probably put the roads in a bad condition for another few days, maybe with a total of a week or two of bad conditions, maybe even worse if it's truly that bad," she replied, the words slipping out of her mouth at a rate so quick it surprised her. The cold was something normal in her hometown of Bavaria, Germany. It snowed so much over there.



Dom nodded at her response. That was an accurate and correct answer, the same he would had made. "Accurste and correct, same thing I was thinking." He had asked because he wasn't completely sure if he was gonna be correct or not. @Splo
Dahlia smiled widely again. "Thank you," she replied rather politely with a small nod. She felt less uneasy about speaking. It was nice for her to crack her introvert shell a bit. She turned her head again, taking a long look at the other long-haired brunette. "Hmm. So is that your brother?" she asked, pointing to Valentine, who looked exactly like Dom.



"Yeah that's my twin." He joked with before bursting out laughing. Many people believed him and Vali to be twins. "That's my younger Brother, born a year after I was." He knew his parents had other kids but he seriously didnt care. "He has been with me since years ago, while my parents had other kids after us." He didn't know how many, but didn't care. @Splo
Fricka slowly enters her room, as she plops down on her bed. She closes her eyes, slowly starting daydreaming


Fricka forgot that she was hungry as all hell, as she opened the door of her room, and went out towards the elevator, humming
JJKab said:
Fricka forgot that she was hungry as all hell, as she opened the door of her room, and went out towards the elevator, humming


Vali went down to the first floor to look for food, walking down the ladders. He wasn't one who liked using the elevator, that was for lazy people.
Fricka notices Vali, as she smiles at him, approaching him

"Hey... are you hungry? I'm actually headed towards the elevator... i think the dining area is upstairs... isn't it?" She asks, not being entirely sure.
JJKab said:
Fricka notices Vali, as she smiles at him, approaching him
"Hey... are you hungry? I'm actually headed towards the elevator... i think the dining area is upstairs... isn't it?" She asks, not being entirely sure.


Vali looked over at the girl from earlier with a raised eyebrow before nodding. "I think, I haven't been here for more than 3 hours after that storm started." He shrugged it off. He could had gotten a brochure but that wasn't him.
Fricka looks slightly curiously at Vali

"I'm actually hungry as all that is good... you wanna come with me? Haven't ate today" She said, scratching the back of her head, blushing.
Dahlia giggled softly but then stopped somewhat abruptly, continuing to nod at his explanations. She wouldn't have blamed anyone who mistook the two for twins. It seemed cool and sounded so awesome to be able to have a sibling. "So... do you ever feel, y'know, lucky to have him as your brother?" she asked since she was an only child who never had any siblings.



Dom laughed quietly when she said that before nodding. "He is the one that keeps me in check just in case." He has always been a troublemaker, so Vali was always there to keep him from getting into more trouble.




Vali nodded at her question. Yes, he was hungry, but really didn't know where the area was. "Sure, lead the way." He gave her space to walk so that he could follow.


As Fricka kept on walking, she looked to her left.

"Oh, there it is" She said, as he walked towards the room with "Cafeteria and Dining" written on it. She sneezed, covering her nose.


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