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Fandom snowed in. a multifandom rp. ooc. closed!

also i will hopefully write later 😭 im have stomach ache rn smh upset stomach
im pretty dead rn too 😔 probably won't write tonight, if yall didn't want to wait you're welcome to skip me for now. ill hopefully write tomorrow instead 😭
Posting again to move my message count up to 667 cause I don’t want 666 messages lol
Finally posted, though it feels really garbo OTL

Also for reference on what I was talking about by Chandelure swaying was this, and Eelektross “glowing” was this
Also fun little fact: I hc that all their Pokémon have railway themed names in some way

Edit to avoid double posting: I feel like I should also mention here bc I forget if I have or not: Both of the twins have something of a flat affect. Emmet speaks in a monotone and Ingo has a very unexpressive face. I only bring it up a lot simply bc I imagine it’s extremely off putting to people who don’t know them well bc a dude whose resting facial expression is a frown and his brother who speaks very robotically and has no concept of personal space? I imagine they’re intimidating.
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Added something I had forgot to add to Yaru's cs. If Pride decides he wants the room Yaru was looking in or not then he can just take it. jump. jump.

Otherwise a Yaru post might be up tonight if I don't fall asleep typing it
pretty depresso this morning and cant bring myself to post yet 😭 i'll try later if i'm not feeling as rough ;w;
Work got canceled today so I might be more active. Maybe. Gotta help with chores rn tho. Yaru post soonish? 🤔
you're waiting on me 😭 😭 im awake rn bc i slept too early smh i can try and do something i suppose 👀

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